Q&A – My peach tree is leaking sap. How do I treat it?
My peach tree is leaking sap. What can I use to treat it?
This is a symptom that the tree has at least one peachtree borer in it. Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about the borer and how to prevent it. The borers often kill the tree, but if it survives, Mike outlines an insecticide spray plan to protect the tree from future attacks.
Related Videos:
Peach Tree Borer
Spraying Peach Trees
Related Resources:
Peachtree Borer
Peachtree Borer
January 23, 2021
My peach tree is leaking sap. What can I use to treat it?
This is a symptom that the tree has at least one peachtree borer in it. Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison talks about the borer and how to prevent it. The borers often kill the tree, but if it survives, Mike outlines an insecticide spray plan to protect the tree from future attacks.
Related Videos:
Peach Tree Borer
Spraying Peach Trees
Related Resources:
Peachtree Borer
Peachtree Borer
January 23, 2021