Q&A – How can I get rid of yellow jackets in my yard?
How can I get rid of yellow jackets in my yard?
Yellow jackets are tough to get rid of. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says they like to eat the same sorts of things we like to eat, so make sure there is nothing around for them to eat. Traps work in part, but make sure to put them away from where you will be as they attract the yellow jackets. The best way to eliminate the problem is to find the nest and treat them there. Joellen recommends treating it at night using permethrin-based dust.
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Yellow Jackets
How can I get rid of yellow jackets in my yard?
Yellow jackets are tough to get rid of. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says they like to eat the same sorts of things we like to eat, so make sure there is nothing around for them to eat. Traps work in part, but make sure to put them away from where you will be as they attract the yellow jackets. The best way to eliminate the problem is to find the nest and treat them there. Joellen recommends treating it at night using permethrin-based dust.
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Yellow Jackets