Q&A - Some needles on my Leyland Cypress
are turning brown
I have several tall Leyland Cypress that are turning brown from the inside out. As in, the insides of all the branches are turning brown and dropping, but the outsides leaves are fine. So far. Can I save my Leyland Cypress, or should I just cut them down and start over with something different?
Leyland Cypress are susceptible to seiridium canker which does not have a cure. The symptoms are entire branches or large sections of the tree dying. This may be more benign. As the tree grows new needles shade out the old ones and the old ones fall off.
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Problem Plants In the Landscape and Their Replacements
Related Resources:
Disease of Leyland Cypress
Branch Canker and Dieback of Leyland Cypress
Seiridium Canker of Leyland Cypress
I have several tall Leyland Cypress that are turning brown from the inside out. As in, the insides of all the branches are turning brown and dropping, but the outsides leaves are fine. So far. Can I save my Leyland Cypress, or should I just cut them down and start over with something different?
Leyland Cypress are susceptible to seiridium canker which does not have a cure. The symptoms are entire branches or large sections of the tree dying. This may be more benign. As the tree grows new needles shade out the old ones and the old ones fall off.
Related Videos:
Q&A - My Leyland Cypress Is Dying
Problem Plants In the Landscape and Their Replacements
Related Resources:
Disease of Leyland Cypress
Branch Canker and Dieback of Leyland Cypress
Seiridium Canker of Leyland Cypress