Family Plot
Complete Episodes
Current Episode
Peaches: Varities, Diseases and CareThis week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks all about peaches, including choosing varieties and how to care for them once they are planted.
The Q&A ShowThis week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Chris Cooper and guests, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond and UT Extension Horticulture Specialist Celeste Scott, answer viewer questions about various gardening topics.
Squash and Tomato Pests, LiliesThis week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired UT Extension Entomologist Frank Hale talks about pests that eat squash and tomatoes. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond tells you everything you need to know about lilies in the Mid-South.
Reading Seed Catalogs, Grapes and Muscadine
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired Mississippi State University Extension Horticulture Specialist Dr. Lelia Kelly shows you how to read and understand seed catalogs. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses growing grapes in your garden.
Garden Crafts for Kids, Garden Safety
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired Mississippi State University Extension Horticulture Specialist Dr. Lelia Kelly talks about fun educational garden crafts to do with the kids. Also, Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about garden safety.
Ikebana Flower Arranging, Types of Herbicide Application
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Master Gardener Mary Heim shows how to arrange flowers in the Japanese Ikebana style. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison shows several different kinds of herbicide applicators and demonstrates how to calibrate a sprayer.
Garden Superstitions, Preparing the Garden for Winter
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired MSU Extension Horticulture Specialist Dr. Lelia Kelly discusses plant folklore and superstitions. Also, retired UT Extension agent Mike Dennison discusses best practices for cleaning up your garden in preparation for winter.
Cutting Down a Tree, Ornamental Grasses
This week on the Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Certified Arborist Wes Hopper demonstrates the proper way to cut down a tree. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses the various types of ornamental grasses.
Chainsaw Safety, Boxwood Shrubs
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Certified Arborist Wes Hopper demonstrates how to safely handle a chainsaw. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses boxwood shrubs.
Spring Blooming Bulbs, Attracting Winter Birds
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses how to get the most out of your early spring-blooming bulbs. Also, Debbie Bruce of Wild Birds Unlimited talks about how to attract birds to your garden in the wintertime.
Plants with Multi-Season Interest, Maintaining a Pond
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired MSU Extension Horticulture Specialist Dr. Lelia Kelly discusses plants that have multi-season interest. Also, retired UT Extension agent Mike Dennison talks about how to maintain a pond.
Winter Care and Protection of Perennial Shrubs, Goat Farming Benefits
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired MSU Extension Horticulture Specialist Dr. Lelia Kelly discusses how to care for and protect perennials and shrubs through the winter. Also, Farm Park Operations Manager Jeff Terry discusses the benefits of goat farming.
Spring Blooming Shrubs to Plant in Fall, Fruit Tree Root Stock
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Director of Landscape for the University of Memphis Joellen Dimond discusses options for spring-blooming shrubs to plant in the fall. Also, Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses choosing the right root stock for your fruit trees.
Caring for Cool-Season Lawn, Build a Compost Pile
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Agent Joseph Seago discusses how to properly care for a cool-season lawn. Also, gardening expert Tonya Ashworth demonstrates how to build a two-pile compost pile.
Swiss Chard in the Winter Annual Flower Bed, Preparing to Plant Fruit Trees
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond replants the annual bed with Swiss chard, Dianthus and pansies. Also, retired UT Extension agent Mike Dennison discusses preparations for planting spring fruit trees in the fall.
Bromeliads, Removing Bees from Homes
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses bromeliads and how to care for them. Also, The Bartlett Bee Whisperer David Glover explains the process of removing bees from homes.
Build a Wirecage to Protect Flower Bulbs, Fertilizing Trees
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond demonstrates how to build cages to protect your flower bulbs. Also, certified arborist Wes Hopper discusses how to fertilize trees.
Common Insecticides for Home Gardeners, Chrysanthemums
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired UT Extension agent Mike Dennison discusses the most common insecticides for home gardeners. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about the different types of chrysanthemums.
Common Garden Fungicides, Monarch Butterfly Migration and Tagging
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses the most common fungicides used in the garden. Also, Lichterman Nature Center Backyard Wildlife Curator Mary Schmidt discusses monarch butterfly migration and demonstrates how to tag butterflies.
Common Tree Diseases, Preserving Fresh Herbs
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses common diseases for trees and how to combat them. Also, Memphis Botanic Garden's Sherri McCalla talks about the various ways to preserve fresh herbs.
Drip Tape Irrigation System
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Horticulture Specialist Celeste Scott demonstrates how to set up a drip irrigation system using drip tape.
Plant screens, Summer Rose Care
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Horticulture Specialist Celeste Scott discusses the use of plants as screens and some popular options to create them. Also, rose expert Bill Dickerson talks about how to take care of roses in late summer.
The Secret to Houseplants:
Replacing Turf Grass, Setting a Live Animal Trap
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Commercial Horticulture agent Joseph Seago discusses the steps for replacing the turf grass in your landscape. Also, retired UT Extension agent Mike Dennison demonstrates how to set a live animal trap.
Long-term Losers in the Southeastern US Landscape, Five Common Vegetable Garden Problems
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Horticulture Specialist Celeste Scott discusses plants that are long-term losers in southeastern US landscapes, and alternatives for them. Also, UT Assistant Professor of Residential & Consumer Horticulture Dr. Natalie Bumgarner talks about 5 common problems of vegetables in the summer.
The Q&A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper and his guests answer viewer questions about all sorts of gardening topics.
Correct Soil pH, Insect Pest Control
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired UT Extension agent Mike Dennison demonstrates how to correct the soil pH in your garden. Also, Williamson County TSU Extension Agent Amy Dismukes discusses methods of insect pest control in the garden.
Tomato Support Florida Weave, Build Drip Irrigation System
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Assistant Professor of Residential and Consumer Horticulture Dr. Natalie Bumgarner demonstrates the Florida weave method for staking tomato plants. And Master Gardener Melisa Nowag shows you how to build a drip irrigation system for your garden.
Summer-Blooming Lilies, Aerating Your Lawn
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses types of summer-blooming lilies and how to care for them. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh talks about the benefits of aerating your lawn, and demonstrates how to do it.
The Q&A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper and his guests answer viewer questions about all sorts of gardening topics.
Deadheading Knock Out Roses and Butterfly Bush, Invasive Plants
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Agricenter International Landscape Specialist Rosa Garcia demonstrates how to deadhead roses and butterfly bush. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses invasive plants.
