Q&A – Can I use landscape material to protect my garden from frost?
Can I use landscape material to protect my garden plants from frost?
Yes, you can. TSU extension Agent Joellen Dimond gives some pointers on frost protection. Frost covers trap the heat radiating from the ground to keep the temperature above freezing. You need to make sure the material comes all the way to the ground. If the covering is clear it will form a greenhouse which will heat rapidly during the day, so you should remove the covering in the morning. A landscape fabric has an advantage here because it will not suffer from the greenhouse problem like a clear sheet of plastic or clear container.
Related Resources
Getting Ready for Frost
Five Ways to Protect Plants from Dipping Temperatures
Can I use landscape material to protect my garden plants from frost?
Yes, you can. TSU extension Agent Joellen Dimond gives some pointers on frost protection. Frost covers trap the heat radiating from the ground to keep the temperature above freezing. You need to make sure the material comes all the way to the ground. If the covering is clear it will form a greenhouse which will heat rapidly during the day, so you should remove the covering in the morning. A landscape fabric has an advantage here because it will not suffer from the greenhouse problem like a clear sheet of plastic or clear container.
Related Resources
Getting Ready for Frost
Five Ways to Protect Plants from Dipping Temperatures