Q&A - Keeping Blueberries Plants Small Enough
I built an enclosure for my two blueberry bushes to keep the birds out. They have outgrown the space. I need to prune them back so I can walk around them but I don't want to harm production. When and how should I prune blueberries?
Retired UT extension agent, Mike Dennison talks about pruning blueberry plants. Blueberries should be pruned in late winter. Like any plant you stimulate growth at the cut. So if you want to keep a blueberry plant below a certain height don't prune to that height, prune well below that height. Remember the plant will start growing from the level of the cut.
Related Resources:
Pruning Blueberries
Blueberry Pruning and Rejuvenation
Blueberries for home landscapes
I built an enclosure for my two blueberry bushes to keep the birds out. They have outgrown the space. I need to prune them back so I can walk around them but I don't want to harm production. When and how should I prune blueberries?
Retired UT extension agent, Mike Dennison talks about pruning blueberry plants. Blueberries should be pruned in late winter. Like any plant you stimulate growth at the cut. So if you want to keep a blueberry plant below a certain height don't prune to that height, prune well below that height. Remember the plant will start growing from the level of the cut.
Related Resources:
Pruning Blueberries
Blueberry Pruning and Rejuvenation
Blueberries for home landscapes