Q&A - How to Kill Moss on Lawn
I have this green moss on my lawn, What can I spray on it and not kill my grass?
If there is moss growing in your lawn that is because the conditions for the moss are better than the conditions for grass. Moss likes compact soils, poor drainage and shade. To make grass grow there the conditions need to change. There are some things you can spray on moss to kill small sections of it.
Related Resources:
Fertilization and Management of Home Lawns
I have this green moss on my lawn, What can I spray on it and not kill my grass?
If there is moss growing in your lawn that is because the conditions for the moss are better than the conditions for grass. Moss likes compact soils, poor drainage and shade. To make grass grow there the conditions need to change. There are some things you can spray on moss to kill small sections of it.
Related Resources:
Fertilization and Management of Home Lawns