Q&A – How can I get rid of white flies and spider mites, and still safely eat my vegetables?
How can I get rid of white flies and spider mites, and still safely eat my vegetables?
Luckily, both white flies and spider mites can be controlled with low impact insecticides. Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison says you can use horticultural oils and soaps. He also lists some heavier insecticides incase the low impact types seem to not be doing the job.
Related Videos:
Identifying Spider Mites
Dormant Oils
Related Resources:
Spider Mites on Vegetables
Whiteflies - Vegetables
How can I get rid of white flies and spider mites, and still safely eat my vegetables?
Luckily, both white flies and spider mites can be controlled with low impact insecticides. Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison says you can use horticultural oils and soaps. He also lists some heavier insecticides incase the low impact types seem to not be doing the job.
Related Videos:
Identifying Spider Mites
Dormant Oils
Related Resources:
Spider Mites on Vegetables
Whiteflies - Vegetables