Are nandina shrubs poisonous to birds?
All parts of the nandina are poisonous with cyanide. UT Extension Horticulture Specialist Celeste Scott explains that a bird would have to eat many berries to be affected. There are some newer cultivars of nandina that do not produce berries and you can select these if you are worried about birds getting sick from eating the berries. Celeste also gives some other options for native berry plants that are beneficial for wildlife.
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Pruning Nandina
Why are my burning bushes (nandina) losing their leaves?
Related Resources:
Nandina Fact Sheet
Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo (Nandina domestica)
Related Videos:
Pruning Nandina
Why are my burning bushes (nandina) losing their leaves?
Related Resources:
Nandina Fact Sheet
Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo (Nandina domestica)