Q&A – There are wild onions in my garden. What can I do?
About this time every year I see wild onions popping up in my garden. Is this something I should deal with? and if so, what can I do?
This is probably wild garlic. Wild garlic has round hollow stem, wild onion has a flat solid stem. Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison says that in a vegetable garden situation there is no chemical you can use because it will hurt your garden vegetables. In a garden just dig them up. In a lawn you can use 2,4-D but it may take several applications. You can also use Image herbicide.
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Wild Garlic
March 27, 2021
About this time every year I see wild onions popping up in my garden. Is this something I should deal with? and if so, what can I do?
This is probably wild garlic. Wild garlic has round hollow stem, wild onion has a flat solid stem. Retired UT Extension Agent Mike Dennison says that in a vegetable garden situation there is no chemical you can use because it will hurt your garden vegetables. In a garden just dig them up. In a lawn you can use 2,4-D but it may take several applications. You can also use Image herbicide.
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Wild Garlic vs. Wild Onion
Wild Garlic
March 27, 2021