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What animal is eating our hostas? How do we keep them safe?
How do I stop woodpeckers from pecking my house?
What is a deer resistant fast-growing shrub for privacy?
How do I keep deer from damaging my trees?
How do I get rid of skinks?
What is the best way to keep squirrels from eating tulip bulbs?
How do I keep squirrels from eating my tomatoes?
What do you recommend for deer protection for your flower garden?
What is the best way to deter snakes in the garden?
What can I do to discourage raccoons from visiting my yard?
Are pet dogs and cats a threat to wildlife?
What can I do to keep a beaver from feasting on my trees?
What can I do to get rid of groundhogs in my yard?
Why don’t we hear frog songs anymore?
How do I keep chipmunks out of my garden bed?
What can you suggest to remedy the intrusion of armadillos?
How can I get garden snakes to leave?
What deterrent can I put around my garden to keep dogs from killing my plants?
Will rat poison kill moles?
How do I stop moles and voles from destroying my yard?
Are these oak tree twigs a sign of problems or just squirrels?
Will woodpecker holes harm my ash tree?
Do you have any advice on keeping squirrels from eating my peaches?
What creature is digging up my petunias and pansies?
What tore up my grass? -Armadillo
I have a “no-mow” area. I have noticed several holes. Do I have voles?
I have lots of earthworms on my driveway. What can I do?
What is the best way to get rid of snails?
How do I attract toads to my toad abodes instead of spiders?
How do I keep the squirrels from stripping the bark off my maple tree?
What kind of spider is this? -A: Black and Yellow Argiope
What can I plant to keep rabbits away from my cabbage?
How do I keep squirrels from eating my tomatoes?
Why do I find perfectly shelled pecans on the ground?
What is eating our potatoes underground?
What is digging holes in my flowerbed?
How do we prevent vole damage and mulch with leaves?
How can we get rid of voles without poisoning?
How do I keep cats out of my container garden?
What kind of snake is this in my garden?
What is this snake like creature? -Horsehair worm
What is making dirt mounds in my yard?
How do you get rid of moles without using traps?
How do I stop an armadillo from tearing up my garden?
Ground squirrels are eating my corn
How do I get rid of grubs and moles in my yard?
How do I keep squirrels from eating my tomatoes?
Squirrels are destroying my flowerbed
How to attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees to a shady yard
Keeping birds out of blueberries
What is the best way to control carpenter bees?
How to Keep the Cat From Peeing In a Flower Bed
How do I protect my strawberries from birds?
Slugs In My Flowerbeds
Does fish emulsion go bad?
I have high N, P, and K in my soil. Should I not fertilize this year?
Do you have a recipe for an organic fertilizer blend from single ingredient fertilizers?
Did I ruin my cabbage and broccoli by overfertilizing?
What is the difference between 8-8-8, 10-10-10, and 13-13-13 fertilizer?
What’s the difference between summer pruning and winter pruning in pears?
If you had to pick one garden fertilizer what would it be?
What is the best fertilizer to use on tomatoes? What are the best tomatoes to plant?
What are some of the best long-term organic fertilizer options?
Do I need to fertilize my container peppers or is the potting soil enough?
Is October too late to apply nitrogen fertilizer to my zoysia lawn?
Do you recommend the use of compost tea? If so, what recipe works best?
Which is better for root growth: Epsom salt or 10-10-10 fertilizer?
Are wood ashes beneficial for gardens?
What should I do to help my yellowing watervine plant?
My dogwoods and cherries aren’t blooming like they use to. What should I do?
Why are my tomatoes not producing any fruit?
What is a good calcium nutrient for blossom end rot on watermelons?
What caused these patches on my lawn?
I put too much fertilizer on my plant. Can I save it?
Should I follow the recommendations of a late soil test now?
What is the best fertilizer for blush nandina?
Should I fertilize my shrubs in the spring?
How can pigweed seeds be eliminated from manure?
Does caffeine from coffee grounds affect my compost pile?
Does cotton seed hull have insecticides on it?
Should I fertilize shrubs in November?
When you feed your lawn do you also feed your weeds?
Can I use fresh grass clippings in my garden?
Can I use manure in my garden?
Using horse manure in the garden
How often do I need to fertilize my vegetables?
Fruit, Nuts, and Berries
How do I get blueberries to grow on my bush? They bloom a lot in the spring.
My grapes have black rot. What should I do?
How do I take care of the spots on my peach leaves?
How much rain does it take to wash off fruit tree spray?
Why do our pecan trees only produce very small pecans?
How much rain does it take to wash off fruit tree spray?
I am trying to start a plum tree from seed. What do I need to do for success?
My muscadines are shriveling up. What is happening?
What is wrong with my blueberry bush? The leaves are turning brown.
How many watermelons should be allowed to grow on each plant?
How should I treat an apple with spots on the leaves and fruit?
How do you root muscadine?
How can I help my miniature Myer lemon? It’s barely surviving.
How do I help my 5-year-old apple tree bloom?
How do I get my honeycrisp apple trees to bear fruit?
How do I get consistent blooms and good fruit from my pear trees?
Can I save two pear trees that have not been pruned in 15 years?
What disease is affecting my apricot tree?
Why do my figs never get large or ripen?
How do I increase the size of my Satsuma oranges?
My peach tree has purple-colored spots on the leaves. Please help me save my peach.
What can I use to get rid of peach leaf curl?
Why is my pear tree not blooming?
Can a muscadine vine be transplanted by breaking off and planting a twig?
What is the proper method of disposing of cherry branches with black knot?
I have sap coming out of my peach trees in a couple of spots. Is this normal?
What do Nanking cherry bushes need to make a plump cherry?
What are these growths on my cherry branches?
Do I need to keep pre-emergents out of a fruit tree root zone?
Why are my orange cape honeysuckle starting to flower yellow instead of orange?
What can we do to get our passionfruit to ripen?
If I need to fertilize my peach tree, what would you recommend?
Are the maintenance, pests and problems the same for sweet and sour cherries?
How do I control apple rust on my apple tree?
Do all peach trees produce edible sap?
Do I need to prune my peach tree again this year?
How do I keep the worms out of my peaches?
How can I keep my cherries from getting shot hole disease?
My pecans have black spots. What can I do to remedy this problem?
What is the easiest fruit to grow in East Tennessee?
How do you prevent sunscald on young fruit trees?
Which is the best peach tree to plant?
Why do my figs get moldy before they ripen?
Should I cut the dead branches off my potted turkey fig in the fall? Should I bring it in?
I have avocado trees that are too tall to bring in for winter. How can I help them survive?
Why do my peaches stay small and hard and never ripen?
I have a honeycrisp apple tree with fire blight. Should I cut it back to the trunk?
My walnut trees are dropping their walnuts. What could be the problem?
I just planted a peach tree and want to keep it healthy. What do I do?
How do I know when quince apples are ready to pick?
What is the best variety of blueberry to grow in West Tennessee? When should I plant?
Why is my passion fruit vine not producing fruits?
What is this tree with fruit? -A: Persimmon
Can I move a blueberry plant?
Why do my blueberry, blackberry, and gaura leaves look burned?
Our blackberries turn white after blooming. Why?
What is the best way to get rid of black rot in my grapes?
There are ants and something else on my lemon tree. How do I get rid of them?
What hardy types of plum trees are there?
Will my apricot tree ever bear fruit?
How do you prune grape vines?
Why do I find perfectly shelled pecans on the ground?
What is causing branches of my pecan tree to fall off?
Why are my fruit trees leafing in the fall?
Can I transplant a blueberry from the ground into a pot?
What are these spots on my grapes?
What are the growths on my plum tree branches?
Is it to late to prune my pear once it is blooming?
Can I eat my blueberries if I treated the soil for ants?
When should I prune my peach tree? Should I use pruning sealer?
My blueberry has a reddish tint on the branches. What is it?
Should I avoid wood chip mulching to reduce fungus on my raspberry/blackberry hybrid?
When is the best time to prune figs?
How do I prune my new raspberry plants?
My plum is blooming in the fall. What should I do?
I have brown rot all over my peach tree. Will Captan save the tree?
How far out from my blueberry bushes is the soil acidic?
I have a blueberry that has rusty looking spots. Is there a cure for this?
How do I get my 4-year-old muscadine to bear fruit?
What should I do in the fall for my broken peach trees?
My peach tree is leaking sap. How do I treat it?
When is the best time to prune a plum tree?
Why are my green figs not getting ripe?
My plum bloomed, but now there are no leaves. Can I save it?
Last year, my nectarine tree had problems. I see it again this year. What is going on?
How do I prevent Japanese fruit flies in my cherry tree?
When will my persimmon tree start fruiting?
Are holly berries poisonous?
Before my peaches ripen, they shrivel up into brown garbage. What is going on?
One branch of my cherry tree has a hole down the middle. What is it?
What are these deformations on the bark of my apple tree?
How can I save my prune tree?
What causes the sap to run out of peach trees?
Will these bananas turn yellow so I can eat them?
My muscadines turned brown, rotted, and fell off. Why?
Can I use spotted fruit in crabapple jelly?
My apple tree bears fruit, but it dries up before it matures. Why?
Can I mix neem oil and Captan fungicide for my peach tree?
Does permethrin work with peachtree borers?
What is this growth on my blackberry bush?
What is this rust spotting on the underside of my blackberry leaves?
My peach has dark limb tips and is losing leaves. What is wrong?
Why are there bumps on my pecan leaves?
Why are flowers falling of my tomatoes?
My pecan tree has never had pecans. What care does it need?
Is there a pear tree that requires minimum maintenance?
Do I just trim off the dead upper limbs of my fig tree?
What should I spray to prevent brown rot on my peaches?
How do you make bare root strawberries survive?
Are withered peach leaves toxic?
When should I prune blueberries and how much?
Can organic apples and peaches be grown in Tennessee?
Are there disease resistant stone fruits?
How did Georgia become the “Peach State” before pesticides?
Can a piece of muscadine vine be put in the ground and grow?
Should I prune fig trees when they are planted?
How do I prune my fig tree to make it produce?
What should you do to get full pecan shells?
Why did my pecans dry up on the inside of the shell?
I just planted a cherry tree. The leaves are curling and have holes. Should I leave it?
What is corn gluten? Is it the same as wheat gluten?
What is the biggest and best tasting strawberry variety?
How do you prune grape vines?
What are these white things on my tomato roots?
What do you need to do to overwinter raspberries?
My blackberries used to be sweet now they are sour. Why
What is this that grew on my cucumber vine?
What is this plant growing in my flower bed?
What kind of blueberries should I plant in the Memphis area?
What should I spray on my peaches and when?
What is this fruit & what is this growth?
What is this bug on my strawberries?
What causes a plum tree to flower but not give fruit?
When can I start cantaloupe and watermelons?
What herbicide do your recommend around fruit trees?
Did the frost kill my peach tree and blooms?
What is causing bumps on my grape leaves?
