Attracting Winter Birds
Debbie Bruce from Wild Birds Unlimited talks about how to attract winter birds to your yard. There are some birds that stay in the area for the winter but there will also be many birds that have traveled south to your area for the winter. You can attract birds with feeders and birdbaths. Birds like clean bird feeders. In feeders, you can provide loose seed or compressed seed cylinders. You can also provide suit which is rendered fat. Suit is not found in nature so the birds will need help discovering the suit, frost it with peanut butter and put some seeds on it. Cut up apples will attract several colorful species of birds. Water is important for birds in the winter. Birds need it to drink and wash. When the weather is cold and most water frozen, birds will frequent a bird bath that is not frozen. A bird bath deicer will keep it liquid when the temperature drops. Birds also like to have shelter close to the feeder to protect against hawks. Staking your old Christmas tree close to a feeder will provide shelter to the birds while they are waiting for their turn to eat.
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