Q&A - Fescue Or Zoysia In a Low-Sun Area
Do you recommend fescue or zoysia in an area where you get two to three hours of direct sun?
Chris and Dr. Lelia Kelly help us learn what areas work best for either fescue or zoysia grass. Fescue does well in low sun areas of the south, needing but requites watering and it needs to be mowed high in the summer. Make sure to stay away from Kentucky 31 as it's a feed grass!
Related Resources:
Fertilization and Management of Home Lawns
Selecting a Lawn Grass
Do you recommend fescue or zoysia in an area where you get two to three hours of direct sun?
Chris and Dr. Lelia Kelly help us learn what areas work best for either fescue or zoysia grass. Fescue does well in low sun areas of the south, needing but requites watering and it needs to be mowed high in the summer. Make sure to stay away from Kentucky 31 as it's a feed grass!
Related Resources:
Fertilization and Management of Home Lawns
Selecting a Lawn Grass