Retired UT Extension Agent talks about glyphosate. Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide which means it will kill almost any plant it gets on. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Round-Up but it is also available in many other generic brands. Glyphosate is absorbed by the green tissue of the plant and moves through the plant and will kill the entire plant. It works best on plants that are actively growing so it may be a good idea to water and fertilize a plant you want to kill to make it grow. When applying glyphosate you should wear rubber gloves and make sure to shake the solution to make sure it is evenly mixed. Direct the spray towards the plant you want to kill. Be sure to keep the glyphosate from getting on any desirable plants.
Related Resources:
Understanding Glyphosate To Increase Performance
Related Resources:
Understanding Glyphosate To Increase Performance