When and how do you prune blackberries?
Blackberries can seem hard to prune because of the branches’ two-year life cycle. The first year branches are primocanes which don’t usually fruit. The second year the same branches – now called floricanes – will fruit and die while new primocanes will grow from the roots. UT Extension Horticulture Specialist Celeste Scott explains when and how to prune primocanes and floricanes to maximize production.
Related Videos:
Pruning Dead Floricanes from Blackberries
Blackberry Pruning and Fertilizing
Related Resources:
Pruning and Training Caneberries (Blackberries and Raspberries)
Pruning Raspberries, Blackberries, Gooseberries, Currants, and Elderberries
Pruning Raspberries and Blackberries
Related Videos:
Pruning Dead Floricanes from Blackberries
Blackberry Pruning and Fertilizing
Related Resources:
Pruning and Training Caneberries (Blackberries and Raspberries)
Pruning Raspberries, Blackberries, Gooseberries, Currants, and Elderberries
Pruning Raspberries and Blackberries