When is the best time to plant strawberries?
How do we make our pears ripen?
When is the best time to prune fig trees?
How do you know when to pick figs?
Is it too late to treat fire blight in July?
Will I have fire blight again this year?
Fig Trees and cold winters
Do I need to plant two peach trees for maximum production?
Is it okay to prune my brown turkey fig tree?
Will dwarf or full size apple trees bear fruit sooner?
Cedar apple rust
Keeping birds out of blueberries
What is the webbing in my cherry tree?
What are the brown-black tips on my pear tree?
Why is fruit falling off of my mulberry tree before it is ripe?
When to Plant Figs
My Cherry Leaves Have Small Holes In Them
Keeping Blueberries Plants Small Enough
Blackberry Pruning
My Crab Apple Tree Looks Bad
How do I stop white leaf fungus on turnip greens?
What is this stuff? A: Dog Vomit Fungus | Everything You Need to Know
How did I get mushrooms growing in my raised bed garden?
What is making the leaves on my magnolia tree turn grey and die? A: Fungal Leaf Spot
One Fungicide to Treat All Common Rose Fungal Diseases
Do I need to sterilize the ground to get rid of rose rust?
What is this growing on my mulch? Did I get cheap mulch? A: Slime mold
Why do my vegetable plants die? When I pull them up, they have fungus on the roots.
Can I avoid verticillium wilt by growing my strawberries in pots?
Can verticillium wilt spread to other plants?
What is wrong with my grass? It is black.
What is this fungus growing on my mulch?
How do I treat fungus on may crape myrtle?
These brown spots are covering my yard. What is it?
I have fungus growing on the side of my oak tree. What should I do?
Is there a natural remedy to get rid of nostoc on my gravel driveway?
Does copper or peroxide work better as a fungicide?
My new potting soil has a fungus. What should I do?
Why do my red oak tree’s leaves have spots and are falling off?
Overnight this fungus sprung up under my tree. Will it hurt the tree?
What is this on the side of this tree?
What fungicide can I use to prevent phytophthora leaf blight in peonies?
Does this coloring on my oak leaves indicate a disease?
I have brown rot all over my peach tree. Will Captan save the tree?
Will mushrooms growing on my forsythias hurt them?
What is the fuzz on my lilac trees and how do I get rid of it?
Why do I have spots on my banana pepper leaves?
Before my peaches ripen, they shrivel up into brown garbage. What is going on?
How do I get rid of this grey fungus in my lawn?
My muscadines turned brown, rotted, and fell off. Why?
What is the black film on my crape myrtle plants?
What is wrong with my hydrangea?
My apple tree bears fruit, but it dries up before it matures. Why?
Can I mix neem oil and Captan fungicide for my peach tree?
Is it true that Japanese holly does not get boxwood blight?
What are these yellow spots in my lawn?
What is this slime growing on my gravel driveway?
What should I spray to prevent brown rot on my peaches?
What are the black spots on my potato leaves?
Why does my leyland cypress keep dying?
What are these spots on my magnolia leaves?
What causes the spots on my iris leaves?
Is copper oxychloride a safe organic pesticide?
What is the brown spot on our maple leaves?
How do you remove black sooty mold from crape myrtle bark?
Why are my schefflera leaves turning brown and falling off?
What is growing on this tree branch?
Why did my pecans dry up on the inside of the shell?
Is there anything I can do to prevent Crape Myrtle Scale?
What are these white things on my tomato roots?
Can you treat the soil to kill tomato fungus?
Can my little maple trees be saved from moldy leaves?
What is this problem with my miniature crape myrtles?
My peonies have a powdery look with black spots. What do I do?
What is this rust like coating on my beans?
Does cotton seed hull have insecticides on it?
Can I use 2 or 3 fungicides at the same time?
Why are my clematis leaves wilting?
What happened to my honeydew plants?
What are these things that appeared in my flower bed?
My photinia has red spots on the leaves.
What is the black substance on my holly leaves?
How do I get rid of sooty mold?
Does it hurt tomatoes to get fungicide on the flowers?
What is this fungus and will it hurt my tree?
I have purple spots on my Indian Hawthorne leaves
What is this growing in my mulch?
Will fungicide cause sunburn on a tomato plant?
Help! Lichen is killing my tree.
Why are the leaves of my boxwood falling off?
Is it too late to treat fire blight in July?
Why are my tomatoes dying from the ground up?
I have mushrooms in my mulch. Do I need to get rid of it?
What are the brown circles in my bermuda lawn?
What is the best way to control tomato blight?
Will I have fire blight again this year?
Cedar apple rust
Controlling iris rust
Is this a fungus?
What are the brown-black tips on my pear tree?
My Liriope Is Turning Yellow and Dying
My Mulch Looks Like It Has Mold On It
My Leyland Cypress Is Dying
My Crab Apple Tree Looks Bad
Why is my Christmas cactus blooming in the spring?
What is this white stuff? It grows on my houseplants - A: Mealybugs
Am I overwatering my prayer plant?
My orchid lost its bloom and leaves. Did I overwater?
What is the best way to water orchids planted in orchid bark?
How often should I water my small Myer lemon that is growing in a container?
How do I care for these two starter plants?
What foods can I grow inside?
My lilies [orchids] are dying. What can I do to save them?
What decorative plant can I put in a pot in direct sunlight most of the day?
Why are my African violets not blooming?
My bromeliad is turning brown in the center. What do I do?
How Should I prune my schefflera to make it fuller?
Why are the leaves of my rubber tree plant curling?
How do I take care of Boston Ferns especially in the winter?
Should I remove the pups from my bromeliad that has root rot?
My bromeliad got sunburn. What can I do?
When repotting an orchid should I put the air roots in the potting medium?
What should I do to help my yellowing watervine plant?
What herbs can be grown in the window sill?
What is this plant? -China Doll
Why are my schefflera leaves turning brown and falling off?
Why are my chrysanthemums blooming in April?
My peace lilly has brown edges along the leaves
How do you take care of a ficus tree?
Why do my houseplants have brown tips on the leaves?
Identify This Plant
What is this leafless plant? It just came up in my garden.
What is this on my elephant ear leaf? A: Caterpillars
What is this spring-blooming shrub? A:Deutzia
What is this tree with blackberries on it? A: Mulberry
What is this plant and when should I transplant it and feed it?
What is this? We found it in the garden. A - Bird Nest Fungus
What is this plant? A: Rose
What is this plant? - A: Velvetleaf
I notice this odd seedling each spring. What is it? A - Morning Glory
What is this plant? (A: Money Plant or Annual Honesty)
What is this plant that comes up every year? A: Morning Glory
What is this flower? A: Asiatic Dayflower
What is this plant? A: Giant Reed.
What kind of tree is this and what can I do to keep it from dying?
What is this shrub? - A: Osmanthus
What is this plant and how do I get rid of it?
What is this plant? A: Catchweed Bedstraw
What is this weed in our yard? -A: Cutleaf Evening-Primrose
What is this plant and how do I care for it? A – Night-blooming Cereus
What is this weed in my yard?
What is this tree? A: Ash
This plant is growing in my yard. What is it?
What is this pretty weed? A – Mullein
What is this plant? -A: Ragweed
What is this plant? A: Triangle Cactus
What are these flowers?
What is this plant? Is it a wildflower?
What is this vine and how do I get rid of it?
What are these flowers? -A: Grape Hyacinth
What is this plant that comes up every spring? A: Belladonna Lily
What kind of tree is this? -A: Sumac
What is this plant? A: American Beautyberry
What is this shrub that has shiny leaves, large thorns, and fruit that looks like a lime?
What is this weed? A: Mulberry Weed
What is this tree with smooth bark and huge leaves?
What are these plants in the forest? -Mayapple
What kind of shrub is this? -Nandina
What kind of plant is this? -A: Bur-cucumber
What is this plant? -A: Paper Mulberry
What is this flower and how do I encourage it? A - Camphor Weed
What is this plant? - A: spider lilly
What is this plant? –Pink Locust
Is this a fern or a weed?
What is this plant? -Angel Trumpet
What kind of fruit is this? -Snake Gourd
What is this plant and is it a weed or wildflower? -Butterweed
What is this weed? - Annual Fleabane
What is this plant? – Quince
What is this plant? -China Doll
What is this flower? -Gentiana
What is this that grew on my cucumber vine?
What is this plant growing in my flower bed?
What are these plants in my flowerbed?
What kind of weed is this and how do I get rid of it? - Dallisgrass
Is this poison ivy? What is the best way to get rid of it?
What is this fruit & what is this growth?
What is this growth on my magnolia? -Lichen
What is this plant? – Lilly of the Valley
What is this grass growing in my vegetable garden? -Nutsedge
What is this weed? - Chameleon Plant
What is this weed? - Pokeweed
What is this plant? - Allium
What is this plant? - Ajuga
What kind of tree and are the nuts edible? - Hickory
What is this plant? - Garlic
What is this plant? - Italian Arum
What Is This Plant? - Dogfennel
What Is This Plant? - Porcelain Berry
That is this weed? - Prickly Lettuce
What Is This Plant? - Achimenes
That Is This Weed? -Virginia Buttonweed
What Is This Plant? - Unknown
How do I get rid of red ants in a flowerpot without killing the plant?
What is this on my peas? A: Aphids
What is this bug? A: Kudzu Bug
Why is there a maximum number of insecticide applications per year?
What are these yellow worms on my plant?
Do I have to use mixed neem oil immediately, or does it keep?
How do I get rid of aphids on my milkweed?
How can I control leaffooted bugs?
How can I control or eliminate pepper flies and maggots in my garden?
How do I control earwigs in the garden?
How do I keep Japanese beetles away from my roses?
How do I keep snails from devouring my hibiscus?
How do I get rid of these tiny flying insects in my houseplant soil?
Is there a natural way to control aphids on kale?
Can I get rid of ants in my garden, without chemicals? They're at the base of my blueberry
Is there a way to prevent squash bugs by treating the soil?
Does neem oil work the same as dormant oil? They are very different
How do I protect my plants from cicadas?
How do I get rid of cucumber beetles?
How do I get rid of the small flying bugs on my African violet?
These beautiful bugs ate my parsley. How do I prevent this?
What are these bugs on my tomatoes?
My Japanese maple has a heavy infestation of scale. How can I help my tree recover?
My Alberta Spruce has brown patches and webs. What do I do?
Is there a non-pesticide way to get rid of cucumber beetles?
What are the best ways to prevent or eliminate cabbage worms?
What is this bug that is on my Japanese maple trees? We lost a tree that they were on.
There are earwigs everywhere. How do I get rid of them?
I see tiny red bugs on stones around my flowerbeds. What are they?
How can I stop cinch bugs on my lawn?
I have earwigs everywhere. How do I get rid of them?
How can I stop the bugs that bored out the stem of my squash plants?
What are the tiny red bugs on my pavers and stones around my flower beds?
How do I keep mosquitoes from breeding in plant containers?
