Gardening Resources
Below are some useful general publication on common gardening issues and practices.
Vegetable Cultivar Reviews
This Cornell University Extension resource has reviews on thousands of cultivars of over 75 kinds of vegetables. To find the vegetable reviews you are looking for use the box at the top left to make selections.
Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage
This is a national publication put together by the Internet Center For Wildlife Damage Management - a group of universities around the county. It details identification, control and management of over 90 species of wildlife, written by almost as many authorities in their respective wildlife areas. Each animal has a section detailing habits and methods of control.
Soil Temperature Map
Find out the soil temperature in your area right now. This resource allows you to put in your zip code and it shows you current temperature as well as the average over the last 24 hours and 5 days. It also shows you the trends in the last month in graph form as well as the five-year and ten-year average.
First and Last Frost Dates by Zip Code
Find your average first and last frost dates. The tool also tells you when you are likely to experience certain cold temperatures that would affect your garden.
2023 USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Interactive Map
This map allows you to see USDA Hardiness Zones street by street. You can also enter your zip code to be taken directly to your area.
Tree and Shrub Search: This Cornell University Woody Plants Database page allows you to search for what tree or shrub will grow best in your site conditions.
Organic Gardening
What constitutes organic gardening is not universally agreed upon. Organic gardening generally speaking is gardening without using synthetic chemicals. Organic gardening can introduce a number of challenges because most fertilizers and pest control products on the market are not organic.
Organic Gardening Fundamentals: An Oregon State University giving the basics of organic gardening in two pages.
Cornell University Organic Guides:
Organic Guides for Fruit - Includes guides for apples, blueberries, grapes, raspberries, blackberries , and strawberries
Organic Guides for Vegetables - Includes guides for beans, carrots, cole crops, squash and cucumbers, lettuce, peas, potatoes, and spinach
Organic Guides for Fruit - Includes guides for apples, blueberries, grapes, raspberries, blackberries , and strawberries
Organic Guides for Vegetables - Includes guides for beans, carrots, cole crops, squash and cucumbers, lettuce, peas, potatoes, and spinach
USDA Organic Agriculture Pages:
National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances - The part of the federal law that lists chemicals allowed for use while maintaining "organic" certification by USDA.
National Organic Program - USDA main page on organically produced agricultural products.
National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances - The part of the federal law that lists chemicals allowed for use while maintaining "organic" certification by USDA.
National Organic Program - USDA main page on organically produced agricultural products.
Other Organic Resources
Organic Pest Controls That Work in the Vegetable Garden - Short publication talking about ways to stop or avoid some garden insects without using harsh chemicals
Organic Pest Controls That Work in the Vegetable Garden - Short publication talking about ways to stop or avoid some garden insects without using harsh chemicals