Q&A – Are there disease resistant stone fruits?
Over the years I have tried to grow several varieties of stone fruit, and all have been plagued with disease. For example, if I tried to remove all the black knot infected branches from my plum, there would be very little left. I sprayed and sprayed and still the peaches all got rot fungus long before they ripened. Are there disease resistant stone fruit varieties? even at the cost of being less productive or having smaller fruit?
Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison says there are no stone fruits that are resistant to brown rot. Even if you spray religiously there are still times when the fruit is unprotected. Every time it rains the fungicide is washed off and you need to reapply. If it rains everyday for a week the fruit is unprotected for a week. In the south east United States he recommends not growing peaches, plums, and nectarines in the home garden. Buy them from the store.
Related Videos:
Spraying Peach Trees
Mixing and Applying Fungicide
Related Resources:
Disease and Insect Control in Home Fruit Plantings
Diseases of Stone Fruit
Stone Fruit Disease - Brown Rot
March 27, 2021
Over the years I have tried to grow several varieties of stone fruit, and all have been plagued with disease. For example, if I tried to remove all the black knot infected branches from my plum, there would be very little left. I sprayed and sprayed and still the peaches all got rot fungus long before they ripened. Are there disease resistant stone fruit varieties? even at the cost of being less productive or having smaller fruit?
Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison says there are no stone fruits that are resistant to brown rot. Even if you spray religiously there are still times when the fruit is unprotected. Every time it rains the fungicide is washed off and you need to reapply. If it rains everyday for a week the fruit is unprotected for a week. In the south east United States he recommends not growing peaches, plums, and nectarines in the home garden. Buy them from the store.
Related Videos:
Spraying Peach Trees
Mixing and Applying Fungicide
Related Resources:
Disease and Insect Control in Home Fruit Plantings
Diseases of Stone Fruit
Stone Fruit Disease - Brown Rot
March 27, 2021