Q&A - How do you get rid of armyworms?
How do you get rid of armyworms?
Armyworms can destroy lawns very quickly. UT Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh says that there are some chemicals that can be sprayed like Ortho Bug-B-Gone. If you catch the infestation early – then the worms are less than an inch – you can use BT, which is a safer insecticide.
Related Resources:
Controlling Fall Armyworms on Lawns and Turf
Armyworms in Turfgrass
Fall Armyworms in Lawns
How do you get rid of armyworms?
Armyworms can destroy lawns very quickly. UT Extension Agent Booker T. Leigh says that there are some chemicals that can be sprayed like Ortho Bug-B-Gone. If you catch the infestation early – then the worms are less than an inch – you can use BT, which is a safer insecticide.
Related Resources:
Controlling Fall Armyworms on Lawns and Turf
Armyworms in Turfgrass
Fall Armyworms in Lawns