Q&A - My squash is deformed. Why?
My squash are up and producing. However, I'm getting green and yellow squash from the same vine. Is there an explanation for this? I only want yellow squash.
Mixed color and deformed squash is likely caused by mosaic virus. It is spread by insects, usually aphids. You should try to remove weeds and any plant debris which the insects use to overwinter. Mosaic virus will eventually kill the plant. If you have the problem on one plant quickly pull up the plant and throw it away. This will reduce the spread of the disease to your other plants.
Related Resources:
Homegrown Summer and Winter Squash
Virus Diseases of Cucurbits
Mosaic Diseases of Cucurbits
My squash are up and producing. However, I'm getting green and yellow squash from the same vine. Is there an explanation for this? I only want yellow squash.
Mixed color and deformed squash is likely caused by mosaic virus. It is spread by insects, usually aphids. You should try to remove weeds and any plant debris which the insects use to overwinter. Mosaic virus will eventually kill the plant. If you have the problem on one plant quickly pull up the plant and throw it away. This will reduce the spread of the disease to your other plants.
Related Resources:
Homegrown Summer and Winter Squash
Virus Diseases of Cucurbits
Mosaic Diseases of Cucurbits