Q&A – How do I remove crape myrtle without using toxic chemicals?
I have three crepe myrtle that need to be taken out. Any idea how to remove them without using toxic stuff? I will be planting edibles in their places and don’t want to use toxic chemicals.
First cut down the crape myrtle and try to dig up all the roots. TSU Extension Agent Joellen Dimond says that any roots left in the ground will try to sprout new plants. You will probably need to keep after them for several years before the carbohydrate reserves in the roots are used up and they die. Mary Schmidt from Lichterman Nature Center did just this and talks about her experience. It is a lot of work, but it can be done.
I have three crepe myrtle that need to be taken out. Any idea how to remove them without using toxic stuff? I will be planting edibles in their places and don’t want to use toxic chemicals.
First cut down the crape myrtle and try to dig up all the roots. TSU Extension Agent Joellen Dimond says that any roots left in the ground will try to sprout new plants. You will probably need to keep after them for several years before the carbohydrate reserves in the roots are used up and they die. Mary Schmidt from Lichterman Nature Center did just this and talks about her experience. It is a lot of work, but it can be done.