What are these small seashells in my garden?
What can I do to keep insects from eating my hosta plants?
Is my 10-year-old insecticide still effective?
Can I use Alcohol-soaked Q-tips to clean off mealybugs?
What are the black and yellow caterpillars eating my parsley?
How do I control pillbugs in my garden?
Is borax a safe method for killing ants in a raised bed vegetable garden?
How do I get rid of mole crickets?
Can I use neem oil to eliminate the green worms on my roses?
Is there anything I can do to protect my bonsai trees from the spotted lantern fly?
How do I prevent catalpa worms?
Besides turning the soil is there another way to kill wire worms?
How do I control root knot nematodes in my garden?
I have a huge aphid infestation. What can I do so I can enjoy my flowers again?
How do I get rid of fire ants without affecting the food I am growing?
Will I kill squash bugs and squash vine borers if I till in the winter?
I don’t want to use imidacloprid. What else can I use for pests on my flowering plants?
We are being invaded by this little grey bug. What can we do?
Will bagworms kill my Japanese maple?
How can I get rid of white flies and spider mites, and still safely eat my vegetables?
What is this bug? Is it bad? A:Leaffooted bug
Does milky spore control Japanese beetles?
What can I use to control ticks, ants, and grubs in my lawn?
Are beneficial nematodes effective to control fire ants? I have them in my raspberries.
How do we get rid of hammerhead worms in our yard?
I have hundreds of ladybugs in my house. How do I keep them away?
I have insects on my Ficus, but can’t move it, it is too big. How do I get rid of the insects?
Is there a soil drench I can apply to kill Japanese beetle larvae?
Would it be effective to spray my crape myrtle with dormant oil to kill aphids?
Would a home-made insecticide be effective?
Do flies lay eggs in mud nests?
How do I fight squash bugs without using harsh chemicals?
How do I keep ants from eating my squash flowers?
What is this hanging in my Junipers? Is it a bagworm?
What is this infestation on my red river birch?
Do I treat shrubs for insects and fungus preventatively or when needed?
Do euonymus scales kill the shrub?
How do I get rid of the flies on my panicle hydrangeas?
What are these egg clusters on my porch and ceiling fans?
How to I organically control the black ants in my garden?
Why do I have dead spots on this row of evergreen trees?
What are these tiny white bugs on my plant?
What is in this fallen oak branch?
How do I keep the worms out of my cucumbers?
What are these small black gnats infesting my potted plants?
Is this a good bug or a bad bug?
What can I do to get rid of eastern tent caterpillars?
How can I get rid of yellow jackets in my yard?
How do I control the hibiscus scentless plant bug on my rose of Sharron?
Is this a beneficial bug?
What are these small black and orange worm-like things on my Autumn Blaze maple?
There is a black, green, and yellow striped caterpillar eating my parsley. What is it?
Are these caterpillars dropping seeds into my pool?
What are these bugs on my clematis leaves?
When and how should I treat crape myrtle bark scale?
What do you use to spray Azalea lace bugs?
How do I get my severe webworm infestation under control?
What are these little worms in my home?
What are these bugs all over my garden? A:Kudzu bugs
How do I get rid of a nest of bees in my flower bed?
How can I get rid of aphids without harming monarch caterpillars on my milkweed?
Something is eating my Cannas. What is it?
What are the webs on my trees?
I tilled a new garden. The next day there were lots of ant hills. How can I kill them?
Just how safe is Seven insecticide?
How do you keep ants out of your compost pile?
How do I prevent Japanese fruit flies in my cherry tree?
How do I control small green bugs on my petunias?
I have aphids on my milkweed. Any suggestions?
How do I control broccoli worms without harsh chemicals?
Does imidacloprid hurt bees?
What causes the sap to run out of peach trees?
If I plant flowers by crop-dusted fields am I planting death sentence to insects?
What is this mud nest on my rose?
How do I control aphids on my greens?
How do you control cucumber beetles?
What are these worms on my tomato and where do they come from?
Do squash vine borer traps work, or just attract more borers?
What is this worm on my tomatoes?
Does permethrin work with peachtree borers?
What is this growth on my blackberry bush?
My lawn was attacked by billbugs. What are they?
What is eating my basil and leaving black poop?
I treated my tree with a systemic insecticide. What do I do now?
Why do my rose petals look burned?
What are these wasps in our trees?
Can Neem oil be mixed up and used later?
Why are there bumps on my pecan leaves?
The tips of my rose buds are brown? Do they have thrips?
My trees have hollow centers and are dying, and they have ants. Why?
What can I use to control cabbage loopers?
What’s the best way to kill grubs?
Best way to get rid of fire ants in raised beds?
What is this pupa?
What’s the best way of get rid of fire ants?
What’s the best way to get rid of ladybugs in the home?
Can I spray dormant oil on my shrubs?
Can you spray malathion to control mosquitoes?
What is this insect?
What are these bugs on my peppers?
How can I keep mealy bugs from coming back next year?
How do I get rid of Squash bugs? I don't want to Use Chemicals.
Why is there a white furry spot on my apple branches?
What are these yellow striped caterpillars on my oak tree?
I sprayed aphids with an insecticidal soap/baking soda mix. Now the leaves are black. What happened?
What are these green caterpillars by my peanut plants?
What is eating holes in my green bean leaves?
What is the yellow stuff covering my milkweed?
What is growing on my Crape Myrtle?
What is the safest method to control wasps? I am overrun.
Why do my rose buds have shriveled petals?
Can knockout roses get bagworms?
What can I do to stay ahead of squash bugs this year?
Why do carpenter bees just sit on flowers?
I have bugs on the back of my camellia leaves
What is this snake like creature? -Horsehair worm
Will tomato hornworms infect the soil?
What can I do about the webs in my trees?
How do I get rid of ants around my purpletops?
Can I use BT and Sevin together to kill bugs?
What are the white growths on hornworms?
What is causing bumps on my grape leaves?
How do you get rid of armyworms?
Something has been eating my tomato on the vine
Where do tomato hornworms come from?
How do you get rid of stink bugs in your house?
How do I get rid of Japanese beetles?
How can I get rid of the ants in my flower bed?
Why don't I have any pollinators on my flowers?
How do I get rid of ants in my house?
When should I start treating for bagworms?
Are the wasps on my corn beneficial?
Why do I have big holes in my corn leaves?
How do I kill flea beetles on my beans?
Can I kill squash vine borers with insecticide?
What is eating holes in my rose leaves?
What is this black stuff on my holly leaves?
How To Stop Tomato Horn Worm
What's making little mounds all over my yard?
Gold Beetle On My Morning Glory
How to attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees to a shady yard
Why did my squash die from the ground up?
How do you get rid of squash bugs?
What do I do about the scales on my euonymus?
Was it a cold enough winter to kill fire ants?
Is it to late to use dormant oil?
Why have my azalea leaves lost their green color?
What are these things growing on my arborvitae?
What is the best way to control azalea lace bugs?
What are these eggs on my maple tree?
What is the best way to control carpenter bees?
How can I control corn earworm?
What is the best way to treat fire ants?
What is the webbing in my cherry tree?
What bug is eating holes in the leaves of my roses?
What are those large flying things that look like mosquitoes ?
What Caused My Cucumber to Suddenly Wilt and Die?
I Have Squash Bugs. Can I Harvest My Pumpkins Early?
All About Oak Galls
Fall Webworms On Persimmon Trees
Are ants harmful in a vegetable garden?
What do I use to get rid of grubs in my lawn?
What is the Cicada Cycle?
Webworms On Birch Trees
Scales on Camellia Leaves
How to get rid of Japanese maple scales?
What are these little white bugs on my jalapeno pepper?
When is the best time to change my lawn to zoysia?
When is the best time to plant Kentucky bluegrass?
What are these black patches in my lawn?
Is there a green clover with no flowers?
Will the constant application of pre-emerge on my lawn affect the microbes in the soil?
How do I control patches of Bermuda grass in my tall fescue lawn?
We put sod over fresh wood chips. Now the grass is dying. What can we do to save the grass?
What would be your recommended weed and feed for St. Augustine lawns?
Can I have grass in a shaded yard?
What can I do to get native grasses to thrive here in Chicago, Il?
What’s the window for overseeding my lawn?
What can I use to kill crabgrass and leave torpedo and Bermuda alone?
How late in the year can I fertilize my grass?
How do I get rid of moss in my lawn?
What are your thoughts on sodding with centipede grass in Chattanooga, TN?
What can I use to prevent and kill crabgrass in my backyard?
How can I kill fescue in a Bermuda lawn in the winter?
When should I apply crabgrass preventer to my lawn?
How can I make my Bermuda lawn thicker
Can I use lawn clippings as mulch and compost after I have sprayed?
When is a good time to seed bare areas in my fescue lawn?
How do I get rid of algae in my lawn?
Is there a zoysia grass that will survive in only 4 hours of sun?
What is the best kind of sod to put under a tree and when should I lay it?
I don’t want to mow my lawn. Are there any prairie-type grasses that grow in the Mid-South?
When is the correct time to prune my encore azaleas?
What type of post-emergent herbicide should I use on Bermuda?
How much light does palisade zoysia need and when is the best time to lay sod?
Should I aerate my Bermuda when it is coming out of dormancy?
When should I cut back my pampas grass?
Is October too late to apply nitrogen fertilizer to my zoysia lawn?
What is the best way to control violets in my yard?
What is this pesky weed that is popping up in my yard?
What chemical will control purple violet in Bermuda?
How do I kill chickweed in my fescue lawn?
What is the best herbicide to kill wild violet?
How do I get rid of this grey fungus in my lawn?
Is it too late to aerate my Bermuda Lawn?
Do I need to kill my existing grass before I lay sod?
What will get Bermuda grass out of my lawn?
What caused these patches on my lawn?
How do I kill fescue in my Bermuda lawn?
My lawn was attacked by billbugs. What are they?
What damage does "nut grass" do to Bermuda lawns?
What are these yellow spots in my lawn?
How do I get rid of a hump in my yard?
How do I get rid of garlic and grape hyacinth in my lawn?
When is the best time to scalp Bermuda grass?
When should I use pre-emerge in the spring?
Should I do a separate soil test in different areas of my yard?
Can I sprinkle lime at the base of a plant?
What is this weed in My lawn? -Ground Ivy
Should I remove landscape fabric in the winter?
What pre-emergents should I use on my lawn?
What is this weed in my lawn?
How do you get rid of Johnson grass?
What kind of grass is this and how do I get rid of it?
What is good grass for Texas?
Should I buy hulled or un-hulled Bermuda seeds?
Can I fill holes in my yard with a sand/topsoil mix?
Is it too late to spot spray lawn weeds with Round-up?
Can I make grass grow in shady areas?
Why is moss growing on my lawn?
How do I kill chickweed in my grass?
Should I lime in the fall?
What is making dirt mounds in my yard?
Can I use extra herbicide for insurance?
