Q&A – Do euonymus scales kill the shrub?
Do euonymus scales kill the shrub?
Euonymus scale will decimate the shrub. UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper says the scale feeds on the sap and will weaken the plant. Euonymus scale had several generations per year so they can get out of hand quickly. You can prune off affected parts of the plant, but you can also use insecticides. If you can catch the scale in the crawler stage, you can use a horticultural oil. Once they are adults you will need to use a systemic insecticides.
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Do euonymus scales kill the shrub?
Euonymus scale will decimate the shrub. UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper says the scale feeds on the sap and will weaken the plant. Euonymus scale had several generations per year so they can get out of hand quickly. You can prune off affected parts of the plant, but you can also use insecticides. If you can catch the scale in the crawler stage, you can use a horticultural oil. Once they are adults you will need to use a systemic insecticides.
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What do I do about the scales on my euonymus?
Related Resources:
The Euonymus Scale
Euonymus Diseases & Insect Pests