Attracting Lizards to the Garden, Repotting Orchids
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Lichterman Nature Center's Backyard Wildlife Coordinator Mary Schmidt discusses types of lizards and the benefits of attracting them to your garden. Also, orchid expert Randall Bayer talks about orchid care and demonstrates how to repot store-bought orchids.
Xeriscaping, Making Freezer Jam
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Lichterman Nature Center Plant Activities Coordinator Jessie Munson discusses xeriscaping and shows a variety of plants that could be used. Also, UT Extension Agent Cathy Faust demonstrates how to make low-sugar strawberry freezer jam.
Straw-Mulch Gardening, Different Types of Daylilies
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond demonstrates how to mulch a vegetable garden using straw. Also, Wilson County UT Extension Agent Lucas Holman discusses the different types of daylilies and how to care for them.
Planting Potatoes, Differences Between Toads and Frogs
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Area Specialist Walter Battle demonstrates the different ways to plant potatoes. Also, Lichterman Nature Center Backyard Wildlife Coordinator Mary Schmidt discusses the difference between toads and frogs, and talks about the benefits of attracting them to your garden.
Planting Flowering Annuals, Garden Societies and Clubs
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Dr. Chris Cooper and University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond replant the Family Plot annual flower bed with Impatiens, sweet potato vine and Ageratum. Also, Suzy Askew of the Memphis Horticultural Society discusses the many different garden societies and clubs.
The Q&A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper and his guests answer viewer questions about all sorts of gardening topics.
Planting Japanese Umbrella Pine, Planting Potted Roses
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Dixon Gallery & Gardens Head of Horticulture Dale Skaggs and Manager of Grounds Horticulture Kyle McLane demonstrate how to plant a balled and burlapped Japanese umbrella pine tree. Also, rose expert Bill Dickerson shows how to plant potted roses.
Supporting Tomato Plants, Caliberating a Fertilizer Spreader
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, local gardener Peter Richards demonstrates several ways to properly support tomatoes in the garden. Also, Madison County UT Extension Agent Celeste Scott demonstrates how to properly prepare your calibrate spreaders for proper fertilizer application.
Different Types of Insecticides, Different Ways to Plant Onions
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses the many different types of insecticides. Also Haywood County UT Extension Director Walter Battle demonstrates different ways to plant onions in the garden.
Planting Native Azaleas, Planning and Planting a Butterfly Garden
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Dixon Gallery & Gardens Head of Horticulture Dale Skaggs demonstrates how to plant a native azalea. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond shows how to plan and plant a garden to attract butterflies.
Annuals for the Spring Garden
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses a variety of annuals to use in the spring garden. Also, retired UT Extension agent Mike Dennison talks about the benefits of horticultural oils and demonstrates how to use them.
Garden Q&A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond and retired UT Extension agent Mike Dennison join host Dr. Chris Cooper to discuss a variety of viewer submitted questions.
Straw Bale Gardening, Calculating Fertilizer for the Yard
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, garden expert Tonya Ashworth shows how to prepare and plant a straw bale garden. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison demonstrates how to do garden math to calculate how much fertilizer to use on your yard.
Growing Onions, Rooting Annual Cuttings
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Area Specialist Walter Battle discusses what you need to know about growing onions. Also, retired MSU Extension Horticulture Specialist Lelia Kelly demonstrates easy techniques to root cuttings from annuals you want to keep through the winter.
Choosing Nursery Plants, Pruning Crape Myrtles
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses how to choose the right plants from nurseries. Also, City of Germantown's Natural Resource Manager Wes Hopper demonstrates how to properly prune crape myrtles.
Pepper Varieties, Common Planting Myths
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Master Gardener Tom Mashour talks about different varieties of peppers. Also, retired UT Extension Horticulture Specialist Carol Reese debunks several common planting myths.
Planting Cabbage, Cauliflower and Broccoli, Landscape TreesThis week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Haywood County UT Extension Director Walter Battle shows you how to plant cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about various types of trees to use in your landscape.
The Q&A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper and his guests answer viewer questions about vegetables.
Building a Sturdy Blackberry Trellis, Hydroponic Basics
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison demonstrates how to build a sturdy trellis for blackberry vines. Also, Master Gardener Stephan Leonard gives an overview of the basics of hydroponics.
Building a Self-Watering Pot, Reading Garden Chemical Labels
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, gardening expert Tonya Ashworth tells you the benefits of self-watering pots and demonstrates how to build one. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison shows you how to read garden chemical labels.
Hosta Varieties and Care, Preparing Soil for Planting
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Memphis Botanic Garden Horticulturalist Jim Crowder discusses varieties of hostas and how to properly take care of them. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses how to prepare your soil for planting.
The Q&A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper and his guests answer viewer questions about all sorts of gardening topics.
Planting Potatoes, Disease Resistant Pepper Varieties
This week on the Family plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Haywood County UT Extension Agent Walter Battle talks all about potatoes and demonstrates how to plant them. Also, UT Assistant Professor of Residential & Consumer Horticulture Natalie Bumgarner discusses some newer disease resistant pepper varieties.
Tilling and Amending a New Garden
This Week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison shows how to till and prepare a new in-ground garden. Also, Mike helps answer viewer questions.
Planting in Wet, Heavy Soil
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses plants that do well in wet, heavy soils. She also demonstrates how to plant the
The Q&A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Dr. Chris Cooper and guests answer all kinds of viewer questions about tree fruits.
Companion Planting, Squash
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, gardening expert Tonya Ashworth discusses the benefits of companion planting. Also, Haywood County UT Extension Director Walter Battle talks all about squash.
Repotting Houseplants, Summer Lawn Watering
This week on the Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Rick Pudwell, Director of Horticulture at the Memphis Botanic Gardens, demonstrates the correct way to re-pot your houseplants. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh will explain proper summer lawn watering techniques.
Spirea and False Cypress, Dealing with Landscape Professionals
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond introduces two common types of landscape plants, Spiraea and false cypress. Also, Madison County Extension Agent Celeste Scott will give tips on the best ways to interact with the different types of landscape professionals, from designers to architects.
The Q&A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT/TSU Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper is joined by University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond and local gardener Peter Richards to answer a variety of viewer submitted questions.
Protecting Perennial Herbs, Freezing Fresh Herbs, Controlling Stink Bugs
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses how to protect perennials herbs in the fall and winter, and demonstrates ways to freeze herbs to use as if they are fresh. Also, retired UT Extension agent Mike Dennison discusses how to control stink bugs in the garden.