Can you grow fescue grass in deep shade?
How do you get rid of armyworms?
When you feed your lawn do you also feed your weeds?
How do you get rid of moles without using traps?
Why do I have a lot of saplings growing in my yard?
What kind of bermuda grass do I have?
I would like to find a grass that stays green all year
How do I get rid of grubs and moles in my yard?
What are the brown circles in my bermuda lawn?
Grass That Grows In the Shade
Can I use grass clippings as mulch?
How to control clover in a lawn
How to get rid of and grow moss
Can you plant Kentucky 31 grass seed over Bermuda?
What is the correct way to top seed grass?
Chemical free lawn weed control
How to kill moss on my lawn?
What can I use to kill violets?
When and how often do I aerate my bermuda?
Fescue Or Zoysia In a Low-Sun Area
What do I use to get rid of grubs in my lawn?
How to Control Kyllinga In a Bermuda Lawn
What are these patterns on my lawn?
What is wrong with my hollies? The leaves are turning brown and dying.
What is this on my zinnia leaves?
What is this beautiful flower? A: Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta)
Do I need to trim my hortensia plant before winter?
Why do my hosta leaves get dry and brown in the summer?
Why do my gardenia bushes go dormant and never come back?
What is this plant with pretty orange flowers? A: Firebush
Is there any hope for my fothergilla (witch-alder) plant?
How do I save elephant ear and caladium blubs for next year?
What is causing parts of my spirea to twist and turn silvery?
What is causing these rusty patches on my daylily leaves?
Why do my peony buds die just as they start to bloom?
Are nandina shrubs poisonous to birds?
I cut down my hydrangea’s dead canes. Why did I not get any blooms this year?
Why do my cannas get brown and dry in the summer?
How do I get thicker aloe vera leaves?
Why are my purple iris starting to bloom white?
Do I need to prune my azaleas?
Should Lilacs be deadheaded?
My boxwood looks terrible. How do I care for it?
My oak leaf hydrangea has branches with wilting leaves. What do I do?
If planted in the ground is purslane a perennial?
How do I keep my fern thriving while it is indoors for the winter?
Why are my phlox different colors and heights this year?
What hedge can I use as a barrier in deep shade?
What is this shrub? A: Viburnum
Should I cut back my lantana bush in the winter?
Do some flowers struggle to bloom in rich, fertilized soils?
How do I overwinter a gardenia plant in the house?
I have seen ornamental pears with discolored leaves. What is this and how do you treat it?
Why are the hydrangeas in my town turning from blue to pink?
What small evergreen shrubs or small trees can I plant as foundation plants?
What is the best time of year to transplant a crape myrtle?
My ninebark shrub got too much water. Can I bring it back to life?
Bermuda Grass has taken over our daylily bed what can we spray?
Why have my hydrangeas not bloomed in the last two years?
Why are my burning bushes (nandina) losing their leaves?
My orchid lost its bloom and leaves. Did I overwater?
How and when does one separate and replant iris?
What can I do to get my Persian lilac to bloom?
How can I stop my new boxwood from turning brown?
Why do my boxwood shrubs have dead spots?
What are some drought tolerant perennials for a shaded area on a hillside?
Will my garland lilies survive in Memphis in the ground, or do I need to plant them in a pot?
Can I cut back mountain laurel bushes?
My rose has holes in the leaves and does not produce flowers like it used to. What’s wrong?
I moved my flowers and now they are wilted. What should I do?
What can I do to keep my gladiolas from flopping over?
My hydrangeas have not bloomed in two years. What can I do to help them bloom?
Do you have any suggestions for fragrant honeysuckle?
Why has our rose of Sharron lost two-thirds of its branches over the past two years?
I have a fungus on my Mexican Petunia. What can I do?
How do I keep my Stella D’Oro daylilies thriving and reblooming?
How can I treat black spot on my rose bush?
Why are my irises not blooming as much as usual?
Why does one of my hollies not get berries?
When you say to avoid privet, what kind do you mean and why?
What can I do to make my hydrangea bloom?
My backyard can dry out fast. Can I grow joe pye weed?
My azaleas were damaged by cold. Is there anything I can do to restore them?
What is the best time and method to plant elderberry cuttings or plants?
What is the best fern for a hanging basket that will grow full and long?
How do I get rid of the blight on my peonies?
Why did none of my new lavender plants bloom last year?
What can I do to ensure my byzantine gladiolus survives transplant?
Besides dividing peonies, how else can you contain the width?
Is it best to plant Japanese boxwood or English boxwood in the Mid-South?
How do I keep my magic lilies from getting frozen off every spring?
Should I water my dormant ornamental grass in the garage during the winter?
Should I wait until spring to apply iron to my roses?
What can I do to help this one camellia actually bloom?
I want to plant evergreen perennials where there is clay and rocks. What should I plant?
What are some flowers I can plant to encourage pollination?
Is it possible that grape hyacinth bulbs are just too deep to dig?
My Schipp laurel got bad winter burn. How can I help it recover or should I replace it?
What is causing my roses to grow like this?
Why are my strawflower plants dying?
How do I care for my winter pansies?
Why are my cosmos not blooming?
When is the best time to prune back hollies?
Can hostas be grown inside in a pot?
I have zinnias with powdery mildew. Should I remove them?
What month should I plant tulip bulbs?
Why do my hydrangeas look like this?
Why are my orange cape honeysuckle starting to flower yellow instead of orange?
My large yaupon hollies are planted inches from my foundation. It this too close?
Something has been boring holes in my hydrangea. What is it?
Should I trim the bottom of my hydrangeas to increase air flow?
What is the recommended schedule for watering succulents in hot weather?
Why are my amaryllis not blooming like they used to?
What is eating my calibrachoa?
How do I prevent the canna leaf roller in a pollinator friendly way?
What are these spots on my hydrangea?
My yucca plant has white spots on the leaves. What is it?
What is the best kind of boxwood to use for a hedge in full sun?
How do I keep my hibiscus leaves from being eaten by insects?
Can or should an iris be deadheaded to produce more blooms?
Will orange rocket barberry grow with only morning sun?
How do I control invasive double daylilies?
Can I plant daylilies in a well-drained area with full sun?
What food do you give a phalaenopsis orchid and how often?
What can I do to get rid of four-o’clocks in my flower bed?
Do I need to treat the soil before I plant Hydrangeas? When should I plant?
Will pussy willow perform in Baton Rouge, Louisiana?
My hydrangeas never bloom. What can I do?
When should I dig and divide daylilies?
One of my Ligustrum bushes is yellowing and it looks like it’s spreading. How do I stop it?
How can I get sweetgrass plants to fill out?
How can I kill wiregrass in monkey grass?
Is it better to purchase grafted roses or roses on their own rootstock?
Will a climbing hydrangea climb down a wall?
Why does my limelight hydrangea have dying branches?
When should I cut back my pampas grass?
How do I overwinter my mandevillas?
My butterfly bush dies every winter and I have to replace it. What can I do?
How do I get my iris to bloom?
My rhododendron’s leaves are curled and yellow. Can it be saved?
My limelight hydrangea’s limbs bent down in the rain. Should I cut the blooms now?
When should I start fertilizing roses and what fertilizer should I use?
I have rooted knock out roses. Should I plant in the fall or wait until spring?
Why does my hydrangea have brown dark spots all over?
What is wrong with my barberry? The leaves are suddenly falling off.
Why won’t my hydrangea bloom?
Can I plant roses in September and October in Zone 6?
What shrubs would thrive in almost total shade in Lansing, Michigan?
My BloomStruck hydrangea are drooping from weight. What should I do?
My hens and chicks plant is white. What do I do?
Why do our azaleas not bloom like they used to? Some plants bloom, others do not.
What is this beautiful plant? (A: Rose Campion)
What type of shrub is this and when should I prune it?
What is causing the spots on the leaves of my daylilies?
Why are my new hostas’ leaves turning yellow?
How do I get my homegrown moonflower seeds to germinate?
What are the names of these flowers? (A: canna lily)
When can I collect and plant my iris seeds?
My encore azalea has split bark. Is this okay?
Why do parts of my 20-year-old Rhododendron die every year?
Can I trim back camellias growing against a wood fence? I don’t want them to touch the fence.
How do you get a wisteria to bloom?
Can I insulate my caladiums for the winter so I don’t have to dig them up?
Can I overwinter Boston ferns in the garage?
My Photinia shrub has leaves rolling and falling off. What is it?
What do I use to kill scale in my crape myrtle?
When pruning my hybrid tea rose which stems should I prune?
Should you prune knockout roses? Why aren’t mine doing so well?
What is causing the black spots on my rose leaves?
When is the correct time to prune my encore azaleas?
Why is my moonflower not blooming?
How do I get rid of crape myrtle suckers around my hydrangea?
What can I do to encourage my hydrangeas to bloom next year?
My crape myrtles have small shunts coming out of them. Will they make it?
Should you prune Japanese maples, especially if they are touching the house?
I have heavy clay soil and want to plant azaleas. How should I plant them?
Why does my hibiscus not have as many stalks this year?
Why do I have light green pyracantha leaves?
Why do my gardenia leaves have yellow spots?
My gardenias look frozen. Will they survive the winter?
My gardenia’s leaves are turning yellow. Should I wait till spring to fertilize?
What do you use to spray Azalea lace bugs?
What flowering shrubs can I plant in my forest?
What creature is digging up my petunias and pansies?
Is fall a good time to divide my hostas?
When is the best time to plant daffodils?
My pansies had blooms when I planted them. Now they don’t. Why?
How do I take care of Boston Ferns especially in the winter?
When should I cut back my pampas grass?
Why are my arborvitaes dying?
Can I prune my azaleas back in the fall?
Are these worms killing my junipers?
What can I do to keep lichen from growing on my azaleas?
Will mushrooms growing on my forsythias hurt them?
When is the best time to transplant spider lilies?
Something is eating my Cannas. What is it?
Why is my bleeding heart plant turning yellow?
What is eating my laurel bushes and hostas?
How do I remove crape myrtle without using toxic chemicals?
How do I get wisteria seeds to sprout?
Are holly berries poisonous?
How do I get my hydrangea to bloom?
Are holly berries poisonous?
What’s wrong with my boxwood? Some of the leaves are Yellowing.
Should I cut back my hibiscus in the spring?
How do I control small green bugs on my petunias?
During the winter my gardenia was frozen. What do I do?
I have aphids on my milkweed. Any suggestions?
What is wrong with this boxwood?
Is there an herbicide that kills weeds in monkey grass?
What is the problem with my rose bush?
What is this plant? - A: spider lilly
What is the black film on my crape myrtle plants?
When and how do I prune my Loropetalum?
What are some native evergreen plants for a privacy border?
What is wrong with my hydrangea?
When is the best time of year to prune boxwood?
Is it true that Japanese holly does not get boxwood blight?
Is there a legume that can be used for a hedge?
