Q&A – Something has been boring holes in my hydrangea. What is it?
Something has been boring holes in my hydrangea. What is it?
This is a hydrangea cane borer. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says they get into the plant and burrow down toward the base. She says you can’t kill the bug with an insecticide once it is inside, so you need to prune it out. As soon as you see damage cut off a little bit at a time until you get under the damage and then throw the clippings away.
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Something has been boring holes in my hydrangea. What is it?
This is a hydrangea cane borer. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says they get into the plant and burrow down toward the base. She says you can’t kill the bug with an insecticide once it is inside, so you need to prune it out. As soon as you see damage cut off a little bit at a time until you get under the damage and then throw the clippings away.
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Related Resources:
Foliar Diseases of Hydrangeas