Q&A – How do I get rid of the small flying bugs on my African violet?
How do I get rid of the small flying bugs on my African violet?
These are probably fungus gnats. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says fungus gnats live in the soil and they like moist conditions. Drying out the soil by not watering as often will make them go away.
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How do I get rid of the small flying bugs on my African violet?
These are probably fungus gnats. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says fungus gnats live in the soil and they like moist conditions. Drying out the soil by not watering as often will make them go away.
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What are these small black gnats infesting my potted plants?
Related Resources:
African Violet
Growing African Violets
Care of Flowering Potted Plants