Is weed barrier bad for plants?
How can I kill holly bush stumps?
Can you deadhead a knockout rose?
Is this a fern or a weed?
Why do my rose petals look burned?
Why does my Hydrangea have thin, curled leaves?
How do I care for Japanese maple seedlings?
Is it true that angel trumpets are poisonous?
What is the best fertilizer for blush nandina?
The tips of my rose buds are brown? Do they have thrips?
What plants can I grow on my apartment patio? It only gets afternoon sun.
Why did half my mum plant die over the winter?
Can you use a knife to thin iris without digging them up?
Will crape myrtle foliage come back after frost?
What causes the spots on my iris leaves?
My elephant ear had the leaves ripped off. Can I save it?
Are ornamental peppers edible?
My crape myrtle has white patches on the branches. Is this a problem?
Should I fertilize my shrubs in the spring?
How do you remove black sooty mold from crape myrtle bark?
How do daffodils get scattered naturally?
The leaves on my holly are orange. Do I need to be concerned?
Should I prune my forsythias?
Is there a non-invasive privet?
Are there any flower bulbs that do not require winter chill?
Can I spray dormant oil on my shrubs?
Is early spring the best time to prune my azaleas?
How can I tell if my boxwoods survived the winter?
Can I prune my Yaupon and Ligustrum below the greenery?
What is this flower? -Gentiana
I think my Bromeliad is dying. What can I do?
Are these sunflowers? Will they flower this year?
What is the best way and time to cut mop heads back?
My peonies have a powdery look with black spots. What do I do?
Why are my chrysanthemums blooming in April?
Why didn’t my columbine and Virginia bluebells bloom this spring?
How can I get rid of Hackberry and honeysuckle growing in shrubs?
What is wrong with my rose bushes?
Why are my magnolia leaves curled?
How do I control weeds in my variegated liriope?
Should I cut pampas grass back every fall?
Why does my Crape Myrtle have curling leaves?
When can I plant elephant ears? Can they grow in pots?
Why is privet illegal to sell in Tennessee?
Why do gardenia bushes die back each winter?
Why are my clematis leaves wilting?
What is growing on my Crape Myrtle?
Am I watering my helleborus too much?
How do I know I have killed the mildew on my phlox?
My photinia has red spots on the leaves.
Why do my rose buds have shriveled petals?
What is the black substance on my holly leaves?
Can knockout roses get bagworms?
Should I prune my camellia?
When should Japanese maples start leafing out?
Why is my milkweed not growing?
Did the spring freeze damage my azaleas?
Can I power wash a crape myrtle to remove bark scale?
Why are my Otto Luyken laurels dying?
Should I fertilize shrubs in November?
When is the best time to plant tulip bulbs?
My cryptomeria is turning brown in the center
Can I leave my banana tree in the ground for the winter?
Do I leave purple fountain grass in the ground this winter?
What to plant for fall and winter
Should I dig up my hibiscus for the winter?
My arborvitae is turning brown near the center
Why haven't my mums bloomed yet?
How do I get rid of ants around my purpletops?
How do I get rid of sooty mold?
When should I dig up my iris?
Can I cut my roses back this fall?
I have purple spots on my Indian Hawthorne leaves
I need colorful plants for my planters
Why are my fern fronds dying?
My penstemon & coneflower have a stringy substance on roots
Does my Japanese maple have verticillium?
Some needles on my Leyland Cypress are turning brown
How do I get rid of Japanese beetles?
Can I use fresh grass clippings in my garden?
Why are the leaves of my boxwood falling off?
I cut down my crape myrtle. How do I stop the suckers?
When should I start treating for bagworms?
What is eating holes in my rose leaves?
What is this black stuff on my holly leaves?
What can I plant for a fast growing hedge?
What is a good ground cover for shade?
How to deal with Rose Rosette
Are there shade tolerant roses?
My shrub has two kinds of leaves
Do hostas have disease problems this year?
What do I do about the scales on my euonymus?
Why do my azaleas look sick?
Why didn't my daffodils bloom?
When and where should I plant poppies?
What does heirloom mean?
Why have my azalea leaves lost their green color?
Should I use a pruning sealer?
Is it to late to use dormant oil?
What are these things growing on my arborvitae?
Indian Hawthorns are becoming bare
What is the best way to kill privet?
What is the best way to control azalea lace bugs?
How to get rid of and grow moss
What is an edible shrub I can use as a screen?
Do I have to prune off the top of my crape myrtle?
Should I cut back my dwarf mondo grass?
Recommended low-growing ground cover
What is the best mulch for a flower bed?
Scale on rose trunk
Controlling iris rust
What is the webbing in my cherry tree?
What bug is eating holes in the leaves of my roses?
How do I get rid of clover in my flower bed?
When To Plant Poppies
My Hosta Leaves are Turning Yellow
When to Plant Tulips
My Liriope Is Turning Yellow and Dying
Is It Necessary To Prune Crape Myrtles?
Peony Blooms Dropping
My Neighbor's Wisteria Is In My Yard
My Iris Rhizomes Have Turned To Mush
Pruning Nandina Bushes
Will my pansies recover from cold wet weather?
Scales on Camellia Leaves
Indian Hawthorn Leaf Spot
How to get rid of Japanese maple scales
Why does my Japanese Holly have dead branches?
What is this on my hydrangea?
How do you root roses from clippings?
Plant Propagation
Can a muscadine vine be transplanted by breaking off and planting a twig?
Do pepper seeds need to turn red before I collect them?
My peonies have botrytis. Is it worth transplanting them?
How do I get phlox seed to grow?
Can I transplant wild blueberry plants from the woods to my garden?
How do you make bare root strawberries survive?
Can a piece of muscadine vine be put in the ground and grow?
Will seeds from a bell pepper produce peppers?
How do daffodils get scattered naturally?
Why is privet illegal to sell in Tennessee?
When and how do you plant sweet potato slips?
When can I start cantaloupe and watermelons?
Can you propagate a Japanese maple by cutting?
Why don't I have any pollinators on my flowers?
What does heirloom mean?
Planting persimmon and mulberry seeds
When do you plant sunflower seeds?
When To Plant Poppies
When to Plant Tulips
How do you root roses from clippings?
What is this tree? It has helicopter seeds, but the leaves are not maple.
Can you grow a fig from a cutting?
Can I use vinegar to get rid of tree suckers?
What are these little balls on my oak leaves? They turn black and fall off.
Why are my trees dying from the tips? It is all varieties.
Is this anthracnose on these Norway Maples?
My Dogwood is missing the bark around the trunk. Can it be saved?
What is this fungus on my magnolia tree leaves?
What is this plant and why does it have flat extensions from the stem? A: Winged Elm
What are these balls on my bald cypress tree?
Why are my oak trees dying? Is it Oak Decline?
What is wrong with my chestnut tree?
What is this tree? It sends out suckers everywhere.
What is the white powdery substance on my crape myrtle?
What can we do to improve the health, production and growth of our small fig tree?
What made some of my arborvitae die?
Will pruning our tall thin crape myrtles cause them to bush out?
How can I overwinter my hibiscus tree?
Should I prune my crape myrtle to one trunk or several?
When will my hazelnut trees produce nuts?
Do resurrection ferns growing on my trees hurt them?
Why are the edges of the leaves on my Japanese maple turning brown?
What is making the leaves on my magnolia tree turn grey and die? A: Fungal Leaf Spot
What is wrong with my Japanese maple?
Can ornamental trees pollinate fruit bearing varieties of that tree?
Why are my hornbeam trees oozing?
Will my 2-year-old dogwood ever bloom again?
How do I grow a magnolia tree in a pot? Mine is not doing well.
Should I top my maple tree to promote horizontal branch growth? It looks like a tall stick.
Can I cut back large Japanese maples without harming them?
What is the best time of year to cut tree limbs?
My brown turkey fig does not produce. Should I move it to a sunnier location?
One of my pistache trees has splitting bark. What should we do?
My chestnuts are wilting and turning yellow. What is going on?
How do I stop the holly tree we cut down from sending up new growth?
What is the best time of year to transplant a crape myrtle?
What can be done to save a tree after a beaver has removed the bark?
Why has one of my male Ginkgo trees started producing fruit?
Why are the limbs dying on my redbud?
Why does my small ginkgo have brown spots on the leaves?
Why are my maple trees’ leaves turning brown and dying?
What is this black soot on my hackberry tree’s leaves?
Why do my maple trees have single branches dying from time to time this summer?
Why does my brown turkey fig produce lots of figs, but only a few get ripe?
Can I move my sumac to another place without killing it?
Why has my crape myrtle not bloomed for three years? It had blooms when we planted it.
Some of my magnolia branches touch the ground and have rooted. Is this a bad thing?
Can my large arborvitaes be pruned to reduce their size?
Why are branches of my red maple dying?
Can I move my sumac to another location without killing it?
What are some good substitutes for Leyland Cypress?
Why have my newly planted crape myrtles not leafed out?
What can I use to get rid of peach leaf curl?
Why is my pear tree not blooming?
What are these borers? They have killed 7 of my trees.
Why does only the top third of my peach tree get leaves and blossoms?
What can I do to stop small branches from growing out of an oak tree trunk?
Is it good for the plant if you braid the trunk of a crape myrtle?
Can I thin a peach tree by removing blossoms?
Why does my pink dogwood only have one healthy branch?
What is the proper method of disposing of cherry branches with black knot?
One of the branches of my Japanese maple appears to have died? What should I do?
I have sap coming out of my peach trees in a couple of spots. Is this normal?
Why are my cedar trees dying?
How do I get my figs to produce?
Can I cut back my crape myrtle to make it a bush?
I have a Japanese maple that was heavily damaged by a deer. What should I do?
How do you know when you buy a tree if it is a male or female?
Our crape myrtles have turned black on the trunk. Is there any hope for them?
Can I move my 10-year-old twisted willow tree?
How do I get rid of the black coating on mango and naseberry trees?
What would you do with a peach tree with gummosis?
What care is needed for persimmon seedlings?
Why are my redbud’s leaves turning yellow like this?
Why does my new dogwood have brown leaves and look like this?
How much should I water my 2-year-old sweet bay magnolia?
Can we split the root ball of our crape myrtle?
My Japanese maple has developed a thin canopy. Is there any hope for the tree?
Our maple trees don’t turn red in the fall. Should we check our soil pH?
What are these growths on my cherry branches?
Why does my newly transplanted ginkgo’s leaves hang down?
Why do my small plums fall off the tree?
My dogwood is dying. Can it be saved?
What are these white specks on my crape myrtle’s leaves?
My peach tree has red dots on the leaves, and they are falling off. What is it?
What kind of tree is this and what can I do to keep it from dying?
What are these weird spots on my tree’s leaves?
I saw these trees up north. What are they and can I grow them in the Memphis Area? A: Paperbark Maple
Can I root a crape myrtle sucker?
