Q&A – How can I get rid of Nutsedge?
How can I get rid of Nutsedge?
Nutsedge can be a very tough weed because it has large energy reserves in the roots, and it is hard to get all the roots when you pull it. UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper says the plant grows nutlets underground. These nutlets will sprout a new plant. You can’t use sedge herbicide spray around vegetables, but Chris recommends wiping on a sedge herbicide with a brush, sponge, or cloth.
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Yellow Nutsedge Control
How can I get rid of Nutsedge?
Nutsedge can be a very tough weed because it has large energy reserves in the roots, and it is hard to get all the roots when you pull it. UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper says the plant grows nutlets underground. These nutlets will sprout a new plant. You can’t use sedge herbicide spray around vegetables, but Chris recommends wiping on a sedge herbicide with a brush, sponge, or cloth.
Related Videos:
Controlling Yellow Nutsedge
Related Resource:
Yellow Nutsedge Control