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Squash Pests
Every spring there are insects just waiting to attack your squash plants. UT Extension Entomologist Dr. Frank Hale talks about the most common pests of squash.
Cucumber beetles feed on the leaves of squash. They can skeletonize the leaves. Frank recommends using floating row covers to keep the bugs off the plants for as long as possible. Adult squash bugs overwinter in debris around the garden and find and lay eggs on squash in the spring. He recommends laying down boards around your garden in the fall. In the early spring lift them up and you will find the squash bugs hiding underneath; just dispose of them. Squash bug adults will lay small groups of bronze colored eggs which hatch into nymphs which grow to adults. You can crush or remove the eggs to help control them. Another squash pest is the squash vine borer. It is the larva of a clearwing moth. The adult lays eggs on the stem of the plant and the larvae burrow into the vine stalk to feed. This kills the plant. Frank recommends using floating row covers to keep these insects away from the plants for as long as possible. You will eventually need to take them off because the bees need to have access to the flowers to pollinate them. If you want to use insecticides, he suggests using imidacloprid. This will kill the insects feeding on the plant but not the insects that land on the plant. Related Videos: Organic Control of Squash Bugs Squash Vine Borer Related Resources: Squash Bugs and Squash Vine Borer Cucumber, Squash, Melon and Other Cucurbit Insects and Pests |
Lilies can add a pop of color and beautiful flowers to the garden. TSU Extension Agent Joellen Dimond talks about the different kinds and basic lily care. USDA zone 7 is a great area for lilies to grow in the ground.
Asiatic lilies come in many colors and sizes and are often used as cut flowers. Joellen recommends removing the pollen from the flower when bringing it inside because it can stain. Joellen talks about several kind of lilies including the Madonna lily, Formosa lily, tiger lily, Easter lily, royal lily, and Oriental lily. Lilies like full sun or partly shady areas with well drained soil. They do not do well in wet soil. If you are having disease problems make sure they are well drained and have some space between plants to allow air circulation. Lilies are bulbs but don’t have a papery cover on them like other bulbs, so they can dry out easily. You should plant the bulbs as soon as you can and keep them moist. Lilies have a pest, the red lily beetle. It lives its entire lifecycle on the lily. The most effective control is neem oil on the nymph stage. Voles also like to eat lilies. To avoid this, you can plant them in pots or inside a cage in the ground. Related Videos: Daylily Basics Pineapple Lily Related Resources: Selecting Lilies for Your Garden Production of Hybrid Lilies as Potted Plants |
Reading Seed Catalogs
Seed Catalogs provide a dizzying array of options of seeds and plants. Retired MSU Horticulture Specialist Dr. Lelia Kelly talks about how to read the wealth of information provided in seed catalogs. Catalogs provide information about each variety including optimal growing conditions, disease resistance, days to harvest and what the plant looks like when it is mature. Lelia also talks about catalogs versus nurseries and how to take advantage of both when choosing plants for your garden.
Related Videos: Seeds or Transplants Starting Seeds Indoors Related Resources: Understanding Your Seed Catalog Seed For The Garden |
Grapes and Muscadines
Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison gives the basics of growing grapes. There are two main types of grapes: bunch grapes and muscadines. The best time to plant or prune grapes is in the early spring, not the fall. Mike talks about muscadines. Muscadines are native to the south-eastern United States and do well in the climate. He gives the names of some cultivars that do well. Some muscadines require pollinator plants. Mike also talks about the bunch type grapes that are used for wine and table eating. All bunch grapes are self-fruitful, they don’t need a pollinator. Mike gives plant spacing information for muscadines and bunch grapes. He also talks about how to prune grapes. Fruit grows on new season’s growth coming from one-year-old wood. He talks about trellising options. He then talks about common grape diseases including black rot and Pierce's disease. Insects and animals are not a major problem in grapes.
