Q&A – My bromeliad is turning brown in the center. What do I do?
My bromeliad is turning brown in the center. What do I do?
There are two main reasons this could be happening. Dixon Gallery and Garden Volunteer Coordinator Tonya Ashworth says bromeliads produce a single flower stalk and then the stalk dies. When it starts to die you can cut off the stalk. The plant will produce pups, and when they are large enough, they can be removed from the mother plant and planted on their own. Tonya also says the browning may be caused by watering into the cup of the plant which can cause rot. She recommends watering the soil around the plant.
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My bromeliad is turning brown in the center. What do I do?
There are two main reasons this could be happening. Dixon Gallery and Garden Volunteer Coordinator Tonya Ashworth says bromeliads produce a single flower stalk and then the stalk dies. When it starts to die you can cut off the stalk. The plant will produce pups, and when they are large enough, they can be removed from the mother plant and planted on their own. Tonya also says the browning may be caused by watering into the cup of the plant which can cause rot. She recommends watering the soil around the plant.
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