Q&A – How can we I.D. male and female mulberry trees when they
are young?
How can we I.D. male and female mulberry trees when they are young?
It is impossible to identify whether the tree is male or female before it starts to flower. You would need a DNA test, which is not commonly available. Once the tree starts to flower you can look at the catkins and tell if it is a male or female. Some mulberry tree varieties have perfect flowers and will be self-fruitful. One idea is to plant many trees and once they flower and you can tell male and female, thin them to the one you want.
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How can we I.D. male and female mulberry trees when they are young?
It is impossible to identify whether the tree is male or female before it starts to flower. You would need a DNA test, which is not commonly available. Once the tree starts to flower you can look at the catkins and tell if it is a male or female. Some mulberry tree varieties have perfect flowers and will be self-fruitful. One idea is to plant many trees and once they flower and you can tell male and female, thin them to the one you want.
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I have a tree growing in my yard. What is it? -A: Mulberry
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Mulberry Trees
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