The publications Mike referred to: Grape Growing in Tennessee So You Want to Grow Grapes in Tennessee Tree Fruit and Small Fruit Cultivars for Tennessee Related Videos: Planting Blueberries Planting Blackberries How do you prune grape vines? Related Resources: Muscadine Grape Bunch Grapes |
Garden Crafts For Kids
Mississippi State University Extension Horticulture Specialist Dr. Lelia Kelly talks about fun gardening activities and crafts to do with kids. First up is pressing and drying flowers or other plant parts. With some newspaper and a heavy book kids can press flowers to use in everything from wall hangings to bookmarks. With old newspaper and a plastic cup you can make your own pots to plant seeds in. Making wildflower seed balls is something else that children enjoy doing. Put seeds in mud, roll into a ball and let dry. Kids can then throw or scatter the balls and see flowers come up the next. Also, kids can decorate or shape their mud balls into something fun. Finally, she talks about how to make a plant creature from pantyhose, dirt, and grass seed. Kids get to make, decorate, and take care of their creation. Nature scavenger hunts are also fun. Make a list of things to find with items on it like ‘something smelly’ or ‘something fuzzy.’
Related Videos: Fall Pumpkin Display Build a Holiday Evergreen Display Related Resources: Drying and Preserving Flowers and Plant Materials for Decorative Use Seed Balls Have It All Environmental games and activities: Scavenger hunts |
Garden Safety
Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about staying safe in the garden. In the middle of the summer the sun and heat can be dangerous. Mike works outside every day. He wears long sleeves, a hat, and gloves. He also makes sure he stays hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Insects can be a problem in the summer so wear insect repellent. Often garden tools are sharp so you must be careful when using and sharpening them. Mike does not recommend pruning trees with a ladder. He keeps his fruit trees short so he can work them from the ground. Pesticides can also be dangerous. They should be stored in the container they came in and should be stored away from children and pets.
The publication Mike referred to is "Gardening Health and Safety Tips" Related Videos: Tools Every Gardener Needs Pesticide Lifespan and Storage Related Resources: Working Outdoors in the Heat Stinging and Biting Pests Sharpening Your Garden Tools |
Basic Ikebana Flower Arranging
Master Gardener Mary Heim shows how to make a basic ikebana flower arrangement. Ikebana was developed in Japan over many centuries. It is minimalist by western flower arranging standards often only including three flowers. This arrangement is in the Moribana style. Moribana ikebana requires a container (Mary is using a shallow round container), a kenzan (a disk of prongs to hold the flower stems), a mat, and a few small stones. For this arrangement Mary uses three hydrangeas and three leaves. The flowers are arranged in a triangle with the largest on the bottom. Mary then adds the leaves between each flower. None of the flowers or leaves touch. While she is working, Mary explains how to place each piece to create a simple elegant arrangement. When she is done she places the container on a mat.
Related Videos: Ikebana in a Vase Arranging Grocery Store Flowers Related Resource: Ikebana |
Lawn Weed Killer Application
Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison reviews some options for applying weed killer on lawns. Weed killer must be applied evenly based on the label directions. Mike reviews several spreading options including hose-end sprayers, rotary spreaders for granular herbicides, and sprayers. His favorite method is to use a sprayer. He shows how to calibrate the sprayer and also how to calculate how much chemical you need to add to the tank.
Related Videos: Cultural Lawn Weed Control How to Calibrate Your Fertilizer Spreader Turf Grass Varieties Related Resources: Proper Herbicide Application Weed Control in Home Lawns Controlling Weeds in Home Lawns |
Plant Superstitions
Through history, plants have been part of superstitions. Retired MSU Extension Agent Dr. Lelia Kelly talks about some of the superstitions and also some plant-based causes of “supernatural” events. Everyone knows that garlic will keep vampires away but in the Middle Ages people also used fennel seed to ward off evil. Another superstition is that you can use a sprig of basil to tell if your romantic interest is worthy and pure. Potatoes were brought back to Europe from America, but people thought they were the devil’s food because they grew underground.
Related Videos: Potatoes Garlic |
Fall Garden Clean-up
Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison says that the first thing that you need to do when the gardening season is over is get rid of any diseased plants. They should be thrown in the trash, not composted. You can and should compost the healthy plants. If the plants are small enough in your garden, you can run over them with a mulching lawnmower and leave them to get tilled in next spring. Composting or leaving the plants in the garden helps reduce the need for fertilizer next year. Remove all the stakes, plastic mulch and other items that will not break down over the winter. You can plant a cover crop for your garden to help improve the soil over the winter.
