Q&A – Why do my figs never get large or ripen?
How do I get rid of skinks?
Skinks live where there are good conditions for them including food, water, and shelter. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says to make them go away you need to eliminate these things. Also, remember that skinks are beneficial in the garden because they eat many bugs.
Related Videos:
Beneficial Garden Bugs
Fences to Keep the Critters Out of the Garden
Related Resources:
Beneficials in the Garden: Skink Lizards
What is that hiding under my porch?
How do I get rid of skinks?
Skinks live where there are good conditions for them including food, water, and shelter. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says to make them go away you need to eliminate these things. Also, remember that skinks are beneficial in the garden because they eat many bugs.
Related Videos:
Beneficial Garden Bugs
Fences to Keep the Critters Out of the Garden
Related Resources:
Beneficials in the Garden: Skink Lizards
What is that hiding under my porch?