Q&A – How do I keep mosquitoes from breeding in plant containers?
How do I keep mosquitoes from breeding in plant containers?
Mosquitoes require standing water to breed, and the water has to be there for 7 days. Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison says the easiest way to control the mosquito larvae is to make sure the water dries up or is dumped out every week.
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Related Resources:
Mosquitos - Tennessee Redbook Information
How do I keep mosquitoes from breeding in plant containers?
Mosquitoes require standing water to breed, and the water has to be there for 7 days. Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison says the easiest way to control the mosquito larvae is to make sure the water dries up or is dumped out every week.
Related Videos:
Chiggers, Ticks and Mosquitos
Can you spray malathion to control mosquitoes?
Related Resources:
Mosquitos - Tennessee Redbook Information