Related Videos: Disinfecting and Cleaning Garden Tools Getting Fruit Trees Ready for Winter Soil Testing Related Resources: Fall cleanup: Key to reducing risk for next year's plant diseases Fall cleanup in vegetable gardens Cover Crops for Home Gardens |
How to Cut Down a Tree
Sometimes trees die and need to be removed. Certified Arborist Wes Hopper shows how to safely fell a tree with a chainsaw. The tree is standing straight, and he uses a rope and an assistant to make sure it falls the way he wants it too. He also talks about how he makes a notch and a back cut to drop the tree exactly where he wants it.
Related Videos: Chainsaw Safety Which Way Will the Tree Fall? Related Resources: Safe and Effective Use of Chain Saws for Woodland Owners Chainsaw Safety |
Ornamental Grasses
Ornamental grasses bring a different texture, sound, and movement to the garden. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about the uses, kinds, and care of ornamental grasses. Ornamental grasses include grasses, sedges, rushes, millets, rices, oats and cattails.
Joellen talks about some of her favorite grasses including Mexican feathergrass, carex, miscanthus, pennisetum, Panicum. Ornamental grasses are easy to care for. Each variety likes certain conditions and should be planted in those conditions. If there are not planted in the right place, they will not thrive and may succumb to disease. If they are planted in the right place, they require little maintenance or fertilizer. They can be planted any time the ground is not frozen. If the grass goes dormant for the winter, it needs to be cut back mid- to late-winter before the leaves fall apart and blow all over your yard. Joellen also talks about how to rejuvenate your grass. Related Videos: Grass Lawn Alternatives Spirea Related Resources: Ornamental Grasses Ornamental Grasses and Grass-like Plants Ornamental Grasses in the Landscape |
Chainsaw Safety
A chainsaw is the most dangerous hand tool sold in the store. Certified Arborist Wes Hopper talks about basic chainsaw safety and reviews some safety equipment to use when cutting. Wes reviews some chainsaws. Older saws do not have critical safety features like chain brakes. He also shows important safety equipment like a hard hat, safety glasses, chaps, and a first aid kit. He also talks about things you can do to keep yourself safe.
Related Videos: Garden Safety Tools for Pruning Trees Cutting a Tree Branch Related Resources: Chainsaw Safety Tips Chainsaw Safety |
Boxwoods are very common shrubs in the landscape. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond gives all the details. Boxwood are evergreen, and they have small leaves so they are considered a fine textured plant. Boxwood do flower in the spring and although the flowers may not be obvious, some are fragrant.
Boxwood like well-drained soil and even moisture, and once established can tolerate dry conditions. If the roots are kept too wet they will become diseased or attract harmful insects, and Joellen lists some of them. The insects are easy to take care of if boxwood get them. Boxwood are shallow rooted and like to have undisturbed root systems, plant them where you won’t be regularly digging. There are a few major types of boxwood. Microphylla boxwood include the Korean, little leaf, and Japanese boxwoods. They are more cold hardy. They prefer zone 6 and 7 but will live in zones 4 to 9. They get about 3-4 feet around. Sempervirens boxwood more commonly called common box or English boxwood, can grow to 20 feet tall. Sempervirens also includes the dwarf boxwoods. Joellen then talks about some of the history and historical uses of the boxwood. Related Videos: Boxwood When is the best time of year to prune boxwood? How do I do it? Related Resources: Boxwood Boxwood Culture and Diseases - Including Boxwood Blight Pruning Boxwoods |
Spring Blooming Bulbs
Spring bulbs, especially tulips are some of the first flowers of spring. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about how to choose and care for bulbs. Bulbs need the cold of winter to trigger root growth and also plant and flower growth when it warms up in spring. Joellen talks about options for keeping deer and rodents from eating your bulbs. She also lists some bulbs they won’t eat. Where you live influences what bulbs you can grow and what you have to do to get the bulbs to bloom. Joellen goes through all the USDA zones from 3-10 and gives instructions for success in each. She also shows how to force a bulb, or make it bloom out of season.
