Q&A – Can I root a crape myrtle sucker?
Can I root a crape myrtle sucker?
Yes you can. UT Assistant Professor of Residential and Consumer Horticulture Natalie Bumgarner says you should make sure you are not propagating a patented cultivar. That is illegal. You can propagate the suckers just like hardwood cuttings. You also may be able to dig up the sucker with some root attached already.
Related Videos:
Q&A – How do you root roses from clippings?
TWIG - Potting Rooted Cuttings
Related Resources:
Crape Myrtle Culture
Crape Myrtle
Can I root a crape myrtle sucker?
Yes you can. UT Assistant Professor of Residential and Consumer Horticulture Natalie Bumgarner says you should make sure you are not propagating a patented cultivar. That is illegal. You can propagate the suckers just like hardwood cuttings. You also may be able to dig up the sucker with some root attached already.
Related Videos:
Q&A – How do you root roses from clippings?
TWIG - Potting Rooted Cuttings
Related Resources:
Crape Myrtle Culture
Crape Myrtle