Q&A – How do I get my iris to bloom?
How do I get my iris to bloom?
After checking the other potential problems, they can’t get their irises to bloom. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond wonders how much fertilizer is being used. Irises don’t need to be fertilized very much. If they get too much nitrogen they will have pretty leaves, but no blooms. The Iris Society only recommends fertilizing two times a year. Joellen also recommends checking soil pH.
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How do I get my iris to bloom?
After checking the other potential problems, they can’t get their irises to bloom. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond wonders how much fertilizer is being used. Irises don’t need to be fertilized very much. If they get too much nitrogen they will have pretty leaves, but no blooms. The Iris Society only recommends fertilizing two times a year. Joellen also recommends checking soil pH.
Related Videos:
When can I collect and plant my iris seeds?
Related Resources:
From the Ground Up: Iris blooms struggle during wet weather
Growing irises: How to plant, grow and care for iris