UT Extension Resources
UT Extension Redbook
This is the source for all things agricultural. It has information on everything from home gardens to large farms. It includes such topics as: vegetables; livestock; beekeeping; urban wildlife management; trees, shrubs and flowers, canning; etc.
UT Extension publications page
Vegetable Gardens
Growing Vegetables in Home Gardens
A publication explaining the basic considerations for growing a garden including site selection, soil preparation, planting, fertilizing, irrigation, harvesting and a lot of other information. It also contains planting date tables for the different seasons.
Other related publications:
Planning the Vegetable Garden
Soil Preparation for Vegetable Gardens
Guide to Spring-Planted, Cool-Season Vegetables
Guide to Warm-Season Garden Vegetables
Fall Vegetable Gardens
Growing Vegetables from Seed
Care of the Vegetable Garden
Weed Control in Home Gardens
Growing Vegetables in Minigardens
A publication explaining the basic considerations for growing a garden including site selection, soil preparation, planting, fertilizing, irrigation, harvesting and a lot of other information. It also contains planting date tables for the different seasons.
Other related publications:
Planning the Vegetable Garden
Soil Preparation for Vegetable Gardens
Guide to Spring-Planted, Cool-Season Vegetables
Guide to Warm-Season Garden Vegetables
Fall Vegetable Gardens
Growing Vegetables from Seed
Care of the Vegetable Garden
Weed Control in Home Gardens
Growing Vegetables in Minigardens
Home Vegetable Garden Insect Control
You Can Control Garden Insects
This publication talks about different types of insects and how to control them. It details different application methods. Also, it gives the chemicals to control specific common insects found in the garden. The publication also has a step by step identification method to positively identify the insects you find so you can apply the correct treatment.
Home Vegetable Garden Insect Control
It also This publication (part of the “Redbook”) is a large table of most of the insects you might encounter in the garden and how to control them. It gives the recommended chemical or chemicals, the amount to apply and how to apply it. Always read and follow the label directions on any chemical you use.
This publication talks about different types of insects and how to control them. It details different application methods. Also, it gives the chemicals to control specific common insects found in the garden. The publication also has a step by step identification method to positively identify the insects you find so you can apply the correct treatment.
Home Vegetable Garden Insect Control
It also This publication (part of the “Redbook”) is a large table of most of the insects you might encounter in the garden and how to control them. It gives the recommended chemical or chemicals, the amount to apply and how to apply it. Always read and follow the label directions on any chemical you use.
Fruits and Berries
Home Fruit Tree Plan
This publication lists many different kinds of fruit trees and basic information of each including plant spacing, time until fruit production and expected lifespan of the plant.
Planting Fruit Trees
This publication discusses planting fruit trees: preparing the hole, planting, pruning roots and branches, and fertilization.
Blueberries in Home Gardens
This publication looks at the different kinds of blueberries. It also talks about site selection, soil preparation and other planting considerations.
Other related publications:
Berries: Blackberries and Raspberries in Home Gardens
Disease and Insect Control in Home Fruit Plantings
Berries: Renovating Strawberries in the Home Garden
Grape Growing in Tennessee
This publication lists many different kinds of fruit trees and basic information of each including plant spacing, time until fruit production and expected lifespan of the plant.
Planting Fruit Trees
This publication discusses planting fruit trees: preparing the hole, planting, pruning roots and branches, and fertilization.
Blueberries in Home Gardens
This publication looks at the different kinds of blueberries. It also talks about site selection, soil preparation and other planting considerations.
Other related publications:
Berries: Blackberries and Raspberries in Home Gardens
Disease and Insect Control in Home Fruit Plantings
Berries: Renovating Strawberries in the Home Garden
Grape Growing in Tennessee
Lawns and Turfgrass
Fertilization & Management of Home Lawns
This publication discusses basic lawn care for the home lawn. Information includes: planting, fertilizing and irrigation of lawns.
Other related publications:
Turfgrass Maintenance: Fertilizers
Turfgrass Diseases and Their Control
Turfgrass Selection: Bermudagrass
Turfgrass Selection: Bluegrasses
Turfgrass Selection: Fescues
Turfgrass Selection: Zoysia
This publication discusses basic lawn care for the home lawn. Information includes: planting, fertilizing and irrigation of lawns.
Other related publications:
Turfgrass Maintenance: Fertilizers
Turfgrass Diseases and Their Control
Turfgrass Selection: Bermudagrass
Turfgrass Selection: Bluegrasses
Turfgrass Selection: Fescues
Turfgrass Selection: Zoysia
Soil Test Information
This page has links to the form to fill out and send in with your soil. For $15 - plus postage to ship your sample - you can have your soil tested. This will tell you exactly what your soil has and what it lacks. Also with each sample you can ask for guidance for up to four different kinds of plants. The test results will include directions about exactly what to add to your soil for optimum growing for that specific plant. You can pick up soil test boxes from your county Cooperative extension office.
Links to soil testing information:
Soil Testing (Publication)
How to Sample a Lawn or Garden
Submission form to include with your soil test
Crop Codes
Links to soil testing information:
Soil Testing (Publication)
How to Sample a Lawn or Garden
Submission form to include with your soil test
Crop Codes
Find your county UT Extension office
Click Here to find your local Extension office.
Arkansas Extension Service
List of county Extension offices
List of available publications. There are prices listed for each publication. This is for the printed copy, they are free to download.
Gardening A to Z in Arkansas. Web page that tells about how to grow different vegetables in Arkansas
Arkansas Master Gardeners page
Soil test instructions for Arkansas residents. Arkansas taxpayers can have their soil tested free of charge. See page for details.
List of available publications. There are prices listed for each publication. This is for the printed copy, they are free to download.
Gardening A to Z in Arkansas. Web page that tells about how to grow different vegetables in Arkansas
Arkansas Master Gardeners page
Soil test instructions for Arkansas residents. Arkansas taxpayers can have their soil tested free of charge. See page for details.