Related Videos: Keep Voles at Bay: Building Wire Cages to Protect Your Plants How to Plant Flower Bulbs Planting Pansies and Tulips for Winter and Spring Color Related Resources: Flowering Bulbs for Tennessee Gardens Spring Flowering Bulbs Fall Planted Bulbs and Corms |
Attracting Winter Birds
Debbie Bruce from Wild Birds Unlimited talks about how to attract winter birds to your yard. There are some birds that stay in the area for the winter but there will also be many birds that have traveled south to your area for the winter. You can attract birds with feeders and birdbaths. Birds like clean bird feeders. In feeders, you can provide loose seed or compressed seed cylinders. You can also provide suit which is rendered fat. Suit is not found in nature so the birds will need help discovering the suit, frost it with peanut butter and put some seeds on it. Cut up apples will attract several colorful species of birds. Water is important for birds in the winter. Birds need it to drink and wash. When the weather is cold and most water frozen, birds will frequent a bird bath that is not frozen. A bird bath deicer will keep it liquid when the temperature drops. Birds also like to have shelter close to the feeder to protect against hawks. Staking your old Christmas tree close to a feeder will provide shelter to the birds while they are waiting for their turn to eat.
Related Videos: Birdhouses Attracting Purple Martins Related Resources: Winter Bird Feeding: The Basics Winter Bird Feeding Remember the Birds in Winter |
Plants with Multi-Season Interest: Beauty Year-Round
When planning a garden or landscape, you can select plants that offer beauty throughout the year. Plants with multi-season interest provide not only year-round color but also texture, fragrance, and form that evolve with the changing seasons. Here are ten fantastic options, chosen for their year-around beauty.
Related Videos: Best Trees for Fall Color Spring-Blooming Deciduous Magnolias Related Resources: Perennials with Winter Interest Plants can add winter interest to your landscape |
Basic Pond Maintenance
Ponds require different levels of maintenance depending on what you want to do with it. First and foremost, Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison says to not blow leaves and yard waste into the pond as this will reduce the oxygen level of the water affecting the algae eaten by the fish. There are several kinds of weeds in a pond. Spring is the best time to try to control them. Mike talks about the different kinds of weeds you will find and where they grow. If you are serious about growing fish, you may need to get a soil test on the mud at the bottom of your pond and lime and/or fertilize your pond to encourage algae growth for your fish to eat. If you just want the pond for looks keep it mowed around the edge to discourage snakes and use mosquito fish and Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis) to reduce mosquito larvae populations.
The publication Mike referred to is available here: Managing Small Fishing Ponds and Lakes in Tennessee Related Video: How do I stop weeds taking over my pond? Fish for Water Features Related Resources: Pond Management Water Gardens and Ornamental Ponds Pond Management Guide |
Protecting Shrubs and Perennials from Winter Cold
Winter is approaching. Understanding how to care for your perennial plants during the colder months can help them weather the cold. Here are some key strategies to help your garden thrive through winter.
Related Videos: Digging Up Flowers to Keep Over the Winter chip Laurel Winter Damage Severe Winter Plant Damage and What to Do About It Related Resources: How to Protect Plants from Frost and Freeze Eight tips to gear up the garden for cold weather |
Introduction to Farm Goats
Raising goats can add a whole new dimension to your family garden. Jeff Terry, Farm Operations Manager at Bobby Lanier Farm Park in Germantown, Tennessee, talks about the basics of raising goats. Jeff talks about some of the features of goats including their eyes, teeth, and stomachs. He also talks about the breeds he has: Lamancha and Nigerian Dwarf. He describes what they eat and the shelter he uses. Jeff talks about goat milk and meat.
Related Videos: Chickens Fish for Water Features Related Resources: Penn State Extension: Goats Breeds of Livestock - Goat Breeds |
Spring Flowering Shrubs
There are many Spring blooming shrubs. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about camellia, forsythia, flowering quince, fothergilla, spirea, weigela, viburnum, azalea and rhododendron, lilac, ninebark, and deutzia. Most are deciduous, but there are some evergreen shrubs on the list. Some of these shrubs bloom very early and others bloom in late spring.
