Q&A – These brown spots are covering my yard. What is it?
These brown spots are covering my yard. What is it?
This is the effects of a lawn fungus called red thread. UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper says you see red thread when there are extended periods of wet, cold weather in the spring. Chris gives several options for control including some fungicides.
Related Videos:
Mixing and Applying Fungicide
Related Resources:
Turfgrass Diseases: Red Thread (Causal Fungus: Laetisaria fuciformis)
Red Thread
These brown spots are covering my yard. What is it?
This is the effects of a lawn fungus called red thread. UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper says you see red thread when there are extended periods of wet, cold weather in the spring. Chris gives several options for control including some fungicides.
Related Videos:
Mixing and Applying Fungicide
Related Resources:
Turfgrass Diseases: Red Thread (Causal Fungus: Laetisaria fuciformis)
Red Thread