Q&A – My plum bloomed, but now there are no leaves. Can I save it?
My purple plum tree bloomed this spring but now there are no leaves on it. Can save it or should I cut it down?
This is likely borers. Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison recommends looking at the bark of the tree. Look for sap oozing out. The peachtree borer affects peaches plums and nectarines. The borer gets into the tree and disrupts and flow of nutrients and water which causes the tree to die. If it does not have leaves by now (early July) it is probably dead.
Related video:
Peachtree Borer
Related Resources:
Peachtree Borer Synanthedon exitiosa
Peachtree Borer
My purple plum tree bloomed this spring but now there are no leaves on it. Can save it or should I cut it down?
This is likely borers. Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison recommends looking at the bark of the tree. Look for sap oozing out. The peachtree borer affects peaches plums and nectarines. The borer gets into the tree and disrupts and flow of nutrients and water which causes the tree to die. If it does not have leaves by now (early July) it is probably dead.
Related video:
Peachtree Borer
Related Resources:
Peachtree Borer Synanthedon exitiosa
Peachtree Borer