Related Videos: Spirea Viburnum Related Resources: Early Spring-Flowering Shrubs for the Landscape Pruning Flowering Shrubs |
Fruit Tree Rootstock Basics
Retired UT Extension Agent, Mike Dennison, talks about fruit tree rootstocks. Rootstocks are the roots of one tree fruit onto which the top of another fruit tree is grafted. This is the preferred method for growing many different kinds of fruit trees. Rootstocks are chosen because they are more prolific and faster growing than tree from seed. Apples, pears, peaches, plums and nectarines are grown on rootstock. If you plant a seed from these trees the plant will probably not do as well or last as long as if it had been on a rootstock. Also, because of cross pollination, you don’t know what fruit you are going to get. Because of this it is best to purchase a grafted tree of the variety you want with the rootstock that will do well in your area. Mike gives a list of rootstocks that do well in Tennessee for many different fruits. This list will be different in other states. Contact your local Extension office to find out what rootstocks do best in your area.
Rootstocks also determine the final height of the tree in apples. Depending on what rootstock you choose the tree can be anywhere from 8 feet to 50 feet tall. Mike was referring to the UT Extension publication: Home Fruit Tree Plan Related Videos: Fruit Tree Planting Tips Fruit Tree Pruning Spraying Peach Trees Related Resources: Fruits and Nuts Home Fruit Tree Plan Fruit Culture in Alabama Recommended Rootstocks Growing Fruit: Grafting Fruit Trees in the Home Orchard |
Keys for Growing Cool-Season Grasses in the Southern U.S.
As the seasons change, many gardeners will transition their flower beds from summer to winter annuals. There are several things you can do so your garden remains aesthetically pleasing through the colder months.
Related Videos: Killing and Replacing Grass Getting Lawnmowers Ready for Winter Related Resources: The Cool-Season Turfgrasses: Basic Structures, Growth and Development Cool-Season Grasses: Lawn Establishment and Renovation |
Starting a Compost Pile
Composting is a great way to get free fertilizer for your garden. Garden Expert Tonya Ashworth explains that compost in addition to being a great soil conditioner, contains all the macro-and micro-nutrients your plants need. She builds a compost pile and explains what to add and what not to add. She also talks about weed seeds and manure in the compost pile. She builds the compost pile from leaves, grass clippings, and kitchen scraps. She talks about how to mix and take care of the new compost pile.
Related Videos: Composting Worm Composting Turning a Compost Pile Related Resources: Composting in home gardens Home Composting |
Transforming Your Flower Bed
Planting Fruit Trees: Prepare in the Fall to Plant in the Spring
As autumn settles in, now is the perfect time to prepare for planting fruit trees. While you may not be putting them in the ground just yet, the fall season is ideal for preparing your soil and planning your orchard.
These are the publications Mike referred: Fruit Culture in Alabama: Training and Pruning Tree Fruits Home Fruit Tree Plan Related Videos: Fall Fruit Tree Care Controlling Fruit Tree Pests Fruit Tree Pruning Related Resources: Growing Tree Fruits and Nuts in the Home Garden Fruit Tree Management Timetable Planting Fruit Trees |
Caring for Bromeliads:
Removing Honey Bees from Houses
Honey bees are great until they move into your house. The Bartlett Bee Whisperer David Glover is a hive remover and beekeeper. He talks about the process he uses to remove beehives from houses. David says if you suspect you have a beehive in your home look at the bees, if they are black and yellow, they are not honey bees but hornets or yellowjackets. Honey bees are muted colors. >>Read the Full Article
Related Videos: Beehive Tour How do I get rid of a nest of bees in my flower bed? Carpenter Bees Related Resources: Removing Bees from Walls Controlling Nuisance Honey Bees Honey Bees and Beekeeping |
Keep Voles at Bay: Building Wire Cages to Protect Your Plants
Many gardeners face the challenge of protecting their plants from pesky voles. These small mouse-like rodents are notorious for invading gardens and feasting on the roots of beloved plants, especially tulip bulbs, lilies, and hostas. To prevent voles from munching on your investments over the winter, you can plant them in a wire cage. This will safeguard your plants while allowing them to grow unmolested.
Related Videos: Voles How to Plant Flower Bulbs Vole Proofing and Planting Hostas Related Resources: Voles Spring Flowering Bulbs Fall Planted Bulbs and Corms |
Fertilizing Trees
Fertilizing trees gives them the nutrients they need, but it can help in other ways. Certified Arborist Wes Hopper talks about fertilizing trees and the different ways to do it. Roots need air and space in the soil. Certain fertilizing methods help create this space and get the fertilizer down into the ground where the tree can get it. Wes also talks about mycorrhiza and the interaction of fungus and plants. He also describes how proper fertilization will encourage tree roots to grow down and not grow on the surface. Wes also talks about pruning roots.
