Q&A - One of my Japanese maples has different shoots coming out of the main stem. Can I cut them off?
One of my Japanese maples has different shoots coming out of the main stem. Can I cut them off?
You can prune an undesirable branch any time of year. Joellen Dimond, Director of Landscape at the University of Memphis, says the growth takes nutrients from the main plant. You may need to cut back the growth on a regular basis.
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Related Resources:
Acer palmatum: Japanese Maple
Japanese Maple
Pruning Japanese Maples
November 7, 2020
One of my Japanese maples has different shoots coming out of the main stem. Can I cut them off?
You can prune an undesirable branch any time of year. Joellen Dimond, Director of Landscape at the University of Memphis, says the growth takes nutrients from the main plant. You may need to cut back the growth on a regular basis.
Related Videos:
Japanese Maple Basics
How do I keep the limbs of my Japanese maples from dying?
Related Resources:
Acer palmatum: Japanese Maple
Japanese Maple
Pruning Japanese Maples
November 7, 2020