What is this tree? A: Eastern Cottonwood
If I trim my crape myrtle by 2 feet will it encourage lateral growth?
What is the average lifespan of a ginkgo tree?
What are these bumps on my Tupelo tree leaves?
Why are the tips of my white pines dying?
Do European plum varieties pollinate Asian varieties?
My fruit trees are not doing well. When should I move them?
My persimmons have lots of flowers and fruits, but they are falling off. What should I do?
Are these trees red maples?
Should I cut off the branches with green leaves at the base of my red fringe Japanese maple?
I have two spots of dry yellow sap on the base of my cherry tree. Is this cherry gummosis?
Can you kill black locust plants with hack and spray?
I have fungus growing on the side of my oak tree. What should I do?
Is there anything I can do to help my magnolia tree hold onto its branches?
My Leyland branches are dying after a heavy snow. What can I do?
Why is the bark splitting on my sugar maples?
What is cutting off the ends of my magnolia branches?
Why does my new ninebark tree have large black spots on the leaves?
What are these strange patterns on my camellia bark?
What is a good way to protect sour orange limbs in winter?
Why does my red maple not turn red in the fall?
How do I get my dogwood tree to bloom?
My fig tree froze to the ground, and I got no figs. Will I get figs this next year?
When cutting small twigs from tree trunks do you need to worry about branch collars?
How do I get flocks of robins to leave my trees?
Which is the best peach tree to plant?
Can a tree struck by lightning survive?
In summer my apple leaves get spotty and fall off. Then the tree reblooms in the fall. Why?
Should I plant my fig tree in clay or is there a better medium to use?
Is it unusual for dogwoods to bloom in the fall?
Are these oak tree twigs a sign of problems or just squirrels?
Is one type of serviceberry better in a residential setting?
What is this infestation on my red river birch?
Is it okay to transplant my magnolia tree when it has blossoms?
What is this tree? A: Ash
What are these tree growths and will thy harm the maple next to it?
Why are some limbs of my Japanese maple not leafing out?
What is this volunteer tree in my garden?
Why does one of my maple trees not have top leaves and turns fall colors early?
My weeping atlas cedar has white sap and stress cracks on the trunk. What can I do?
What is the most I can trim on my crape myrtles without permanently damaging them?
Will mistletoe kill my maple tree?
Why are my trees dying from the tips? It is all varieties.
My trees have many small branches growing out of their trunks. Should we have them trimmed?
The top branches of my crape myrtle have died back. What causes this and can I prune?
Will woodpecker holes harm my ash tree?
My oak tree has spots on the leaves and is being eaten by caterpillars. Should I spray?
What is this tree with fruit? -A: Persimmon
Can I transplant crape myrtle suckers to another site?
I have a new 4 in 1 cherry that has yellow spotting on the leaves. What should I do?
What are these spots on the leaves of my peach tree?
What disease causes oozing from peaches?
What should I spray on my crabapple tree to prevent spots on the fruit?
How should I treat the hairy orange spores growing out of my pears?
Why are my Norway Spruce dropping their tips?
What is drilling holes in the trunk of my tree?
Why does my weeping cherry have leaves only at the top?
How do I get rid of knots on my crape myrtles?
I cut down my crape myrtle. It keeps growing. How do I kill it?
What are some trees like dogwood that can take full sun?
The trunk of our curly willow is staying small. How do we make the trunk bigger?
What is the best way to maintain the area around a maple because of the roots?
One of my Japanese maples has different shoots coming out of the main stem. Can I cut them off?
What are these bugs gathered on my maple tree trunk?
When and how should I prune my plum tree?
What kind of tree is this? Most limbs are dying or dead. What can we do?
This unusual leaf is on a very large Magnolia. What is it?
This summer I've noticed wood dust on our hickory tree. What could be causing this?
My sumac trees are too tall. When should I cut back my sumac trees?
I planted a sweet cherry fruit tree and the leaves are curling. What is going on?
I have an ornamental cherry tree with tiny holes in the leaves. What should I do?
The leaves on my Kwanzen cherry tree are turning brown. What is going on?
The tops of my 75-year-old crape myrtles are dying. Is this the end of their lifespan?
Are these vines harmful to my tree?
This is what happened to my mimosa tree. What is it?
Borers are attacking this dogwood. Is there a way to save the tree?
What is the best way to get rid of small trees?
Why is my hardy fig tree growing weird looking figs?
I repotted my rubber tree and overwatered it. Are the brown leaves from overwatering?
Will I be able to save my maple tree that is missing a piece of bark?
How do you control scales on a magnolia tree?
How can I help my magnolia tree recover?
What is this growth on my maple tree?
What is attacking our oak trees and what can we do to help?
Is oak wilt something I should worry about when pruning?
How do I keep the limbs of my Japanese maples from dying?
What time of year should you clean out around crape myrtle trees?
How do I get my severe webworm infestation under control?
My spruce is browning at the bottom. How do I save my tree?
What kind of tree is this? -A: Sumac
I have lots of ivy on my tree. How do I get rid of it without killing the tree?
Why are my arborvitaes dying?
Do I need to be concerned that my oak tree started dropping leaves early?
Does this coloring on my oak leaves indicate a disease?
What is the fuzz on my lilac trees and how do I get rid of it?
What are the webs on my trees?
Are these brown spots on my oak leaves okay?
My plum bloomed, but now there are no leaves. Can I save it?
How do I remove crape myrtle without using toxic chemicals?
What is this soap sudsy substance on my tree?
When will my persimmon tree start fruiting?
One branch of my cherry tree has a hole down the middle. What is it?
What is this bark damage on my crape myrtles?
How do I keep the squirrels from stripping the bark off my maple tree?
What can I do to save my new dogwood from soggy soil?
Can I air layer a hardwood tree?
My dogwood has small holes in the trunk
My dogwoods and cherries aren’t blooming like they use to. What should I do?
I treated my tree with a systemic insecticide. What do I do now?
How do I care for Japanese maple seedlings?
My trees have hollow centers and are dying, and they have ants. Why?
Why does my leyland cypress keep dying?
Will crape myrtle foliage come back after frost?
What are these spots on my magnolia leaves?
What are suckers and water sprouts on a tree?
My crape myrtle has white patches on the branches. Is this a problem?
Should I prune an old Osage orange?
What is the brown spot on our maple leaves?
How do you remove black sooty mold from crape myrtle bark?
What are the trees with all the blooms in the woods?
What should you do to get full pecan shells?
Are pine needles a good mulch under a magnolia tree?
What is growing on this tree branch?
Why did my pecans dry up on the inside of the shell?
What is causing branches of my pecan tree to fall off?
What do I use to kill scale in my crape myrtle?
Why are my fruit trees leafing in the fall?
What is the best way to maintain the area around a maple's roots?
What hardy types of plum trees are there?
Should I prune my gardenia for the winter?
Is there anything I can do to prevent Crape Myrtle Scale?
What is the best place to buy a fruit tree?
Why did my river birch loose its leaves in summer?
What are the bumps on this oak tree branch?
Our Crape Myrtle trees have a problem.
Will Granny Smith trees grow in the Memphis area?
How do I root a Leyland Cypress?
Why is there a white furry spot on my apple branches?
Why does my Japanese maple have brown curled leaves?
What are these yellow striped caterpillars on my oak tree?
Do I need to prune my lemon to get it to produce branches?
Can my little maple trees be saved from moldy leaves?
What is the best way to germinate and grow ginkgo trees?
What is this problem with my miniature crape myrtles?
What is this tree growing in my yard?
My gingko tree does not look happy. How can I save my tree?
What is this growth on my magnolia? -Lichen
What is causing the growth on my oak tree?
Is there any hope for my dogwood tree?
When should Japanese maples start leafing out?
Was my dead birch tree planted too deep?
Can I power wash a crape myrtle to remove bark scale?
Did the frost kill my peach tree and blooms?
What is the best mulch to use around plants?
When can I plant my Leyland Cypress?
How do we straighten our tree?
What is this vine that is killing my tree? -Japanese Honeysuckle
What tree do gum balls come from?
Should I fertilize shrubs in November?
Will this ivy harm this tree?
My cryptomeria is turning brown in the center
Can I leave my banana tree in the ground for the winter?
What can I do about the webs in my trees?
Should you water trees in a drought?
Can trees be hurt by planting ivy on them?
How do I get rid of sooty mold?
My 8 foot dogwood trees don't have a trunk. Why?
Why does my tulip poplar have black spots?
What is this fungus and will it hurt my tree?
How do you take care of a ficus tree?
When is the best time to prune fig trees?
How do you know when to pick figs?
Help! Lichen is killing my tree.
What kind of tree and are the nuts edible? -Hickory
When is a good time to plant pecans from seed?
Does my Japanese maple have verticillium?
Some needles on my Leyland Cypress are turning brown
Why do I have a lot of saplings growing in my yard?
Is it too late to treat fire blight in July?
I cut down my crape myrtle. How do I stop the suckers?
When should I start treating for bagworms?
What is causing my pecan kernels to turn black?
What is the best time to prune dogwoods?
What should I use to replace my silver maple?
My dogwood is dying from the top down
What do I do with all these acorns?
What are the red spots on my dogwood leaves?
After transplanting the tips of my willow tree are dying
Removing Ivy from Trees
Can I remove bald cypress knees?
Cold Hardy Palm Trees
Should I use a pruning sealer?
Should I prune the Y in my tree?
What is this tree?-- Sweet Bay Magnolia
Is it necessary to water your trees in the winter?
Fig Trees and cold winters
Do I need to plant two peach trees for maximum production?
Is it okay to prune my brown turkey fig tree?
What are these eggs on my maple tree?
Planting persimmon and mulberry seeds
Cedar apple rust
What is the webbing in my cherry tree?
Why is fruit falling off of my mulberry tree before it is ripe?
When to Plant Figs
Should I Cut Down Bradford Pear Trees?
Is It Necessary To Prune Crape Myrtles?
Is It Okay to Have Ivy In My Trees?
All About Oak Galls
Fall Webworms On Persimmon Trees
Should I use a pruning sealant?
My Leyland Cypress Is Dying
Can I Use a Ground Stump For Mulch?
My Cherry Leaves Have Small Holes In Them
Webworms On Birch Trees
What Is Splitting the Bark On My Maple Tree?
My Crab Apple Tree Looks Bad
How to get rid of Japanese maple scales
How can we I.D. male and female mulberry trees when they are young?
How do I stop white leaf fungus on turnip greens?
What vegetables are the best for school gardens?
Can I grow garlic in containers?
Why are the lower leaves of my corn yellow spotted? Should I do something?
How do you stop mint from spreading?
Why are my tiny turnips going to seed?
Why did my cauliflower plants not head?
How do I keep my garlic from rotting in the ground?
Should an asparagus patch be mulched? And with what?
Can Pine Needles be used to hill potatoes?
Is there anything I can do so my tomatoes produce a larger fruit?
Why do my tomatoes and cucumbers wilt and die after three weeks of bearing?