Related Videos: Encouraging Tree Feeder Root Growth How a Tree Works Related Resources: Fertilizing Shade Trees Fertilizing Trees & Shrubs |
Common Insecticides:
TSU Extension Agent Joellen Dimond talks about chrysanthemums or mums. Chrysanthemums are popular for fall color. Chrysanthemums are early, middle, or late blooming, that’s how the stores keep blooming mums in stock for so long. Each plant will bloom for about two weeks. Chrysanthemums are perennials, meaning you can plant them in the ground and thy will come back the next year. They are picky about where they are planted. Joellen recommends planting them in a raised, well-drained area. When they die back in late fall, leave the dead foliage on the plant. This will help protect the crown of the plant from the cold weather. If you live in a colder area you may want to mulch around the plant and even in the branches. In the spring, remove the mulch and fertilize with a complete fertilizer. Fertilize again in June.
Often chrysanthemums will try to bloom in June or early July. If you let them bloom they may or may not bloom again in the fall. If you trim off all the blooms in early July, they will bloom better in the fall. Chrysanthemums are rather fungus and insect free. The insecticide pyrethrin comes from chrysanthemums. When you buy mums at the store, Joellen recommends getting plants that are just starting to bloom, that way the blooms will last the longest. Related Videos: Fall and Winter Flowers Planting Dusty Miller and Pansies How to Plant Flower Bulbs Chrysanthemum Lace Bug Related Resources: Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum Care |
Understanding Common Fungicides: An Essential Guide
Fungicides are crucial tools in gardening and agriculture, designed primarily to prevent fungal diseases that can severely impact plants. Unlike insecticides, which target visible insects, fungicides are preventative measures aimed at stopping diseases before they become a problem. Once fungal diseases, such as leaf spots, have manifested on plants, there are no fungicides that can remove these spots. Instead, fungicides work to prevent the spread of the disease.
Related Videos: Mixing and Applying Fungicide Spraying Fungicide Related Resources: Fungicides and Bactericides for Home Fruits, Vegetables, and Ornamentals (UT Redbook) Using Organic Fungicides |
Monarch Butterfly Tagging
Tagging monarch butterflies is a fun way you can participate in citizen science and help understand their migration patterns. Monarchs, known for their remarkable journey from North America to Central Mexico, can be tracked with the help of specialized tags. Here’s a detailed guide on how to properly tag these iconic butterflies.
Related Videos: Monarch Butterflies: Migration and Milkweed Monarch Butterflies Related Resources: MonarchWatch Monarch Butterfly, Danaus plexippus Linnaeus Migration of the Monarch Butterfly |
Common Tree Diseases
Trees can look awful when they have a disease, even if that disease doesn’t cause long-term harm. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond talks about some of the most common tree diseases, what the symptoms look like and the appropriate treatment. She talks about anthracnose, bacterial scorch, oak leaf blister, shot hole disease, and powdery mildew.
Related Videos: Bacterial Leaf Scorch Powdery Mildew on Zinnias Related Resources: Diseases of Shade and Ornamental Trees Disease Control for Trees, Shrubs and Flowers |
Preserving Herbs - Herb Vinegars
Sherri McCalla, Herb Curator for Memphis Botanic Garden talks about different ways to preserve herbs. The way most people think about is hanging the herbs to dry. This is a good way but has some draw-backs. Drying herbs reduces their flavor and some herbs can drop leaves or seeds as they dry. The dropping leaves can be caught by a screen or paper bag. Another option for preservation that keeps the taste is to make a paste by combining the herb with oil in a food processor then freezing the result (see below for Sheri's Herb Pesto Recipe). Another option is to make herb vinegars where the flavor is infused into the vinegar. The vinegar then can be used for dipping bread. Dried herbs can be ground and combined with salt to use to dip tomatoes or other vegetables. Another option is to put some herb sprigs into wine to add the herbs flavor.
