Q&A – My dogwood has small holes in the trunk.
My dogwood tree has small holes in the trunk and the tree doesn’t seem to be doing well. I think it may be dying. What may be causing this?
This is probably dogwood borer. Dogwood borers eat into the tree and disrupt the flow of nutrients and water from the roots to the canopy causing the top to start to die. Borers can be prevented by application of an insecticide to the trunk at regular intervals from April to June. If it rains you would need to spray again. This is difficult to do. Instead, keep the tree healthy. It should be planted in the right place and given the water and nutrients it needs. A stressed tree attracts borers.
Related Resources:
Dogwood Borer
Flowering Dogwood
My dogwood tree has small holes in the trunk and the tree doesn’t seem to be doing well. I think it may be dying. What may be causing this?
This is probably dogwood borer. Dogwood borers eat into the tree and disrupt the flow of nutrients and water from the roots to the canopy causing the top to start to die. Borers can be prevented by application of an insecticide to the trunk at regular intervals from April to June. If it rains you would need to spray again. This is difficult to do. Instead, keep the tree healthy. It should be planted in the right place and given the water and nutrients it needs. A stressed tree attracts borers.
Related Resources:
Dogwood Borer
Flowering Dogwood