Garden Cultural Practices, Finding Reliable Online Gardening Advice
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Hardeman County UT Extension Agent Lee Sammons discusses cultural practices to get your garden looking its best. Also, retired UT Extension Horticulture Specialist Carol Reese discusses how to find reliable gardening information online.
Getting the Garden Ready for Winter, Liming a Lawn
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Hardeman County UT Extension Agent Lee Sammons discusses what to do to get your garden ready for the winter. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison demonstrates how to lime your yard.
The Q & A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper and his guests answer all sorts of viewer questions about trees.
Harvesting Flower Seeds, Home Mouse and Rat Control
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Agent Celeste Scott demonstrates how to identify and harvest seeds from flowering plants. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses control options for mice and rats.
Annuals in the Family Plot Flower Bed, Attracting Winter Birds
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond plants Dusty Miller and Violas in the Family Plot annual bed. Also, Debbie Bruce of Wild Birds Unlimited discusses how to attract birds to your yard in the winter.
Fall Pumpkin Display, Simple Hoop House Greenhouse
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Jason Reeves, Horticulturist at the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center, shows how to create a festive fall display with straw bales, corn stalks, and pumpkins. Also, Master Gardener Stephan Leonard shows how to build a simple hoop house greenhouse for a raised bed.
Passalong Flower Seeds, Laying Sod
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Agent Celeste Scott discusses her favorite varieties of flowers that are easy to grow from seed. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh demonstrates how to properly lay sod in the landscape.
Harvesting Seeds form Vegetables, Growing Garlic
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Agent Celeste Scott demonstrates how to collect seeds from different types of vegetables. Also, Wilson County UT Extension Agent Lucas Holman talks about growing garlic.
The Q & A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper and his guests answer viewer questions about all sorts of gardening topics.
Harvesting and Preserving Herbs
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired Mississippi State University Extension Horticulture Specialist Dr. Lelia Kelly demonstrates the different ways to harvest and preserve various herbs.
Propagating Milk Weed, Irises
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Lichterman Nature Center Plant Activities Coordinator Jessie Munson demonstrates how to propagate milkweed from seed. Also, University of Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses irises.
Mid-Season in the Herb Garden, Pressing Flowers
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Master Gardener John Peterson checks in on the herb garden planted earlier in the spring, and discusses herb care during the summer. Also, Master Gardener Mary Heim demonstrates how to press flowers.
Trees for Attracting Pollinators, Canning Tomatoes
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses trees that are good for attracting pollinators. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Cathy Faust demonstrates how to can tomatoes.
Caring for Orchids, Beneficial Bugs
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses how to take care of orchids. Also, gardening expert Tonya Ashworth talks about bugs that are beneficial in the garden.
The Q&A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South it’s the Q&A show! UT Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper and his guests answer viewer questions about weeds.
Grass Lawn Alternatives, Pesticides
Building a Cucumber Support, Mix and Apply Fungicide
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Assistant Professor of Residential and Consumer Horticulture, Natalie Bumgarner shows how to build a cucumber trellis and string up cucumbers. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison shows how to mix and apply fungicide on tomatoes.
Propgating Carolina Bushpea, Composting
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Lichterman Nature Center's Plant Activities Coordinator Jessie Munson demonstrates how to propagate Carolina bushpea from seed. Also, Compost Fairy Mike Larrivee discusses how to compost correctly.
Purple Martin Nests, Scale
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Mary Schmidt, Lichterman Nature Center Backyard Wildlife Coordinator, lets us check in on some purple martin nests. Also, TSU Central Region Nursery Extension Specialist Amy Dismukes discusses the different types of scale that can affect your yard.
Rabbits in the Garden, Beehive Tour
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses ways to control rabbits in the garden. Also, the Bartlett Bee Whisperer David Glover talks about bees and gives us a tour of a beehive.
Pruning Shrubs, Snakes in the Garden
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Director of Landscape for the University of Memphis Joellen Dimond demonstrates how to properly prune shrubs in your garden. And Andy Williams of Lichterman Nature Center discusses the importance of snakes in the garden, as well as which to look out for.
Building an Electric Fence
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired UT Extension agent Mike Dennison demonstrates how to build an electric fence for your garden.
The Q & A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South it’s the Q&A show! UT Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper and his guests answer viewer questions about all sorts of gardening topics.
New Annuals in the Butterfly Garden, Songbirds as Pests
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond plants some new flowers in the Family Plot butterfly garden. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses how to protect against songbirds.
Summer Annuals
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond demonstrates how to plant Coleus, Pentas and Vinca in the garden.
Attracting Butterflies, Thinning Fruit Trees
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Backyard Wildlife Curator for Lichterman Nature Center Mary Schmidt discusses different ways to attract butterflies to your garden. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison demonstrates how to thin fruit on peach trees.
Containing Mint in the Garden, Avoiding Common Landscape and Garden Mistakes
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Master Gardener John Peterson demonstrates how to contain mint in the garden. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses how to avoid common mistakes in the garden and landscape.
Planting an Herb Garden
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Master Gardener John Peterson demonstrates how to plant a variety of herbs in the garden.
The Q & A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South it’s the Q&A show! UT Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper and his guests answer viewer questions about all sorts of gardening topics.
Monarch Butterflies, Planting Blueberries
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Backyard Wildlife Curator for Lichterman Nature Center Mary Schmidt discusses monarch butterflies. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison demonstrates how to plant blueberries.
Planting Hydrangeas, Japanese Maple Trees
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond demonstrates how to plant a hydrangea. Also, retired UT Extension Horticulture Specialist Carol Reese discusses different varieties of Japanese maple trees.
Planting Hollies, Disease-Resistant Apple Trees
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond demonstrates how to plant hollies. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses diseases-resistant apple tree varieties to plant in your garden.
Deciduous Magnolias, Planting Bare-Root Strawberries
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Dixon Gallery and Gardens Director of Horticulture Dale Skaggs discusses less common varieties of magnolia trees. Also, retired UT Extension agent Mike Dennison demonstrates how to plant bare-root strawberries.
Spring-Blooming Bulbs, Purple Martins
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Dixon Gallery and Gardens Director of Horticulture Dale Skaggs discusses how to care for spring-blooming bulbs. Also, Mary Schmidt of Lichterman Nature Center discusses Purple Martins and how to attract them to your yard. >>Watch here.
