Q&A - My dogwood is dying from the top down
I have a problem with my pink flowering dogwood tree. It is about 2 years-old and gets plenty of sunshine in a good drainage area. Last week it was leafing out and looked healthy. Then, this week it suddenly looked like it was dying. It just seems to be attacked from the top. I don’t want to lose the tree. What is going on?
Dogwoods do not like full sun, they live in the forest understory. It looks like the tree in question has gotten too much sun. If possible move the tree to a place where there is more shade especially afternoon shade.
Related Resources:
Dogwoods for American Gardens
Growing Dogwood
I have a problem with my pink flowering dogwood tree. It is about 2 years-old and gets plenty of sunshine in a good drainage area. Last week it was leafing out and looked healthy. Then, this week it suddenly looked like it was dying. It just seems to be attacked from the top. I don’t want to lose the tree. What is going on?
Dogwoods do not like full sun, they live in the forest understory. It looks like the tree in question has gotten too much sun. If possible move the tree to a place where there is more shade especially afternoon shade.
Related Resources:
Dogwoods for American Gardens
Growing Dogwood