Q&A - I have purple spots on my Indian Hawthorne leaves
My Indian Hawthorne hedge has been losing leaves lately and there are purple spots on those leaves. What should I do?
Entomosporium Leaf Spot causes the purple spots on Indian Hawthorne leaves. This disease appears on wet leaves. Thinning the plant to encourage air circulation and rapid drying is a way to minimize the effect of the disease. Once leaves are infected they cannot be cured. Removing diseased leaves can slow the spread of the leaf spot. There are also more disease resistant varieties you can plant.
Related Resources:
Controlling Entomosporium Leaf Spot On Woody Ornamentals
Indian Hawthorn Leaf Spot
Entomosporium Leaf Spot
My Indian Hawthorne hedge has been losing leaves lately and there are purple spots on those leaves. What should I do?
Entomosporium Leaf Spot causes the purple spots on Indian Hawthorne leaves. This disease appears on wet leaves. Thinning the plant to encourage air circulation and rapid drying is a way to minimize the effect of the disease. Once leaves are infected they cannot be cured. Removing diseased leaves can slow the spread of the leaf spot. There are also more disease resistant varieties you can plant.
Related Resources:
Controlling Entomosporium Leaf Spot On Woody Ornamentals
Indian Hawthorn Leaf Spot
Entomosporium Leaf Spot