Q&A - Gold Beetle On My Morning Glory
About 30 years ago, I discovered that my blue-and-white morning glory vines had some gold bugs on them. The bugs ate holes in the leaves, since, you can’t kill those vines, I let them feast away till frost when they disappeared. I showed them to some of my neighbors and described them to friends, but nobody had ever seen one besides me. Do you know what these bugs were? They were shiny, metallic yellow gold bugs, just the same size and shape as a lady bug, and they also had wings and flew.
Golden tortoise beetles feed on only three plants: morning glory, sweet potato, and bindweed. In the home garden they are mostly found on morning glory. As morning glory is such a vigorous plant it is not necessary to control the golden tortoise beetle with insecticides.
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Golden Tortoise Beetle
Golden Tortoise Beetle
About 30 years ago, I discovered that my blue-and-white morning glory vines had some gold bugs on them. The bugs ate holes in the leaves, since, you can’t kill those vines, I let them feast away till frost when they disappeared. I showed them to some of my neighbors and described them to friends, but nobody had ever seen one besides me. Do you know what these bugs were? They were shiny, metallic yellow gold bugs, just the same size and shape as a lady bug, and they also had wings and flew.
Golden tortoise beetles feed on only three plants: morning glory, sweet potato, and bindweed. In the home garden they are mostly found on morning glory. As morning glory is such a vigorous plant it is not necessary to control the golden tortoise beetle with insecticides.
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How do I kill flea beetles on my beans
How do I get rid of Japanese beetles
How do you control cucumber beetles?
Related Resources:
Golden Tortoise Beetle
Golden Tortoise Beetle