Cutting Back Ornamental Grasses, Types of Mulch
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond and her staff demonstrate how to cut back ornamentals grasses before spring. Also, Jim Crowder of the Memphis Botanic Garden discusses the various types of mulch.
Cold Winter Plant Damage, Garden Fences
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses how to take care of plants after they have been damaged by cold winter weather and temperatures. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about the different types of fences to use for your garden.
The Q & A Show March 4, 2023
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South UT Extension Agents Chris Cooper and Celeste Scott, along with UT Assistant Professor of Residential and Consumer Horticulture Natalie Bumgarner answer viewer questions about root knot nematodes, aphids, what to do with your plants after a hard freeze, and more.
Grow Lights, Microgreens
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Madison County UT Extension Agent Celeste Scott discusses the different types of grow lights and their purpose. Also, UT Extension Residential and Horticulture Specialist Dr. Natalie Bumgarner discusses microgreens and how to grow them.
Growing Tomatoes from Seed
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Residential and Consumer Horticulture Specialist Dr. Natalie Bumgarner discusses how to grow tomatoes from seed to transplant into the garden.
Caring for Warm Season Lawns in Winter, Pruning Peach Trees
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired UT Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh discusses how take care of your lawn during the winter months. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison demonstrates how to prune peach, plum and nectarine trees.
Making an Old Landscape New, Dangerous Plants for Pets
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Residential and Consumer Horticulture Specialist Dr. Natalie Bumgarner discusses some tips for starting over in a different landscape. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about plants that are not safe for pets.
Beneficial Bugs, Fertilizer Math
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, gardening expert Tonya Ashworth talks about predatory beneficial insects. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison is going to show how to calculate how much fertilizer to use on your yard.
The Q & A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South it’s the Q&A show! UT Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper and his guests answer viewer questions about all sorts of gardening topics.
Building a Rain Barrel, Common Tree Bugs
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, gardening expert Tonya Ashworth demonstrates how to build a rain barrel. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses tree bugs and how to control them.
Building a Grow Light, Finding Reliable Garden Information Online
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Master Gardener Tom Mashour shows how to make an inexpensive grow stand to provide light for indoor seedlings. Also, UT Extension Horticulture Specialist Carol Reese talks about how to find reliable and accurate gardening information on the internet.
How Trees Work, Some of the Worst Weeds
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Wes Hopper, certified arborist and City of Germantown's Natural Resource Manager, talks about how trees work. Also, Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about some of the worst weeds.
Worm Composting, Organic Gardening
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, local worm farmer with Happy Daze Worm Farm Bill Abresch explains how you can use worms to make compost indoors when you don't have the space outdoors to build a compost pile. Also, Gardening Expert Tonya Ashworth gives you tips on how to garden organically.
Landscape Shrubs, Fall and Winter Fruit Tree Care
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses some shrubs to try out in your landscape, including Viburnum and Aster. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about how to care for your fruit trees during the fall and winter months.
Square Foot Garden Year in Review, Lasagna Gardening
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, local gardener Peter Richards gives a review of how well the Family Plot square foot garden did this year. Also, Master Gardener Ginny Fletcher demonstrates lasagna gardening.
Opossums, Groundcovers
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Mary Schmidt of Lichterman Nature Center discusses some facts about opossums. Also, retired UT Extension Horticultural Specialist Carol Reese discusses different types of groundcovers.
Winter Landscaping, Fall and Winter Weed Control
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired Mississippi State University Horticulture Specialist Dr. Lelia Kelly discusses landscaping ideas for winter. Also, Alabama A&M University Extension Specialist Rudy Pacumbaba talks about how to control weeds in the fall and winter.
Bats, Winterizing a Lawnmower
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Mary Schmidt of Lichterman Nature Center discusses bats. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh discusses and demonstrates how to properly store your lawnmower for the winter.
Preparing the Vegetable Garden, along with, Ornamentals and Trees for Winter
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Master Gardener Tom Mashour discusses how to prepare you vegetable garden for winter. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about how to prepare ornamentals and trees to survive the winter months.
Cleaning Garden Tools, Pre-Emergent Herbicides
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond demonstrates how to properly clean your garden tools. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses how to control weeds with pre-emergent herbicides.
Saving Seeds, Daffodil Varieties
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired Horticulture Specialist Dr. Lelia Kelly discusses the different methods for saving seeds. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about the different varieties of daffodils.
Planting Pansies, Cool-Season Edible Ornamentals
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond plants pansies in the Family Plot annuals flower bed. Also, retired UT Extension Horticulture Specialist Carol Reese discusses cool-season edible ornamentals.
The Q&A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Director of Landscape for the University of Memphis Joellen Dimond and retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison join host Dr. Chris Cooper to answer viewer questions.
Compact Vegetable Plants, Using Herbicides
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Assistant Professor of Residential and Consumer Horticulture Dr. Natalie Bumgarner discusses options for compact vegetables plants. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about the basics of using herbicides.
Protect Fruit Trees During Winter, Trees for Good Fall Color
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses how to protect your fruit trees in winter and prepare them for spring. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about trees that have good fall color.
Garden Prep for Winter and Spring, Common Apple Tree Diseases
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses how to prepare your garden for winter and next spring. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about common apple tree diseases and how to prevent them.
Types of Turf Grass, Abelia
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh discusses the various types of turf grass that grows well in Southern climates. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about Abelia.
The Q & A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South it’s the Q&A show! UT Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper and his guests answer viewer questions about all sorts of gardening topics.
Summer Tomato Care, Planting Fall Vegetables
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South tomato expert Alaina Hagerty talks about summer tomato care. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison plants fall vegetables.
Tall Skinny Trees, Common Herbicides
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South: UT Gardens Horticulturist Jason Reeves shows some skinny tree options. Also, Retired UT Extension agent Mike Dennison talks about three common herbicides.
Rain Gardens, Correct Lawn Cutting
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Madison County UT Extension Agent Celeste Scott discusses the function of rain gardens in your landscape. Also, UT Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh discusses and demonstrates how to mow your lawn correctly.
Yard and Garden Watering, Fall Vegetables
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South Jason Reeves from UT Gardens Jackson shows different watering methods for your garden. Also, UT Extension Area Specialist Walter Battle talks about fall vegetables.
Getting Ticks, Chiggers and Mosquitoes Out of Your Yard, Pineapple Lily
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison tells what you can do to rid your yard of ticks, chiggers, and mosquitoes. Also, UT Asst. Professor of Residential and Consumer Horticulture Dr. Natalie Bumgarner talks about the pineapple lily.