What should I do to get my leeks to fully mature with thick stalks?
Why do my tomatoes have bruising and stay yellow?
What is eating the foliage of my Brussel sprouts?
How do I keep squirrels from eating my tomatoes?
What is this on my tomato?
Is there any way to protect garden tomatoes from farm herbicides?
Why did none of my corn come up?
Can you grow herbs and vegetables together?
Why are my spinach, lettuce, and other cool-season crops flowering? Can I still eat them?
What herbs grow well indoors?
What can I use to treat insect pests on herb plants?
Why do my vegetable plants die? When I pull them up, they have fungus on the roots.
My peppers did not mature before the frost. How do I improve their yields?
What’s the best way to grow vegetables in pots at home?
Why will my okra flowers not open?
Why are my bell peppers small and leathery, not crunchy?
Why are the center of my turnips dark?
Why can’t I plant tomato seeds and get the same plant?
What causes tomatoes to turn black on the bottom?
Will neem oil hurt the vegetables in my garden?
How can we get rid of squash bugs in our cucumbers?
I have curly top on my black-eyed peas. Will it spread to my tomatoes and peppers?
How do I keep the flowers from dropping off my tomatoes?
How do I get rid of leaf curl on my tomato plants?
Why do my okra blooms not open?Why do my okra blooms not open?
How do I control Squash Bugs?
Can onions be direct seeded?
How do we get our cucumbers to set fruit?
How do I keep my picked tomatoes from ripening as fast?
What vegetables are easy and low maintenance for a community garden?
Should young bell peppers be pruned?
How do you keep corn from blowing over?
Is there a collard green plant that resists bugs?
What is the best fertilizer to use on tomatoes? What are the best tomatoes to plant?
What are some of the sweetest sweet corn? Are there any bi-color varieties?
Why are my cayenne pepper flowers not developing fruits?
My newly sprouted beans are yellow. Can a nitrogen deficiency show this early?
My baby squash is falling off and ants are eating my squash blooms. What do I do?
What happened to my cucumber?
Do I need to fertilize my container peppers or is the potting soil enough?
Can I apply fungicide as soon as I plant tomatoes? Does is hurt pollinators?
How do I plant veggies to get more out of my garden?
Why do the roots from my vegetables grow above the soil?
What are these black stripes on my green beans? Can I still eat them?
Can hybrid tomatoes be saved and come true next year?
Is it true that peppers like dry soil?
What is eating our potatoes underground?
My tomato plants are blooming but there are no tomatoes. What is the problem?
How do you cure blossom end rot on tomatoes?
If you prune a pepper plant will it produce more fruit?
Is it okay to transplant asparagus in July into hard soil?
Three of my five azaleas have yellow leaves. How do I fix it?
What are these brown spots on my bean leaves?
Why are my tomato leaves curling?
What causes yellow leaves on tomato plants?
What can I do to amend my soil so my peas and beans don’t die on me?
Why are my tomatoes misshapen and cracking?
When should I plant beets?
Is there a way to keep cool season vegetables from bolting?
Why did my turnip greens grow to a certain point and die?
How do I get rid of Bermuda in my asparagus?
I have a strange bloom on my tomato plant. What is it?
What vegetables can I plant in the late fall?
What is the best way to plant hot pepper seeds outside?
Why are my peas yellow? Do I just need to add some fertilizer?
Why are my cucumbers producing short yellow fruits?
What cover crop should I use in winter and summer?
What are the differences between bush and pole beans?
Why are there no blooms on my okra?
The bottom leaves on my tomato are yellow with no spots. Why?
Why do I have spots on my banana pepper leaves?
Which is the best way to till my garden: soil chunks or super-fine?
How do I control broccoli worms without harsh chemicals?
What is causing these circle cracks on my tomatoes?
What herbs can be grown in the window sill?
Why are my tomatoes not producing any fruit?
What is a good calcium nutrient for blossom end rot on watermelons?
How do I control aphids on my greens?
How do you control cucumber beetles?
What are these worms on my tomato and where do they come from?
What is this worm on my tomatoes?
My cucumbers are yellow and gold. Are they still good to eat?
What causes these spots on my tomatoes?
What kind of fruit is this? -Snake Gourd
What is eating my basil and leaving black poop?
Why do my tomatoes keep getting phenoxy herbicide damage?
Why is the stem on my squash splitting?
Why are my tomatoes not doing as well as other’s?
What are the black spots on my potato leaves?
Can I use landscape material to protect my garden from frost?
Are ornamental peppers edible?
Will seeds from a bell pepper produce peppers?
What herbs will come back every spring?
How do I keep squirrels from eating my tomatoes?
When is the right time to plant lettuce and other leafy greens?
What herbs can I plant in the fall?
Is it too late to plant greens?
For a new garden what do I need to do now to get the soil ready for next year?
What is this white fuzzy stuff on my cucumbers?
What is wrong with my tomato plants? The leaves are misshapen and curled?
What is this rust like coating on my beans?
On my squash when the flower falls off the squash dies. Why?
Should you sucker determinate tomatoes?
How do I help my smaller squash plants?
How do I get female flowers on my zucchini plant?
Should you sucker determinate tomatoes?
What can I do to grow tomatoes and other veggies on a north facing balcony?
Why did safer soap cause black spots on my pepper leaves?
Why are some of my vegetables bitter?
When and how do you plant sweet potato slips?
What is the best ground cover to use in a garden?
What is the best soil for starting seeds?
What should you consider before starting a vegetable garden?
What to plant for fall and winter?
How do I get rhubarb to grow?
Can I make my tomatoes ripen faster?
How do I get rid of the grass in my watermelons?
Is it too late to plant sweet potatoes?
Does it hurt tomatoes to get fungicide on the flowers?
Why did my summer squash fall off the plant?
What pests will I find in my fall greens?
Why are my cucumbers bitter this year?
Will fungicide cause sunburn on a tomato plant?
Something has been eating my tomato on the vine
Why are my peppers not producing?
Where do tomato hornworms come from?
Why are my cucumbers yellow?
My blueberry bush is sick. What can I do?
My squash is deformed. Why?
Why are my tomatoes dying from the ground up?
Are the wasps on my corn beneficial?
Why do I have big holes in my corn leaves?
How do I kill flea beetles on my beans?
Can I kill squash vine borers with insecticide?
Ground squirrels are eating my corn
Can I use pine needle mulch on tomatoes?
How do I keep squirrels from eating my tomatoes?
How To Stop Tomato Horn Worm
Why did my squash die from the ground up?
What is the best way to control tomato blight?
Can I grow my zucchini in a tomato cage?
Why are the leaves of my cauliflower yellow?
What does heirloom mean?
What should I use to fill my raised bed garden?
Can you use a pre-emerge in a vegetable garden?
How to keep worms out of my cabbage?
Do certain vegetables do better at a certain pH?
Using horse manure in the garden
Pre-emerge in a vegetable garden
Is there a pre-emerge you recommend?
How much sun do I really need for vegetables?
Why did my lettuce seeds not germinate?
When do you plant sunflower seeds?
Is it safe to plant tomatoes?
What tomato can I grow on my balcony?
How can I control corn earworm?
How often do I need to fertilize my vegetables?
What are some tips for growing tomatillos?
What Caused My Cucumber to Suddenly Wilt and Die?
Modeling On Pumpkin Leafs
I Have Squash Bugs. Can I Harvest My Pumpkins Early?
Will Kale Die After It Flowers?
When Should I Harvest Zucchini?
Tomatoes Not Ripening
Growing Organic Cabbage
My Cucumber Is Dying
Is it too late to start cool season vegetables?
What are these little white bugs on my jalapeno pepper?
Weed and Plant Control
How do I get rid of poison ivy in my Asian jasmine?
My whole backyard is full of dog fennel. How do I get rid of it?
How do I control chamber bitter?
Will mistletoe kill my maple tree?
How do you get rid of a full-blown infestation of bamboo?
How do I stop weeds taking over my pond?
When using pre-emergents, how far from a well do I need to be?
Which herbicide should I use for my grassy weeds around my fruit trees?
How do I stop trumpet vine from taking over? It’s eating my house!
How do I get rid of quackgrass in my perennials?
How do I get rid of nutsedge in my garden?
What is the best way to control crabgrass in my lawn?
Is there a way to control and remove morning glory?
How do I eliminate Canadian thistle?
Can you get rid of privet without using chemicals?
How do I get rid of horsetail fern in my perennial beds?
Is there a way to kill zoysia grass that is growing in mondo?
How do I get rid of torpedo grass in centipede grass?
How do I remove this weed from my lawn?
What can I do to get rid of cattails in my front ditch?
What is the best way to kill poa annua?
How can I get rid of kudzu in my yard?
How can I use glyphosate to kill privet, but not harm a nearby tree?
Would I need a ton of water to keep iron weed happy?
How can you tell when a plant is established?
Can I remove my yellow water lily leaves?
What is this weed? It is taking over my lawn. A: Corn Speedwell
How can I kill English Ivy?
How can I get rid of Nutsedge?
How can I get rid of greenbrier without harming the plants around it?
How do you get rid of rattlesnake weed?
What is this vine and how can I get rid of it? A: Carolina snailseed
How do I control wild violets in my asparagus plot?
How do I get rid of a quarter acre of bamboo?
How do I get rid of and control hollyhocks?
How do I get rid of milkweed? It is taking over my flower garden.
Do I need to keep pre-emergents out of a fruit tree root zone?
Is there a way to get rid of morning glories permanently?
What is this weed and how do I keep it from coming back? -A: Spurge
How long will an herbicide application remain effective after a rainfall?
Can I kill chamberbitter seeds by covering my bed with a tarp in the hot summer sun?
How do you get rid of English Ivy? RoundUp does not work.
What can I use as a pre-emergent to get rid of dead nettles in my collards?
How do I get rid of creeping Charlie and dichondra in my St. Augustine?
How do I get rid of burweed in my lawn? It is taking over.
This grass is taking over. What is it and how do we get rid of it?
Will a careful application of weed killer kill bishop’s weed/goutweed in my flowers?
What product can kill grass in my liriope?
What herbicide can I use to kill poison ivy under my white pine?
How do I kill English ivy growing under my blue spruce?
Is there anything I can do to get rid of powdery mildew on my flowers?
What is this weed in our yard? - A: Cutleaf Evening-Primrose
How do I get rid of poison ivy in my Asian jasmine?
My whole backyard is full of dog fennel. How do I get rid of it?
Will mistletoe kill my maple tree?
How do I control chamber bitter?
How can I get rid of dollar weed in my lawn?
What is this weed? A – Carolina false dandelion
How do I get rid of a large area of ground ivy without using chemicals?
How do I get rid of puncture vine?
What is this plant? A: Dogfennel
How do I get rid of vinca minor growing in monkey grass?
How do you kill morning glories?
Is there a way to contain invasive Italian Arum?
What is this weed and how do you kill it?
