Q&A – Should I avoid wood chip mulching to reduce fungus on my raspberry/blackberry hybrid?
I've gotten orange rust fungus under the leaves of my purple raspberry/blackberry hybrid. Should I avoid wood chip mulching as that would promote the fungus on my raspberry/blackberry hybrid?
The fallen leaves are what will harbor the fungus not the mulch. University of Memphis Director of Landscaping, Joellen Dimond recommends picking up the leaves and disposing of them when they fall. Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison agrees and gives some information on what fungicide to use if this problem happens every year.
Related Resources:
Orange rust on raspberry
Orange Rust of Brambles
I've gotten orange rust fungus under the leaves of my purple raspberry/blackberry hybrid. Should I avoid wood chip mulching as that would promote the fungus on my raspberry/blackberry hybrid?
The fallen leaves are what will harbor the fungus not the mulch. University of Memphis Director of Landscaping, Joellen Dimond recommends picking up the leaves and disposing of them when they fall. Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison agrees and gives some information on what fungicide to use if this problem happens every year.
Related Resources:
Orange rust on raspberry
Orange Rust of Brambles