Q&A – How can I tell if my boxwoods survived the winter?
We had a very hard winter. How can I tell if my boxwoods are still living?
Memphis Area Master Gardeners President Ginny Fletcher says you can take a sharp knife and lightly scrape the bark on a branch down by the base of the plant. If you see green underneath the bark the boxwood is still alive. If there is no green you probably lost your plant. TSU Extension Agent Joellen Dimond adds that even with winter temperatures in the single digits the plants should have survived. They may have some parts that died and those should be cut off.
Related Resources:
Winter injury or boxwood blight?
We had a very hard winter. How can I tell if my boxwoods are still living?
Memphis Area Master Gardeners President Ginny Fletcher says you can take a sharp knife and lightly scrape the bark on a branch down by the base of the plant. If you see green underneath the bark the boxwood is still alive. If there is no green you probably lost your plant. TSU Extension Agent Joellen Dimond adds that even with winter temperatures in the single digits the plants should have survived. They may have some parts that died and those should be cut off.
Related Resources:
Winter injury or boxwood blight?