Tropical Plants in the Landscape, Correct Garden pH
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about tropical plants that can add variety and color to the landscape. Also, UT Extension Agent Celeste Scott talks about the importance of the correct pH in the garden.
Crape Myrtle Varieties, Apple Tree Diseases
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses the different varieties of crape myrtles. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about common diseases of apple trees.
Planting Sweet Potatoes, Ergonomic Gardening Techniques
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Haywood County UT Extension Director Walter Battle shows us how to plant sweet potatoes. Also, Shelby County UT Extension Agent Andrea Jacobo demonstrates ergonomic gardening techniques to keep you gardening the rest of your life.
The Q&A Show - June 25, 2022
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South it’s the Q&A show! UT Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper and his guests answer viewer questions about all sorts of gardening topics.
Attracting Birds with Birdbaths, Caring for Tomatoes
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Debbie Bruce of Wild Birds Unlimited discusses using birdbaths to attract more bird to your yard. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about how to treat and care for tomatoes.
Curing Common Lawn Diseases, Getting Rid of Fire Ants
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh identifies common lawn diseases and talks about how to cure them. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about how to get rid of fire ants.
Green Bean Growing Options, Planting in 5-Gallon Buckets
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Assistant Professor of Residential and Consumer Horticulture Natalie Bumgarner discusses different options for growing green beans. Also, Haywood County UT Extension Director Walter Battle demonstrates how to plant tomatoes in a 5-gallon bucket.
Planting Peppers in the Square Foot Garden, Wood-Boring Insects
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Residential and Consumer Horticulture Specialist Dr. Natalie Bumgarner demonstrates how to plant peppers in a square foot garden. Also, UT Extension Entomologist Dr. Frank Hale discusses some common wood-boring insects.
Dividing Daylilies, Different Kinds of Herbicides
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond demonstrates how to divide daylilies. Also, retired UT Extension agent Mike Dennison discusses the different kinds of herbicides.
Sedums, Spraying Peach Trees
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses the many different varieties of Sedums. Also, Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison demonstrates how to properly spray peach trees.
Planting Summer Annuals, Planting Potatoes
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond plants salvia, petunias and marigolds. Also, Master Gardener Tom Mashour shows how to prepare and plant potatoes.
Summer Perennial Blooms, Creating a Container Garden
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses flowering perennials for season-long blooms. Also, gardening expert Tonya Ashworth demonstrates how to create a container garden.
Planting Tomatoes Using the Trench Method, Planting Corn
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South tomatoes and corn are featured. Tomato expert Alainia Hagerty of Tomato Baby Company shows how to plant a tomato using the trench method. Also, Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison plants corn.
Interesting Tomato Varieties
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Tomato Expert Alainia Hagerty from Tomato Baby Company discusses the many varieties of tomatoes that you can try growing in the home garden.
Landscape Flowers for Summer Heat, Planting Strawberries
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Memphis Botanic Garden Horticulturalist Jill Maybry talks about landscape flowers that love the summer heat. Also, Master Gardener Tom Mashour demonstrates how to plant strawberries.
Interesting Houseplants, Planting Blackberries
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Memphis Botanic Garden Horticulturalist Jill Maybry discusses some interesting houseplant options. Also, Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison demonstrates how to plant blackberries.
Planting Bare Root Roses, Choosing Plants to Grow in Your Garden
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, rose expert Bill Dickerson demonstrates how to plant bare root roses. Also, Memphis Botanic Garden Director of Horticulture Rick Pudwell discusses how to choose which plants to grow in your garden.
The Q&A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South it’s the Q&A show! UT Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper and his guests answer viewer questions about all sorts of gardening topics.
Starting a Square Foot Garden, When to Plant and Harvest Onions
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, local gardener Peter Richards demonstrates how to start a square foot garden in a raised bed. Also, Haywood County UT Extension Director Walter Battle discusses when to plant onions and how to harvest them.
Building a Small Temporary High-Tunnel Greenhouse, Propagating FernsThis week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Local Gardener Peter Richards demonstrates how to build a small temporary high-tunnel greenhouse from PVC pipe and plastic. Also, Dixon Gallery and Gardens Greenhouse Manager Kim Rucker shows how to propagate ferns from existing plants.
New Blackberry Cultivars, Lily Varieties
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Residential and Horticulture Specialist Dr. Natalie Bumgarner discusses new blackberry cultivars. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about the many varieties of lilies.
Starting Flower Seeds Indoors, Benefits of Systemic Insecticides
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Greenhouse Manager for Dixon Gallery & Gardens Kim Rucker demonstrates how to start summer annuals from seed indoors during the winter. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses the benefits of using systemic insecticides.
Starting Vegetable Seeds Indoors, Seeds or Transplants
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Hardeman County UT Extension Agent Lee Sammons discusses and demonstrates how to start vegetable seeds indoors before spring. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses how to choose which crops to grow from seed or from transplants.
Landscape Design
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Director of Landscape for the University of Memphis Joellen Dimond discusses the many different tools that can be used to design landscapes. Also, she demonstrates how to plan and draw landscape designs.
Landscape Design Considerations and What Plants to Avoid in Your LandscapeThis week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about what you need to consider when planning a new landscape. Also, Carol Reese, Retired UT Extension Horticultural Specialist talks about the plants you want to avoid in your landscape, and what to replace them with.
Building an Inexpensive Hydroponic/Aeroponic System
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, hydroponics expert Scott Dekarske from Wet Werk, and Master Gardener Stephan Leonard show how to build a small, inexpensive hydroponics system.
Plant Societies and Garden Clubs, Squash
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Suzy Askew of the Memphis Horticultural Society discusses the many different types of plant societies and garden clubs. Also, Haywood County UT Extension Director Walter Battle talks about squash.
Common Hydrangea Varieties, Spraying Tall Plants
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Master Gardener Linda Lanier talks about common varieties of hydrangeas. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses how to spray tall plants in your landscape.
Using a Seed Catalog, Growing GrapesThis week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired MSU Extension Horticulture Specialist Dr. Lelia Kelly shows you how to read and understand seed catalogs. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses growing grapes in your garden.
Garden Crafts for Kids, Garden Safety
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, MSU Extension Horticulture Specialist Dr. Lelia Kelly talks about fun garden crafts to do with the kids. Also, Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about garden safety.
Protecting Plants During Winter, Controlling Nuisance Wildlife
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired MSU Extension Horticulture Specialist Dr. Lelia Kelly discusses how to protect your vulnerable landscape plants during the winter. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about how to control nuisance wildlife in your garden.
