Q&A - How do I kill nut grass in my flowerbed?
I have what everyone tell me is nut grass in my flower bed and have tried several things to kill it but nothing works. Is there anything I can get to kill nut grass without killing my plants? I would be willing to kill my plants if necessary.
Nut grass is really a sedge, which is not a grass. Most grass killers will not affect sedges. Basagran T/O, Sedgehammer, and Image will kill sedges. As always read and follow label directions on applying these products to avoid damage to desirable plants.
Related Resources:
Yellow Nutsedge Control
Yellow Nutsedge Control in Landscape Flower Beds
I have what everyone tell me is nut grass in my flower bed and have tried several things to kill it but nothing works. Is there anything I can get to kill nut grass without killing my plants? I would be willing to kill my plants if necessary.
Nut grass is really a sedge, which is not a grass. Most grass killers will not affect sedges. Basagran T/O, Sedgehammer, and Image will kill sedges. As always read and follow label directions on applying these products to avoid damage to desirable plants.
Related Resources:
Yellow Nutsedge Control
Yellow Nutsedge Control in Landscape Flower Beds