Q&A - What can I do to stay ahead of squash bugs this year?
Last year squash bugs drove me crazy. What can I do to stay ahead of them in the growing season?
Gardening expert Tonya Ashworth gives the organic option. Look for the eggs. They are little bronze footballs in neat rows on the underside of the leaves. Remove them as soon as you see them. If you have to spray, spray the nymphs with permethrin, the adults are hard to kill with insecticide. Tonya also says you can lay down boards in your garden and the squash bugs will go under the boards at night. Early in the morning go out and collect them all. Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison gives the names of some non-organic insecticide controls for squash bugs.
Related Resources:
Squash Bugs In Home Gardens
Squash Bugs
Squash Vine Borer and Squash Bug
Last year squash bugs drove me crazy. What can I do to stay ahead of them in the growing season?
Gardening expert Tonya Ashworth gives the organic option. Look for the eggs. They are little bronze footballs in neat rows on the underside of the leaves. Remove them as soon as you see them. If you have to spray, spray the nymphs with permethrin, the adults are hard to kill with insecticide. Tonya also says you can lay down boards in your garden and the squash bugs will go under the boards at night. Early in the morning go out and collect them all. Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison gives the names of some non-organic insecticide controls for squash bugs.
Related Resources:
Squash Bugs In Home Gardens
Squash Bugs
Squash Vine Borer and Squash Bug