Q&A – How can I stop my new boxwood from turning brown?
How can I stop my new boxwood from turning brown?
This is probably an environmental problem. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says boxwood do not like uneven soil moisture or wet soils. She also points out it was a hot summer so it could be too little water. Also, check to see if the plants were planted at the correct depth.
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How can I stop my new boxwood from turning brown?
This is probably an environmental problem. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says boxwood do not like uneven soil moisture or wet soils. She also points out it was a hot summer so it could be too little water. Also, check to see if the plants were planted at the correct depth.
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Why do my boxwood shrubs have dead spots?
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Related Resources:
Boxwood Culture and Diseases - Including Boxwood Blight
Pruning Boxwoods