Ikebana Flower Arranging, Herbicide Application
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Master Gardener Mary Heim shows how to arrange flowers in the Japanese Ikebana style. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison shows several different kinds of herbicide applicators and demonstrates how to calibrate a sprayer.
Proper Cutting Down of Tree, Ornamental Grasses
This week on the Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Certified Arborist and Natural Resources Manager for the City of Germantown Wes Hopper demonstrates the proper way to cut down a tree. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses the various types of ornamental grasses.
Chainsaw Safety, Boxwood
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, City of Germantown Natural Resource Manager and Certified Arborist Wes Hopper discusses chainsaw safety. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about boxwood.
Spring-Blooming Shrubs, Fruit Tree Root Stock
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Director of
Landscape for the University of Memphis Joellen Dimond discusses options
for spring-blooming shrubs to plant in the fall. Also, Retired UT
Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses choosing the right root stock
for your fruit trees.
Winter Annuals, Garden Plant Superstitions
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Joellen Dimond, Director of Landscape for the University of Memphis, helps replant the Family Plot flower bed with winter annuals: snapdragons and pansies. Also, retired MSU Extension Agent Dr. Lelia Kelly discusses common plant superstitions.
Preparing Roses for Winter and Spring, Chrysanthemums
This week on the Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Rose expert
Bill Dickerson demonstrates how to prepare roses for winter and spring.
Also, Director of Landscape for the University of Memphis Joellen Dimond
discusses the fall favorite, chrysanthemums.
Best Apple Varieties to Grow, Planting Spring Bulls in the Fall
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired UT Extension agent Mike Dennison discusses what varieties of apples grow best in certain areas of the country. Also, Hardeman County UT Extension Agent Lee Sammons demonstrates how to plant spring bulbs in the fall.
Setting an Armadillo Trap, Monarch ButterfliesThis week on the Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison demonstrates how to set up an armadillo trap. Also, Mary Schmidt from Lictherman Nature Center discusses monarch butterflies.
The Q&A ShowThis week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South it’s the Q&A show! UT Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper and his guests answer viewer questions about all sorts of gardening topics.
Preparing Lawn for Fall and Winter, Plant Propagation MethodsThis week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Shelby County UT Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh discusses how to prepare your lawn for the fall and winter. Also, Kim Rucker of Dixon Gallery and Gardens demonstrates methods to propagate your plants.
Common Warm Season Lawn Diseases, Dividing HostasThis week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Shelby County UT Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh discusses common diseases of warm-season grasses. Also, Master Gardener Cheryl Lockhart demonstrates how to divide hostas.
Common Tree Diseases, Preserving HerbsThis week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses common tree diseases. Also, Memphis Botanic Garden's Sherri McCalla demonstrates how to preserve herbs year-long.
Butterfly Garden Flowers, Raising GoatsThis week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond plants flowers to attract butterflies to your garden. Also, Farm Park Operations Manager Jeff Terry discusses the benefits of raising goats.
Common Vegetable Garden Problems, Garden Greenery ArrangementsThis week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Assistant Professor of Residential & Consumer Horticulture Natalie Bumgarner discusses common problems when growing vegetables. Also, Master Gardener Mary Heim demonstrates how to make arrangements from greenery found in your garden.
Types of Houseplant Soil, Tomato and Squash PestsThis week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Madison County UT Extension Agent Celeste Scott discusses the types of soils to use for different houseplants. Also, UT Extension Entomologist Frank Hale discusses the pests of tomato and squash plants.
Summer Color From Woody Perennials, Canning Fresh Peaches
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Madison County UT Extension Agent Celeste Scott discusses woody perennials with summer colors to use it your landscape. Also, Juanita Jones of Jones Orchard demonstrates how to can fresh peaches.
The Q&A ShowThis week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South it’s the Q&A show! UT Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper and his guests answer viewer questions about all sorts of gardening topics.
Peach Tree Diseases and Pests, Touring a BeehiveThis week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired UT Extension Director Mike Dennison discusses the most common diseases and insect pests that affect peaches. Also, the Bartlett Bee Whisperer David Glover gives us a tour of a beehive.
Correct Garden Soil pH, Insect Pest Control
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, retired UT Extension Director Mike Dennison demonstrates how to correct the soil pH in your garden. Also, Williamson County Extension Agent Amy Dismukes discusses methods of insect pest control in the garden.
Invasive Plants, Saving Annual Cuttings
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses what makes a plant invasive, and lists the most invasive plants in the United States. Also, Horticultural Specialist Dr. Lelia Kelly demonstrates how to take cuttings from annuals to save for next spring.
Planting Summer Annuals, Maximizing Corn Crops
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, the University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond plants scaevola, pintas, and vinca. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses how to maximize your corn crop.
Re-potting House Plants, Summer Lawn Watering
This week on the Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Rick Pudwell, Director of Horticulture at the Memphis Botanic Gardens, demonstrates the correct way to re-pot your houseplants. Later, Booker T. Leigh , UT Extension Agent in Shelby County, will explain proper summer lawn watering techniques.
Square Foot Gardening, Treating Crape Myrtle Bark Scale
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, garden expert Tonya Ashworth talks about the basics of square foot gardening. Also, Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison demonstrates how to use a soil drench to treat crape myrtle bark scale.
Low-Sugar Strawberry Freezer Jam, Attracting Wildlife
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Agent Cathy Faust makes low-sugar strawberry freezer jam. Also, Gardening Expert Tonya Ashworth tells you what to do to attract wildlife to your yard.
Rotten Wood Raised Beds Rebuilt with Concrete Block, Gardening Myths
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, gardener Peter Richards helps transform the wooden Family Plot garden raised beds to concrete block. Also, UT Extension Horticultural Specialist Carol Reese discusses various gardening myths.
Preparing Lawn for the Growing Season, Calibrating a Fertilizer Spreader
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Shelby County UT Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh discusses what to do to prepare your lawn for the growing season. Also, Madison County UT Extension Agent Celeste Scott demonstrates how to calibrate your fertilizer spreaders for proper fertilizer application.
Fish in Garden Water Features, Planting Blackberries
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Andy Williams, Director of The Lichterman Nature Center, discusses fish for an added water feature in your garden. Also Mike Dennison, Retired UT Extension Agent, plants blackberries in the WKNO Family Plot garden.
Supporting Garden Tomatoes, Companion Planting
This week on the Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, local garden expert Peter Richards demonstrates several ways to properly support tomatoes in the garden. Also, gardening expert Tonya Ashworth discusses the benefits of companion planting.