What is this weed taking over our zoysia lawn? We have never seen it before.
How do we get rid of nimblewill growing in our fescue lawn?
How do I get root knot nematodes out of my garden?
What is this plant growing in my flower garden?
How do I correct disease pressures in my raised beds, especially tomato blights?
How do I kill wild strawberry plants? They are all over my yard.
How do you control annual bluegrass in a fine fescue lawn?
What is this weed that is taking over our yard?
What weed killer should I use for sandspurs in Florida?
What are these bugs on my onions?
What is this weed in my iris garden?
I have lots of ivy on my tree. How do I get rid of it without killing the tree?
Is there a granular pre-emergent for fast growing, grassy weeds?
What is the best thing to spray to kill privet?
Can I use a propane torch to kill the weed seeds in my garden?
Do you have any suggestions to get rid of Poa Annua?
What is this pesky weed that is popping up in my yard?
What chemical will control purple violet in Bermuda?
How do I kill chickweed in my fescue lawn?
Is there an herbicide that kills weeds in monkey grass?
What is the best herbicide to kill wild violet?
What will get rid of Johnson Grass?
How do I get rid of privet that’s taking over my land?
Is weed barrier bad for plants?
How can I kill holly bush stumps?
How do I kill fescue in my Bermuda lawn?
How does MSMA enter a plant?
What damage does "nut grass" do to Bermuda lawns?
How do you get rid of purselane?
What is this weed? - Annual Fleabane
How do I get rid of chameleon plant?
There are wild onions in my garden. What can I do?
Is there a non-invasive privet?
What are the trees with all the blooms in the woods?
What is the best way to kill pigweed in the garden?
Should I use pine straw or shredded hardwood for mulch?
How do I remove Italian Arum successfully?
How can pigweed seeds be eliminated from manure?
What is corn gluten? Is it the same as wheat gluten?
What is this weed in My lawn? -Ground Ivy
How do I get rid of Wild Parsnip in my pasture?
Will corn gluten control weeds in carrots?
How do I get rid of bamboo?
What pre-emergents should I use on my lawn?
How do I get rid of this morning glory so I can plant bulbs?
What is this weed in my lawn?
How do you get rid of Johnson grass?
What kind of grass is this and how do I get rid of it?
What are these plants in my flowerbed?
What kind of weed is this and how do I get rid of it?
Is this poison ivy? What is the best way to get rid of it?
How do I control weeds in my variegated liriope?
Why is privet illegal to sell in Tennessee?
How do I kill creeping charlie without killing zoysia?
What is this weed? - Pokeweed
What herbicide do your recommend around fruit trees?
Is it too late to spot spray lawn weeds with Roundup?
Why is moss growing on my lawn?
What is this vine that is killing my tree? -Japanese Honeysuckle
Will this ivy harm this tree?
How do I kill chickweed in my grass?
Can I use extra herbicide for insurance?
How do I get rid of the grass in my watermelons?
Are there different kinds of straw?
Why do I have a lot of saplings growing in my yard?
How do I kill nut grass in my flowerbed?
How do I get rid of chickweed?
How to control clover in a lawn
How do I get rid of nutsedge?
What is the best way to kill privet?
Is there a pre-emerge you recommend?
Pre-emerge in a vegetable garden
How to get rid of and grow moss
What can I use to kill violets?
What is the best way to get rid of poison ivy without killing everything around it?
How do I get rid of clover in my flower bed?
How To Control Nutsedge in the Garden
My Neighbor's Wisteria Is In My Yard
General Gardening
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using coffee grounds in a flower bed?
If I change soil pH in one area, how large of an area does that affect?
What are some plants I can use in my wet yard?
How do we keep mourning doves from nesting in our hanging baskets?
What else can I do to loosen my raised bed soil?
Where should I start with edible landscaping?
Do I need to amend the hard soil in my perennial bed?
Is it safe to build a raised bed out of 40-year-old treated wood? For Veggies Absolutely NOT!
Should I do a soil test after adding amendments to my garden?
Does neem oil work the same as dormant oil? They are very different
What is a good plant for a porch pot in shade?
What is horticultural sand and how do you use it?
How do I keep my raised bed vegetable garden productive?
When starting seeds should you water from the bottom?
What kind of soil do I need for a new raised bed garden? Don’t use 100% compost!
When should I start planting my garden?
What kind of soil should I put in a raised bed and how deep should it be?
I added fertilizer, Preen and too much peat moss to my garden. Have I ruined it?
My mulch is growing this ugly gross mess. Is this bad mulch?
Can I use neem oil on my newly planted squash plants?
Should I get rid of fresh cedar chips around my garden?
Plumbers dug up my garden now the soil is different. Can I still grow a garden?
I have extremely hard clay soil. What can I do to make it better?
What herbs grow well indoors?
What can I use to treat insect pests on herb plants?
Are nurseries the best place to buy bulk fertilizer?
Can I run my air conditioner to harden off my plants?
Can you use Sodium Polyacrylate in pots and raised gardens to reduce watering?
Is there anything I could add to my garden soil to keep it from clumping when I turn it over?
I have black mold on my flagstone deck. How do I get rid of it?
What can I use in place of bag mulch to keep weeds down?
Would a beehive be good when growing food plots for deer and turkeys?
What can we do to help plants recover from the recent unusually cold winter temperatures?
Do you have any advice on building a cold frame?
Can I grow a butterfly garden on a high-rise balcony?
Is it safe to grow vegetables using moldy soil?
Is there something I can do in the fall to get my container soil ready for next year?
How do I prevent bringing pests into my house on cut flowers from my garden?
What has happened to my 2-year-old rosemary? Is this the dog?
What is this plant in my flowerpot? A: Pokeweed
What kinds of plant labels are weatherproof and won’t fade in the sun?
What is the best way to store flower seeds for the next year?
Can Garlic be started in a pot and transplanted to the ground?
How do I grow a garden in sand? What do I amend with?
What can we plant on the hill in front of our house to beautify the area?
Can I plant edible plants where castor beans grew?
Are there flowering shrubs and plants deer will not eat?
Why don’t my banana plants produce any bananas? They did once.
How do I tell where the summer sun will be in my small yard?
What flowers or plants can I grow indoors that will not aggravate my sinuses?
Our outside potted ferns are turning brown. What should we do?
How do I keep the neighbor’s cats from using my garden as a litter box?
Is it safe to grow vegetables in a pressure-treated raised bed?
My yard floods with standing water when it rains. How can I improve drainage?
Do you have a soil ‘recipe’ for tomatoes or peppers in a 5-gallon bucket?
Is it possible to add too many soil amendments?
Why do I have small anthills in my yard everywhere?
If I change soil pH in one area, how large of an area does that affect?
I have been planting for pollinators. How do I deter slithery animals in my garden?
Will glyphosate kill the vinca that is taking over my garden?
Why are my hydroponic tomato leaves miscolored with a pattern?
Do I have to mix fungicides and insecticides when spraying?
What can we do to get moles out of our yard?
How do I get my flowerbox to grow anything?
Will black walnut juglone dissipate after a year of composting?
How do we keep mosaic virus out of our garden this year?
Will seeds sold as food grow and be true?
Should I do a separate soil test in different areas of my yard?
Is my decomposed woodpile already compost?
How do I correct disease pressures in my raised beds, especially tomato blights?
Are mulch volcanoes bad for trees?
Are there flowers or vegetables I can grow on a balcony?
Is there a plant I can use to absorb moisture away from my foundation?
What light do you need when you put plants in the garage for the winter?
What flowering shrubs can I plant in my forest?
How far out from my blueberry bushes is the soil acidic?
What cover crop should I use in winter and summer?
I tilled a new garden. The next day there were lots of ant hills. How can I kill them?
Just how safe is Seven insecticide?
I have lots of earthworms on my driveway. What can I do?
What soil should I use to fill my raised beds?
Which is the best way to till my garden: soil chunks or super-fine?
If I plant flowers by crop-dusted fields am I planting death sentence to insects?
Is weed barrier bad for plants?
Can Neem oil be mixed up and used later?
Should I follow the recommendations of a late soil test now?
What plants can I grow on my apartment patio? It only gets afternoon sun.
What is in bagged soil?
How do I get rid of a hump in my yard?
Any advice on growing plants in straw?
Can I use landscape material to protect my garden from frost?
Best way to get rid of fire ants in raised beds?
Is copper oxychloride a safe organic pesticide?
Should I use pine straw or shredded hardwood for mulch?
How do I keep squirrels from eating my tomatoes?
How can pigweed seeds be eliminated from manure?
Should I do a separate soil test in different areas of my yard?
Why aren’t my shrubs blooming?
I think my Bromeliad is dying. What can I do?
Can I sprinkle lime at the base of a plant?
What herbs can I plant in the fall?
Should I remove landscape fabric in the winter?
Should I paint, wax, or glue the pruned end of my pencil plant?
How can I keep my plants from dying back every winter?
What is the best way and time to cut mop heads back?
What is digging holes in my flowerbed?
Am I washing nutrients out of my raised bed when I water?
How do we prevent vole damage and mulch with leaves?
For a new garden what do I need to do now to get the soil ready for next year?
How do I know I have killed the mildew on my phlox?
Should I wear gloves when using garden chemicals?
Why are my thyme seeds not growing?
Why is my milkweed not growing?
Last year the pecans had shells but no kernels. Why?
Should I buy hulled or un-hulled Bermuda seeds?
What is the best ground cover to use in a garden?
Can I fill holes in my yard with a sand/topsoil mix?
What is the best mulch to use around plants?
Why is moss growing on my lawn?
Is this a good time to get your soil tested?
What is the best soil for starting seeds?
What should you consider before starting a vegetable garden?
Should I lime in the fall?
What is this growing in my mulch?
Are there different kinds of straw?
Can I use fresh grass clippings in my garden?
Why don't I have any pollinators on my flowers?
I have mushrooms in my mulch. Do I need to get rid of it?
Are the 2017 UT Master Gardener applications available?
What is a good ground cover for shade?
Squirrels are destroying my flowerbed
How do I amend my hard soil?
Can I use grass clippings as mulch?
Can you put newspaper in your compost pile?
What does heirloom mean?
What should I use to fill my raised bed garden?
Can I use manure in my garden?
Using horse manure in the garden
Pre-emerge in a vegetable garden
What is the best way to kill privet?
Is there a pre-emerge you recommend?
How to get rid of and grow moss
What is the best mulch for a flower bed?
How to Keep the Cat From Peeing In a Flower Bed
Should I use a pruning sealant?
Are ants harmful in a vegetable garden?
Testing Soil for Lead
My Mulch Looks Like It Has Mold On It
Can I Use a Ground Stump For Mulch?
Can I Buy a UT Extension Red Book?
Best Time To Soil Test
Slugs In My Flowerbeds
Tools for the Garden
Does cotton seed hull have insecticides on it?
Does caffeine from coffee grounds affect my compost pile?
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