Related Videos: Planting an Herb and Flower Container Garden Easy to Grow Herbs Related Resources: Herbs: Preserving and Using Harvesting, Drying and Storing Herbs Drying Herbs Sherri's Herb Pesto Recipe: Ingredients: 2 cups packed herb leaves 2 – 4 cloves garlic (to taste) 1/4 –1/2 cup nuts 2/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil, divided Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese Directions: Choose whichever herbs you like: basil (basil, mints, tarragon, nettles, sage, etc. – experiment and try new pesto combinations. Sage can be a very strong flavor – use parsley in place of some of the sage to help tone it down a bit. Use your favorite nuts: pine nuts are traditional, but try pecans and walnuts, etc. Try toasting the nuts first for different flavor.) Make a paste by placing the herb leaves in a food processor - pulse until coarsely chopped, then add 1/3 cup of the oil and process until smooth. If freezing: transfer herb and oil mixture to an air tight container, drizzle the remaining oil over the processed paste and freeze. Thaw when desired, add cheese and nuts, serve. If using immediately, add the remaining 1/3 cup oil, and nuts and pulse until smooth. Transfer the blended nuts, oil, and herbs to a large serving bowl and mix in the cheese. Add the salt and pepper to taste. Serve with crackers or bread. |
A Guide to Understanding
Enhancing Your Landscape with Plant Screens
Plant screens serve multiple practical and aesthetic purposes, transforming outdoor spaces into private retreats and visually appealing environments.
Reasons to Use Plant Screens Privacy. One of the primary reasons people have plant screens is to create privacy. Screens can block the view of neighbors, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor space in private. Aesthetic Value Screens can also conceal less attractive features of your property, such as storage sheds or work areas, allowing you to relax without having to look at them. Wildlife Habitat. Plant screens can provide shelter and food for birds and other wildlife. A varied selection of plant heights and types can attract a diverse range of species. Choosing the Right Plants When selecting plants for your screen, you should use a mix of species rather than relying on a single type. This not only adds visual interest but also reduces the risk of a pest or disease damaging or killing your entire screen. Here are some plant options to consider: 1. Arborvitae Varieties - American Pillar (Thuja occidentalis 'American Pillar'): Known for its medium to fast growth rate, this arborvitae forms a dense, upright screen, ideal for creating a solid backdrop. It reaches a mature width of about 6-8 feet and a height of about 30 feet. - Thin Man (Thuja occidentalis 'Thin Man'): With a narrower profile – about 2-3 feet – this cultivar is perfect for tight spaces. Its columnar form makes it a great option for restricted areas. - Skywalker (Thuja occidentalis 'Skywalker'): This variety offers a medium width of 4-6 feet and reaches heights of about 15 feet, fitting nicely between the broader American Pillar and the slimmer Thin Man. 2. Broadleaf Evergreens - Foster Holly (Ilex x attenuata 'Fosteri'): A native hybrid known for its impressive size, reaching up to 30 feet tall. It is evergreen so it provides year-round privacy and features attractive berries in fall that benefit local wildlife. - Hardy Anise Tree (Illicium parviflorum): This versatile plant thrives in both sunny and shaded areas. It grows to about 15 feet high and wide. It has dense foliage that when crushed has a unique licorice scent. 3. Deciduous Shrubs -Sweetshrub (Calycanthus): A native shrub offering early spring and summer blooms with large, attractive leaves that come in multiple shapes on the same plant. - Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus): Known for its long summer bloom period, it provides color and visual interest for most of the summer. - Paniculata Hydrangea: These hydrangeas can grow quite large and are effective in creating a lush, flowering screen. Creating a Balanced Screen Incorporating a mix of evergreen and deciduous plants allows for year-round interest, seasonal variation, and summer flowers. Evergreens can form the backbone of your screen, providing consistent, dense coverage throughout the year. Deciduous shrubs add dynamic elements with their changing colors and blooms. When planning your plant screen, consider spacing plants appropriately to fill gaps and ensure your screen develops fully over time. A well-thought-out combination of plant types will not only enhance the privacy and beauty of your landscape but also support local wildlife and add long-term value to your outdoor space. Related Videos: Seven Great Landscape Trees Eleven Common Landscape Mistakes Landscape Planning Related Resources: Plants for Mixed Privacy Screens Mixed Screens |
Summer Rose Care: Tips to Get Your Rose Plant Ready for Prolific
The Secret to Houseplants:
Killing and Replacing Grass
Before you install new grass, a garden or even a playground you need to make sure your existing grass is really and truly dead. UT Extension Agent Joseph Seago explains the steps for killing the old grass and installing the sod.
