Q&A – Can onions be direct seeded?
Can onions be direct seeded?
Yes, they can. Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison says you need to allow more time for the onion plant to grow. You will need to plant them in the fall or winter so they will be ready in the summer. Seed onions and onions you plant from sets or slips will all be ready at the same time.
Related Videos:
Growing Onions
Planting Onions
Related Resources:
Starting Onions from Seed
Growing Onions - Sets, Plants or Seeds?
Can onions be direct seeded?
Yes, they can. Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison says you need to allow more time for the onion plant to grow. You will need to plant them in the fall or winter so they will be ready in the summer. Seed onions and onions you plant from sets or slips will all be ready at the same time.
Related Videos:
Growing Onions
Planting Onions
Related Resources:
Starting Onions from Seed
Growing Onions - Sets, Plants or Seeds?