Q&A – How do we get rid of nimblewill growing in our fescue lawn?
How do we get rid of nimblewill growing in our fescue lawn?
Nimblewill looks and acts similarly to Bermuda grass. UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper starts by recommending growing a healthy, dense stand of fescue. He also says you can rake or pull the nimblewill out of the fescue. If you want to use chemicals, Chris recommends using a pre-emergent herbicide which will control the nimblewill before it grows. Once it is established there is only one chemical the homeowner can use to kill the nimblewill while not harming the fescue. That chemical is Tenacity herbicide.
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Soil Testing
Herbicide Basics
Related Resources:
Nimblewill (Muhlenbergia schreberi)
How do we get rid of nimblewill growing in our fescue lawn?
Nimblewill looks and acts similarly to Bermuda grass. UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper starts by recommending growing a healthy, dense stand of fescue. He also says you can rake or pull the nimblewill out of the fescue. If you want to use chemicals, Chris recommends using a pre-emergent herbicide which will control the nimblewill before it grows. Once it is established there is only one chemical the homeowner can use to kill the nimblewill while not harming the fescue. That chemical is Tenacity herbicide.
Related Videos:
Soil Testing
Herbicide Basics
Related Resources:
Nimblewill (Muhlenbergia schreberi)