Hostas, Preparing soil for planting
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Memphis Botanic Garden Horticulturalist Jim Crowder discusses varieties of hostas and how to properly take care of them. Also, Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses how to prepare your soil for planting.
The Q&A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, host Chris Cooper is joined by Joellen Dimond, University of Memphis Director of Landscape, and UT Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh to answer your gardening questions.
Common Nursery Plant Problems, Properly Pruning Crape MyrtlesThis week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, the University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses how to choose the right plants from nurseries, and things to look out for. Also, City of Germantown's Natural Resource Manager Wes Hopper demonstrates how to properly prune crape myrtles.
Springtime Garden Checklist, Pruning Fig Trees
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond helps you prepare a checklist of springtime items you can do to get your garden ready for the growing season. Also, local garden expert Bill Colvard demonstrates how to properly prune fig trees.
Pruning Rose Bushes, Tools Every Gardener Needs
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, rose expert Bill Dickerson demonstrates how to prune a rose bush. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about the tools every gardener needs.
Frogs and Toads, When Songbirds are Pests
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Mary Schmidt from Lichterman Nature Center brings some frogs and toads, and talks about how they are beneficial in the garden. Also, Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about what to do when songbirds are being pests.
Pruning Peachs and Nectarines, Growing Cabbage
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison demonstrates how to prune peach and nectarine trees. Also, Master Gardener Stephanie Alligood talks about the basics of growing cabbage.
How Trees Work, Worst Garden Weeds
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Wes Hopper, certified arborist and City of Germantown's Natural Resource Manager, talks about how trees work. Also, Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about some of the worst weeds.
Tree Borers, Dangerous Plants for Dogs and Cats
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Entomologist Frank Hale talks about tree borers, and how you can stop them. Also, University of Memphis's Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about plants that are dangerous for pets.
Fertilizer, Laying Sod
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Celeste Scott, UT Extension Agent-Madison County, discusses everything you need to know about fertilizer. And UT Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh demonstrates how to lay sod.
Re-Potting Orchids, Planting Summer Flowers
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Orchid expert Randall Bayer shows how to re-pot a grocery store orchid. Also, Joellen Dimond, University of Memphis Director of Landscape, plants summer flowers in the Family Plot Bed. Flowers featured are bat-faced cuphea and diamond frost euphorbia.
Removing Honey Bees from the Home, Composting Basics
This week on The Family Plot Gardening in the Mid-South, The Bartlett Bee Whisperer David Glover explains what to do if honey bees move into your house. Also, Compost Fairy Mike Larrivee talks about the basics of composting.
Birdhouses, Set and Bait a Live
Raptors, Garden Fencing to Keep Out Unwanted Critters
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Mary Schmidt from the Lichterman Nature Center tells us all you need to know about raptors of the Mid-South. Also, Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison explains all about the different kinds of fencing you can use to defend your garden from unwanted intruders.
Gardening in 5-Gallon Buckets, Easy-to-Grow Herbs
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South Haywood County UT Extension Director Walter Battle shows how you can garden in 5-gallon buckets. Also, Memphis Herb Society President Reni Erskine talks about easy-to-grow herbs.
Worm Composting Indoors, Organic Gardening
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, local worm farmer with Happy Daze Worm Farm Bill Abresch explains how you can use worms to make compost indoors when you don't have the space outdoors to build a compost pile. Also, Gardening Expert Tonya Ashworth gives you tips on how to garden organically.
Making a Grow Light, Finding Gardening Information Online
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Master Gardener Tom Mashour shows how to make an inexpensive grow stand to provide light for indoor seedlings. Also, UT Extension Horticulture Specialist Carol Reese talks about how to find reliable and accurate gardening information on the internet.
Viburnum, Asters, Fall and Winter Fruit Tree Care
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about viburnum and aster. Also, Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about fall and winter fruit tree care.
Spiraea and Falsecypress, Interacting with Landscape Professionals
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond introduces two common types of landscape plants, spiraea and falsecypress. Celeste Scott, TSU Extension Agent for Madison County, will give tips on the best ways to interact with the different types of landscape professionals, from designers to architects.
Growing Microgreens, Home Mouse and Rat Control
University of Tennessee Assistant Professor of Residential and Consumer Horticulture Natalie Bumgarner talks about how to grow microgreens. Also, Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about how to keep mice and rats out of your house and how to get rid of them once they are inside.
Holiday Greenery Display, Preparing Tools for Winter Storage
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Horticulturalist Jason Reeves demonstrates how to make holiday greenery displays. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison shows you how to prepare your gardening tools for winter storage.
Fern Propagation, Cross-Pollinating Daylilies
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Dixon Gallery & Gardens Greenhouse Manager Kim Rucker shows us how to propagate ferns. Also, Wilson County UT Extension Agent Lucas Holman talks about daylilies and how to cross-pollinate them.
Pressing Flowers, Lasagna Gardening
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Master Gardener Mary Heim demonstrates how to press flowers to save for later use. And Master Gardener Ginny Fletcher demonstrates an alternative to traditional in-ground gardening called lasagna gardening.
Spring Bulbs, Attracting Winter Birds
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about early spring bulbs and shows how to force a bulb so it will bloom whenever you want. Also, Debbie Bruce from Wild Birds Unlimited talks about how to attract winter birds to your garden.
Garlic, Planting Tulips and Pansies
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond plants tulips and pansies for winter and early spring color. Also, UT Extension Agent Lucas Holman talks about garlic.
Tilling and Preparing a New Garden
This Week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South: Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison shows how to till and prepare a new in-ground garden. Also, Mike and UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper answer viewer questions.
Building a Compost Pile, Liming a Lawn
This Week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South: Gardening Expert Tonya Ashworth shows how to build a compost pile. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison shows how to lime a lawn.
Insect Scale, Tree Questions Answered
This Week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South: TSU Central Region Nursery Extension Specialist Amy Dismukes talks about the different kinds of insect scale and how to get rid of them. Also UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper and Certified Arborist Wes Hopper answer lots of tree questions from viewers.
Festive Fall Display, Hoop House Greenhouse
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South: Jason Reeves, Horticulturist at the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center, shows how to create a festive fall display with straw bales, corn stalks, and pumpkins. Also, Master Gardener Stephan Leonard shows how to build a simple hoop house greenhouse for a raised bed.
