Q&A – My yard floods with standing water when it rains. How can I improve drainage?
My yard floods with standing water when it rains. How can I improve drainage?
Baring re-contouring the ground the best option is to build a raised bed. Kim Rucker, Greenhouse Manager at Dixon Gallery and Gardens suggests building raised beds for vegetables. Fruit trees are another problem. They do not like standing water and they have a large root system. UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper says you could add some organic matter and plant a rain garden. Over time the plant roots may allow the water to percolate into the soil faster.
Related Videos:
Rain Gardens
Planting Shrubs in Wet Heavy Soils
Related Resource:
Addressing Drainage Issues in the Urban Landscape
My yard floods with standing water when it rains. How can I improve drainage?
Baring re-contouring the ground the best option is to build a raised bed. Kim Rucker, Greenhouse Manager at Dixon Gallery and Gardens suggests building raised beds for vegetables. Fruit trees are another problem. They do not like standing water and they have a large root system. UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper says you could add some organic matter and plant a rain garden. Over time the plant roots may allow the water to percolate into the soil faster.
Related Videos:
Rain Gardens
Planting Shrubs in Wet Heavy Soils
Related Resource:
Addressing Drainage Issues in the Urban Landscape