How do you get rid of a full-blown infestation of bamboo?
Bamboo is tough. The first thing to do is cut it down to the ground. Then don’t let it regrow, but every time it sends up a shoot, cut it down as soon as you can. If you want to use herbicide, spray the new shoots as they come up, then cut them down a day later. The herbicide will speed up the process, but either way it will take several years to get rid of all of it.
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Three Ways to Wipe on Herbicide
How do I get rid of a quarter acre of bamboo?
Related Resources:
Bamboo Control
Bamboo in Landscape Plantings
Related Videos:
Three Ways to Wipe on Herbicide
How do I get rid of a quarter acre of bamboo?
Related Resources:
Bamboo Control
Bamboo in Landscape Plantings