Fertilizing Trees, Growing Plants Under Trees and on Slopes
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, City of Germantown Natural Resource Manager Wes Hopper discusses how to and when to fertilize trees in your landscape. Also, UT Extension Horticultural Specialist Carol Reese discusses how to grow plants under trees and on slopes in your landscape.
Cover Crops, Boxwoods
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South Master Gardener Carl Wayne Hardeman talks about cover crops and how they can benefit your garden. Also, UT Extension Horticultural Specialist Carol Reese talks about the different kinds of boxwood and the best ones to grow in your landscape
Summer Rose Care, Fall Fruit Tree Care
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Rose Expert Bill Dickerson shows us how to take care of roses in the late summer into the fall. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison tells us how to prepare and care for fruit trees for the fall and winter.
Fall Cool Season Vegetables, Figs
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, Master Gardener Tom Mashour discusses and demonstrates how to start fall, cool season vegetables from seed indoors. And local garden expert Bill Colvard talks about figs.
Properly Fertilize Lawn, Can Green Beans
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South UT Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh demonstrates how to properly fertilize your lawn. And UT Extension Agent Cathy Faust shows you how to can fresh green beans.
Lawn Grass Alternatives, Insecticides
This week on the Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South University of Memphis' Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses the many alternatives to lawn grasses. And retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison discusses the different types of insecticides and how to use them.
Mowing your Lawn Properly, Wildflowers
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh shows how to properly mow your lawn. Also, Andy Williams from Lichterman Nature Center talks about wildflowers.
Planting Shurbs in Wet Heavy Soil
This week on The Family Plot learn how to plant ornamentals in heavy, wet soils with Host Chris Cooper and Director of Landscape for The University of Memphis Joellen Dimond. Find out about the problems, plants that can do well in this kind of soil, and then how to plant the shrubs and ornamentals so they will survive.
Pressure Canning Tomatoes, Store and Dispose Pesticide Conatiners
This week on The Family Plot, UT Extension Agent Cathy Faust demonstrates how to pressure can fresh tomatoes. And retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison explains how to store and dispose of pesticide containers.
Cucumber Trellis, Apply Fungicide on Tomatoes
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, UT Assistant Professor of Residential and Consumer Horticulture, Natalie Bumgarner shows how to build a cucumber trellis and string up cucumbers. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison shows how to mix and apply fungicide on tomatoes.
The Q & A Show
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South it’s the Q&A show! UT Extension Agent Dr. Chris Cooper and his guests answer 11 viewer questions about all sorts of gardening topics: tomatoes, azaleas, asparagus, lawns, and more.
Make a Rain Barrel, Common Tree Bugs
This week on The Family Plot: Gardening in the Mid-South, gardening expert Tonya Ashworth shows how to make a rain barrel to catch water off your roof. Also, Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about common tree bugs.
Florida Weave Tomato Staking, Drip Irrigation for the Garden
This week on The Family Plot, Assistant Professor of Residential and Consumer Horticulture, UT Extension, Dr. Natalie Bumgarner demonstrates the Florida weave method for staking tomato plants. And Master Gardener Melisa Nowag shows you how to build a drip irrigation system for your garden.
Blackberry Trellis, Hydroponics and Aeroponics
This week on The Family Plot Mr. D., retired UT-Extension Agent, will show how to build a sturdy trellis for Blackberry vines, and Stephan Leonard, a Master Gardner, will explain everything about hydroponics and aeroponics.
Prune Shrubs, Snakes in the Garden
This week on The Family Plot, Director of Landscape for the University of Memphis Joellen Dimond discusses and demonstrates how to properly prune shrubs in your garden. And Andy Williams of Lichterman Nature Center discusses the importance of snakes in the garden, as well as which to look out for.
Hibiscus and Begonia Planting, Viewer Questions and Answers
This week on The Family Plot, host Chris Cooper and Director of Landscape for the University of Memphis Joellen Dimond replant the summer flower bed with hibiscus and begonias. They also answer your gardening questions.
Types of Mulch, Problems for Garden Seedlings
This week on The Family Plot Jim Crowder from the Memphis Botanic Garden explains all about the different kinds of mulch that can be used in the garden. Also, Mr. D. talks about early spring garden problems.
The Q & A Show
This week on The Family Plot, we have the Q & A show where we spend the episode answering many of your questions and responding to viewer emails.
Grocery Store Flower Arranging, Planting Flowers in Containers
This week on The Family Plot Master Gardener Mary Heim shows you how to arrange flowers that you purchase from a grocery store. And gardening expert Tonya Ashworth demonstrates how to plant flowers in containers.
Self-Watering Pots, Reading Garden Chemical Labels
This week on The Family Plot gardening expert Tonya Ashworth tells you the benefits of self-watering pots and demonstrates how to build one. Also, retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison, Mr. D., shows you how to read garden chemical labels.
Planting a Butterfly Garden, Japanese Maples
University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond discusses which plants to add to your garden to attract butterflies and how to plant them. And UT Extension Horticultural Specialist Carol Reese discusses the many different types of Japanese maples and how to take care of them.
Straw Bale Gardening, Yard Fertilizer Calculating
This week on The Family Plot, garden expert Tonya Ashworth shows how to prepare and plant a straw bale garden, and retired UT Extension Agent, Mike Dennison, Mr. D., demonstrates how to do garden math to calculate how much fertilizer to use on your yard.
Plant Roses, Disease Resistant Apple Trees
This week on the Family Plot, host Chris Cooper is joined by rose expert Bill Dickerson who shows us how to plant store-bought and nursery-bought roses, and Mike Dennison, Mr. D., tells us about the different varieties of apple trees and diseases they are susceptible to.
Spray Fruit Trees, Install Bird Feeder to Attract Birds
Mike Dennison, Mr. D., will demonstrate how to properly spray fruit trees, and later Debbie Bruce will demonstrate how to correctly install a bird feeder to attract birds to your yard.
Horticultural Oils, Beneficial Garden Bugs
Mr. D. explains how horticultural oils are a great way to control insects without using heavy chemicals and how to apply them. Also, garden expert Tonya Ashworth stops by to explain the beneficial bugs you want in your garden.
Planting Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower; Landscape Trees
This week we begin spring with planting broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. Haywood County UT Extension Director Walter Battle shows you how to plant them. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about the various types of trees to use in your landscape
Planting Onions, Common Landscape Mistakes
We start the new year with planting onions. Haywood County UT Extension Director Walter Battle talks about growing onions and plants a few different kinds. Also, University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about common landscape mistakes and how to avoid them.
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