Q&A – How Should I prune my schefflera to make it fuller?
I would like my 9-year-old schefflera plant to be fuller and thicker at the bottom. It has only two long stems that have to be tied to a center support to keep it upright. It is approx. 3 feet tall. How should I prune my schefflera to make it fuller?
An unpruned schefflera is one branch that grows up from the ground. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says all you need to do is break the apical dominance of the plant by cutting back the main stems. This will cause the plant to bush out.
Related Resources:
Where To Prune this Schefflera
I would like my 9-year-old schefflera plant to be fuller and thicker at the bottom. It has only two long stems that have to be tied to a center support to keep it upright. It is approx. 3 feet tall. How should I prune my schefflera to make it fuller?
An unpruned schefflera is one branch that grows up from the ground. University of Memphis Director of Landscape Joellen Dimond says all you need to do is break the apical dominance of the plant by cutting back the main stems. This will cause the plant to bush out.
Related Resources:
Where To Prune this Schefflera