Related Videos: How To Lay Sod Do I need to kill my existing grass before I lay sod? Related Resources: Lawn (Turfgrass) Removal Methods Sod Installation and Maintenance |
Catch That Critter - How to Set Up a Havahart Live Animal Trap
When dealing with unwanted wildlife, a live animal – or Havahart – trap can be an effective solution. Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison shows how to bate and set the trap and gives tips and tricks to make sure you catch that nuisance animal. He also talks about some laws and regulations around handling trapped animals.
Related Videos: How do you get rid of moles without using traps? Fences to Keep the Critters Out of the Garden Common Garden Pests Related Resources: Managing Nuisance Animals and Associated Damage Around the Home Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency FAQ on Animal Damage Control Nuisance Wildlife Control: A Training Manual: Tools and Techniques |
Long-Term Losers in Southeastern Landscapes
Long-Term Losers in Southeastern Landscapes: What to Avoid and What to Plant Instead
Gardening in the southeast United States comes with its own set of challenges because of the region’s unique climate and soil conditions. Certain popular plant species have proven to be poor performers in this environment. UT Extension Horticulture Specialist Celleste Scott looks at some of the "long-term losers" in southeastern gardening and recommends some better alternatives. Leyland Cypress: A Cautionary Tale Leyland cypress was once a popular choice for large-scale plantings, It features rapid growth and dense foliage. However, this tree has increasingly struggled in the Southeast due to a disease called Seiridium Canker, which is exacerbated by the region’s humidity and summer droughts. The disease causes the tree to develop unsightly brown branches and decline in health over time. Steer clear of Leyland cypress and consider alternatives like the Eastern Redcedar or Arborvitae. Eastern Redcedar, a native species, is resilient, adaptable to various soil types, and offers attractive form and color. Arborvitae, provides similar evergreen qualities with diverse options in size and appearance. Bradford Pear: A Plant to Avoid Bradford Pear, a cultivar of Callery Pear, is infamous for its invasiveness and structural weaknesses. It suffers from weak branch unions that can easily break under stress resulting in a short-lived tree. It is highly recommended to avoid planting Bradford Pear in favor of more reliable options. Birds disperse the seeds which produce thickets of thorny growth. The Eastern Redbud is an excellent alternative, offering vibrant purple blooms in early spring and a variety of leaf colors. Another option is the American Fringetree, which produces striking white, billowy blooms in late spring and features lush, dark green foliage. Flowering Shrubs: What Works and What Doesn’t When it comes to flowering shrubs, roses and azaleas can be problematic in the Southeast. Roses are prone to Rose Rosette disease, spread by mites and currently without a cure. Azaleas, while beloved for their vibrant blooms, require specific conditions to thrive: Proper light, low pH soil, and consistent irrigation. Without proper care, they are susceptible to pests like the Azalea Lace Bug. For those seeking alternatives, the Red Twig Dogwood (technically Silky Dogwood, Cornus amomum) stands out. Celeste especially likes the cultivar 'Cayenne.' This shrub offers year-round interest with bright red stems in winter, white blooms in spring, and vibrant foliage that transitions to purple in fall. Hydrangeas are another good choice, with species that adapt well to varying light and soil conditions. Viburnums, also provide a range of options, including the popular Spring Lace variety, which resembles hydrangeas in bloom and is well-suited to southeastern landscapes. While no plant can be guaranteed to thrive perfectly in every garden, selecting species suited to the southeastern climate can significantly enhance gardening success. Avoiding known problem plants like Leyland cypress and Bradford Pear, and choose resilient alternatives like Eastern Redcedar, Arborvitae, Eastern Redbud, and Viburnum, These plants will help you build a more sustainable and beautiful garden. Related Videos: Seven Great Landscape Trees Viburnum Related Resources: Trees in the Home Landscape Small Deciduous Trees Search for the best tree based on site characteristics |