How To Lay Sod
Shelby County Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh shows how to lay sod. Before you lay sod you should kill all the existing grass and weeds using a non-selective herbicide like glyphosate and then till the ground to loosen the soil. This is a great time to amend the soil so get a soil test and lime or fertilize the soil as directed. It is important to choose the correct variety of grass that will thrive in the conditions. In this case, where the grass will be under trees, Royal Zoysia was chosen because it does not require as much direct sun. When sodding in the summer water the ground before laying to cool the soil and help keep the sod moist. Rake out the ground to level it and then lay the sod. Sod is cut in a way that it fits together like a puzzle. Make sure the pieces fit together correctly. In each row the gaps in the sod should be offset from the previous row. This will prevent water channels from developing and washing out the soil. When the sod it all laid, roll the sod to press the roots into the ground to promote good root growth. You can tell if your sod it taking root because it will be difficult or impossible to pick it back up. Keep the sod moist until it has taken root.
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Related Resources:
Lawn Establishment
Installing and Maintaining a Sod Lawn
Turfgrass Establishment Sodding and Plugging